Hi! Restarted as of today - could do with some mates! :o)

Hi all.
After starting and stopping so many "diets" in the past few years, I've re-set everything as from this morning and am so determined this time. I'm calorie counting and getting more active in the hope that changing my lifestyle will get me where I need to be.

Would be lovely to have some more friends on here, I've only got 2! - but they're quality :o)

My name's Claire, and I live in South Yorkshire, UK


  • Par8hed4life
    Par8hed4life Posts: 104 Member
    Welcome!!! I will send you an invite!
    I just joined this site and I LOVE IT!!!!!!!! Adding people is a great way to have support as well as accountability!
    I live in the US in Utah! Very cool to connect with somebody so far away!

    We CAN do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • HI there I'm new on this and could do with some friends...would you mind if i added you I could do with the motivation :D
  • Hello Claire,
    I am new to this site, and I too "could do with some mates." :) I only have one "friend" on here and am looking for more trying to better themselves. I am dieting and exercising. Trying to get into a healthier lifestyle. So add me if you are interested.
    My name is Brandy, I am 23, and from Arkansas, USA
  • Rockstar_sister
    Rockstar_sister Posts: 65 Member
    I just started back also! I've never had friends on here add support! Would love to have as many as I can get! Would love to have you all add me so we can achieve our goals together! I have ALOT to lose and I know its doable! Thanks!
  • Par8hed4life
    Par8hed4life Posts: 104 Member
    Welcome!!! I will send you an invite!
    I just joined this site and I LOVE IT!!!!!!!! Adding people is a great way to have support as well as accountability!
    I live in the US in Utah! Very cool to connect with somebody so far away!

    We CAN do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • mia63
    mia63 Posts: 29
    Hello to all, Im new as well. it's been a week now for me, so far so good. This really is a great program. I too have been on the yoyo diet , take it off , put it back on :sad: . and have you noticed that when you gain it back, it comes back with a vengeance :angry: . Well i'm not getting any younger and it seems to get harder to drop the pounds as you get older. So here I am once again taking this journey down the road to health and fitness. So lets stay away from those detour signs and stay on the straight & narrow. This time there will be no more excuses. So Goodbye Jelly donuts, hello celery sticks. LOL.. WE Can Do This!!! By the way feel free to friend me, I only have 1 so far. :frown: Lets motivate each other to get that little ticker moving towards our goal weight.
  • Jarnard
    Jarnard Posts: 497 Member
    Hello All:

    Feel free to add me. I've been on MyfitnessPal since Thanksgiving and it's been teh most motivating website I've ever been on. I'm also on loseit.com but the motivation and layout of the website is way better than loseit.

    I wish you all the best of luck on your journey to a new and healthier you! :)

  • winseajg
    winseajg Posts: 16 Member
    I will send you an invite. I just started back today!
  • Hi, I've sent you an add - I've restarted this week too to lose the stone I've put back on :(
  • I just re-started again also and have tried everything. Could use some friends too. I really need help.
  • LovingCruz
    LovingCruz Posts: 634 Member
    Feel free to add me also, and welcome back :)
  • LindseyDD
    LindseyDD Posts: 160 Member
    Feel free to add me - I have lost 80 pounds on MFP and have 30/35 left to hit goal!
  • I am in the same boat! I have yo-yo dieted my whole life this time I just want to be healthy. I would be happy to add you I am just starting myself. I am in Denver Colorado
  • NewCyn
    NewCyn Posts: 153 Member
    Hi Claire!
    So glad you are here. We are all in need of support. Send me a friend request if you like. Id be glad to join you on this journey!
  • fitprach
    fitprach Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I re-started again , and could use some friends too! Thanks!
  • I'm new also, Ive never tried calorie counting before and omg this site is amazing and has been sooo enlightening. I have decided to cut pop out of my life for good (maybe treat myself sometime) but for 1 year alone if I can stick to this change to water I will have saved a staggering 76,650 Calorie's!!!! Thats with only drinking 500ml of pop a day!

    I only have 1 friend that I dont know anyway lol so please please guys add me - I really love this site!

    I'm 28 and been overweight since I was a child and bullied for it, I suffer with depression very badly and have pretty much been bed ridden for the past 5 years. I am only 5"3 and I'm the heaviest I've ever been at 240lb, I really wanna lose 90lb so I can feel good about myself and like myself.

    Ive got xbox 360 and trying my best every day to work out on either The Biggest Loser or YourShape for at least 15-30mins a day, but I'm so unfit and my body isn't used to it even though I want to go on and do more I cant for lack of breath. The only problem I find is this site and others say that in the 30 mins exercise that I do I have burned 263 Calorie's and on the games it's not even half of that. So I am going to put down how long according to the Calorie's because that's what counts.

    OMG Really sorry for war and peace lol. Im feeling really possitive about my future for the first time in my life even though Ive only just started.
  • MattODriscoll
    MattODriscoll Posts: 30 Member
    I've just "re-started" too. Will add you
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,179 Member
    I'm new to this site as of this week, and could use a few friends as well. I'm from Southern California, US. Glad to meet you!
  • lazyspice
    lazyspice Posts: 8,258 Member
    Would be lovely to have some more friends on here, I've only got 2! - but they're quality :o)

    Phew! That takes some of the pressure off us :laugh: