Weight Watchers????

Is anyone out there doing weight watchers along with MFP??? just wondering if weight watchers is worth trying?



  • neuro316
    neuro316 Posts: 42 Member
    Personally, WW didn't work for me, for several reasons. I should say I didn't try it for a really long time, but long enough to see that it wasn't ideal, at least for me. I should say, too, that I only used the online program, not the in-person meetings, which may be helpful for some people (but are not appealing to me).

    First of all, it's set up on a weekly basis, with "weekly" points available to add in to your daily points for extra splurges. Sometimes that made me feel, though, that unless I started out the week on track, I was already off-plan, and I would then give myself license to wait until the next week to get back on track. So, it was mostly psychological, but it was enough to throw me off sometimes.

    Second, some foods (mostly fruits and veggies) have 0 points, to encourage you to eat more of them. That's all well and good, but it doesn't take into account the fact that these foods still have calories! Eat five pieces of fruit, and you can easily eat 500 calories, but WW would tell you it's 0. Your body, though, surely sees it as 500, not 0.

    My daily points limit was 29. When I started using MFP and checked my WW food diary on here, I was easily eating at my maintenance levels, even though I was "good" by WW standards. Related to this, when I tried some of the WW packaged foods, I was horrified by the levels of sodium. It just makes you wonder why a program that is claiming to be "healthy" would make such needlessly salty foods.

    Overall, I find the "points" system to be gimmicky, and if you're just looking at the online program, I think what MFP gives you is much more useful and accurate, plus it's FREE! However, if you think the in-person meetings might be helpful for you, then it can't hurt to try it out.
  • I am a Lifetimer WW who is up a few pounds, but actually I just went today and bought a points calculator and PointsPlus food companion. I am cancelling my WW membership and just doing MFP starting tomorrow AM using the WW program. For me, I know how the program works, and I love the new PointsPlus program, there is no need to pay for WW on line or meetings. Anyone using MFP following the WW program, feel free to friend me would love the support.
  • ktbia
    ktbia Posts: 118 Member
    I did ww many times previously with good results. And I didn't gain back a ton of weight, I still knew in my head what was healthy and what wasn't.
    I gained back 20 lbs because I went overboard with wine and treats with my new husband!

    I tried to go back to ww and it just wasn't working. I was doing it online.. and this is WAY better. I like this so much more.
  • I've lost 70 pounds on weight watchers and I'm a lifetime member. I hit lifetime in May 2009 and I am within 5 lbs of my "goal" weight while I was on weight watchers, which I have stayed consistent with the past 2.5 years. Weight Watchers taught me how to eat. It's a lifestyle change, not a diet. I've noticed with MFP of the diaries I've looked at, the people stay within their calorie limits, but what their diary has listed is mind boggling. There are NO whole grains, dairy, fruits, vegetables, and/or lean protein. I would be in the same boat as well if I hadn't joined weight watchers. It really focuses on healthy eating not "diet' eating.
  • FabulouslyFitTam
    FabulouslyFitTam Posts: 70 Member
    I am a Weight Watchers member and have been since January 2011. I do this along with WW (just to see my sodium/fiber intake). I loooooove Weight Watchers and for me, there's nothing like meetings.

    I also like the "free fruit" which actually isn't free. In my opinion, the account for the points b/c the value of all other foods went up (if you were a member before Points Plus then you understand). Whereas, a candy bar might have been 5, it's now 7 or 8. Therefore, your free fruit isn't really "free" they just restructured where the values fall. Assuming you get in the 4-5 servings of fruit and veggies then you're fine. I try to use that as a guide. Now, should you go crazy and eat 10 servings of fruit everyday, there could be a problem. Good health guidelines as defined by Weight Watchers is important.

    On here, I track everything. Fruit included and I come out almost exactly even for calories as I do with the points allowance I have daily. I love the program and it has changed my life in amazing ways. :-)
  • SWEETS1234
    SWEETS1234 Posts: 243 Member
    I used WW from Jan 2011 to July 2011 lost 35lbs. I loved how I learned how to eat better, a lifestyle change. I was online only and that worked for me. I only quit because I didn't want to pay anymore and that's when I found MFP and lost another 13lbs. I found with my base knowledge from WW and using MFP tracking I've kept myself in good place. Good luck :)
  • Yes, I am. From February to July of 2010 I lost 30 pounds following the WW plan. Well by December 2011 I had let myself gain it all back...FAIL. So this month I rejoined WW because I had NO IDEA that MFP existed. Needless to say 2 days after paying for the 3 months online of WW I discovered this. I am doing both and I record in both diaries. It's interesting because technically WW is allowing me more food than MFP, but I usually don't use all my points anyways. I am liking comparing and contrasting what they have to offer. However, I'm betting that when my 3 months is up I won't renew and I'll just use MFP....we'll see.
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    I haven't done weight watchers, so I can't say anything bad about it... but MFP works, and it's free, so why pay for something else? That's just my opinion!
  • PetitePerfection
    PetitePerfection Posts: 199 Member
    I did it for 6 months a while back, but didn't really like it. The "free fruit" thing just made me go overboard on fruit. So instead of eating a balanced snack that would keep me fuller longer, I'd eat a ton of fruit because it was no PointsPlus. I'd still use up my daily allotted points everyday, and then eat probably 200-300 cals of fruit. For instance, some mornings I'd eat a banana with my breakfast, thinking it was free when I was actually turning a 250 cal breakfast to 350. Then I'd add a bunch of fruit throughout the day as well. While it encourages healthier snacking, a calorie is a calorie. I do however like that its less mind consuming. I never felt obsessive over points like I get with calories.
  • jofromnz
    jofromnz Posts: 82 Member
    I have done weight watchers in the past and it's good but I find MF{P way better! For one, it's free and secondly, the community support on here is fantastic! I have lost 6.2 kilos and it hasn't been at all difficult. I look forward topn posting my losses each weigh in and I feel very certain that I will be hitting my goal weight in the first half of this year. I have recommended this site to lots of people!!! :) The food diary (simialr to WW) works extremely well for me because it makes me conscious of what I am eating. I have never been one to have lots of junk food, fopr me it's alwasy been about portion control. I eat reasonably healthily - just, before I was eating too much!!!!! :) Now my time at the gym is starting to actually SHOW!!! :)
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
  • miss_kisha
    miss_kisha Posts: 74 Member
    I also like the "free fruit" which actually isn't free. In my opinion, the account for the points b/c the value of all other foods went up (if you were a member before Points Plus then you understand). Whereas, a candy bar might have been 5, it's now 7 or 8. Therefore, your free fruit isn't really "free" they just restructured where the values fall. Assuming you get in the 4-5 servings of fruit and veggies then you're fine. I try to use that as a guide. Now, should you go crazy and eat 10 servings of fruit everyday, there could be a problem. Good health guidelines as defined by Weight Watchers is important.

    I assumed that's what they were doing with the "free" fruit and veggies, makes sense. I just started doing WW along w/ MFP. I feel a lil more accountability and consistency with going to the meetings. I feel better already, after just one week of doing both.
  • sixxfan4ever
    sixxfan4ever Posts: 103 Member
    I did weight watchers a few years back. I liked it. I lost around 25 pounds, but couldnt afford the meeting no longer so I tried to go on my own, and later failed. Anything will work for you, IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE. Good luck.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • amyllu
    amyllu Posts: 432 Member
    I tried WW but couldn't get to grips with it as I like to be more in charge of things which is why calorie counting suits me best.
    Did go to two different WW meetings and found them very impersonal and unfriendly!
    My daughter did WW however and got on famously and lost all her excess weight by it.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    Personally, WW didn't work for me, for several reasons. I should say I didn't try it for a really long time, but long enough to see that it wasn't ideal, at least for me. I should say, too, that I only used the online program, not the in-person meetings, which may be helpful for some people (but are not appealing to me).

    First of all, it's set up on a weekly basis, with "weekly" points available to add in to your daily points for extra splurges. Sometimes that made me feel, though, that unless I started out the week on track, I was already off-plan, and I would then give myself license to wait until the next week to get back on track. So, it was mostly psychological, but it was enough to throw me off sometimes.

    Second, some foods (mostly fruits and veggies) have 0 points, to encourage you to eat more of them. That's all well and good, but it doesn't take into account the fact that these foods still have calories! Eat five pieces of fruit, and you can easily eat 500 calories, but WW would tell you it's 0. Your body, though, surely sees it as 500, not 0.

    My daily points limit was 29. When I started using MFP and checked my WW food diary on here, I was easily eating at my maintenance levels, even though I was "good" by WW standards. Related to this, when I tried some of the WW packaged foods, I was horrified by the levels of sodium. It just makes you wonder why a program that is claiming to be "healthy" would make such needlessly salty foods.

    Overall, I find the "points" system to be gimmicky, and if you're just looking at the online program, I think what MFP gives you is much more useful and accurate, plus it's FREE! However, if you think the in-person meetings might be helpful for you, then it can't hurt to try it out.
    This sums up my thoughts on it exactly. I tried it for a couple months but couldn't stick with it. Too time consuming figuring out what points were in everything I wanted at the grocery store, the week long extra points threw me because I'd be bad early and just give up for the week where on MFP every day is a new day, and I just didn't like the phone app as much as this one. And add all that with the fact that MFP is free (and better in my opinion) and WW has a monthly fee and it was a no brainer for me.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    Although I do love WW magazine and really find Jennifer Hudson inspirational (her new book is being delivered today!). Maybe the meetings work better than the online version but that wasn't something I was comfortable with or had the time for.
  • Weight watchers is good for those just started to live a healthier eating habits. It is not useful for me anymore because I have lost a lot of weight about 20 lbs since I started in 2010 and just doing 2-3 hours of workout every week and when I started a new workout routine, I noticed, with the points system, and my new intensified workout, my weight suddenly plateaued and the recommended points by WW is not enough to give me fuel, but I wanted to lose more, so I have to say goodbye and focus this time on calories I eat and burn and finally get rid of my last 40 lbs. This is the reason I joined MFP.

    WW really curves your eating habit and nutrition to a healthier choice of food, that's why the 0 point value is a reward despite the calories, plus, these foods with 0 value are easily burned.
  • I just went to WW'ers yesterday. Whole new system. Seems complicated but yet quite vague. My daughter recommended this site.

    Here's what I'm doing. Following menu with points and entering exact foods in MFP. So far for today my total calories for MFP and Total Daily Points are almost exactly the same.

    I'm going to continue to do this for awhile and see what happens. I will let you know.

    This program makes it very easy to count calories which people have always hated doing. It's worth a try.

    P.S. Being a newbie to this site, I had not read all the other posts. So happy to see that I'm on the right track. I am also a Lifetime Member and former Leader of WWer's (15 years ago) and now feel validated about my "lost" feeling regarding the new POINTS PLUS PROGRAM.

    It may work for some and if it does, by all means, I would say, continue. To WWer's I would say, "Haven't you heard that if it works, don't fix it?"
  • lavendergirll
    lavendergirll Posts: 81 Member
    I have been with WW since August 2011. In the last five months I have lost almost 25 pounds. Some weeks it goes up and some weeks it goes down. It is all good though. Before WW nothing helped to keep me on track or motivated. The fruit is awesome. You just dont eat fruit all day; you add it with other proteins and other power foods like whole grains and vegies. It is all about balance. I also thought the "free fruit" was a little strange but it was explained to me that the sugars in fruit are natural and better for you than a cookie or piece of pie. I have learned that basically if you just stay away from processed foods (even the WW snacks which are processed) you will find that you will start to feel better and perhaps lose a pound or two. The meetings are great but I also do the online WW. I have lots of support and enjoy it. I found this site a couple of months ago and thought how fun it would be to utilize this site as well. You cant have too many friends, too much support or too many sites to play on! I think each person has to find his or her own path and regardless of where that path leads you; if you have support and motivation to keep you on that path...that is the important thing to remember.