Baby Fever!



  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    babies do make me feel ill...I never knew it was called baby fever, though

    Hahah well now we know.. Best birth control ever? Living with someone who has kids... seriously.
  • MGleason2010
    MGleason2010 Posts: 105 Member
    I am almost 26 and have had really bad baby fever since I got married at 24 UNTIL my nephew came and I babysat him several times and for 12 hours and tried taking him grocery shopping or clothing shopping with me or just out anywhere ahhhhh. Now i'm content to enjoy my nephew and "see what happens" between me and my husband. it's A LOT of work and i've decided to enjoy things the way they are for now.

    I know that sounds like we are trying and I guess i'm some technical way we are, but i'm no longer bummed each month that i'm not pregnant and i'm not worried if I don't get pregnant soon. I will say though that both my husband and I have established carreers, finished our degrees, and own our home. While I agree that you are never ready for children financially, I personally had/have financial and personal goals in mind before we started to "see what happens"
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    I am having it too!! All my friends are pregnant or just had their 2nd baby (their first was born around the same time as my daughter) I am really starting to want another baby. My daughter is 19months now and I think she will be an AWESOME big sister... keeping my fingers crossed for another girl!! :))) I think I will end up with a Christmas baby, I just want another one sooo bad! LOL
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    An evening babysitting has always managed to kill my "baby fever"

    Funny in my 20's I'd keep my baby goddaughter for a weekend and I LOVED it. I'd cherish it and play mommy. It'd make my ovaries quiver even more.
    Last year I babysat my 10 month old nephew while my sis and her hub went away for about 5 days. :noway: He's a good baby too. I was tired, grouchy, couldn't do my nails, couldn't work out w/o stopping, etc etc. It dramatically made me re-think kiddos.
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 410 Member
    Ofcourse you CAN do it all at once but the questions is do you want to! Do you want to add extra pressure on yourself when you are finishing your GED, do you want to rush the honeymoon period of your marriage and have the added relationship pressure a newborn will bring, once you have done everything you want where do you go from there? Where is the fire - slowing down to enjoy life has it's rewards too!!

    FYI - There is no right and wrong time to have a baby, you are never truly prepared for the changes having a baby will bring!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I have never had baby fever.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    An evening babysitting has always managed to kill my "baby fever"

    Oh and waitressing, waitressing really did a number on my maternal instinct.
    Supernanny works well, too....

    Although, for those of us who don't actually want kids, it gives us nightmares, instead.
  • I am 27, I will be 28 in June. I have had this "Baby Fever" for 3 years or so. My fiance and I bought a house last April, we are getting our bills paid off. on the other hand, 3 years ago I was bar tending and I had a crappy night with perverted men all over the place and I hated it... I put my 2 weeks in and I told my fiance that I really wanted to quit work and go to school. He told me to quit my job (though I already had done so) and go to school so that I can provide a good life for a little one. I am going into my third year of college, in 2 or 3 years I will have my bachelors in Radiological Science and then I will have a baby.. My advice to you is get the things you want in life done, as in a college degree, before you have a child. Believe me, it will make life so much easier. I couldn't imagine having a little one right now AND go to school. I didn't want to regret not going to school, though my wants for a little one are so strong. Good luck to whatever you do, and if you want to chit chat with someone who is going through what you are, feel free to add me as a friend. I will do what I can to help you through it.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    An evening babysitting has always managed to kill my "baby fever"

    Oh and waitressing, waitressing really did a number on my maternal instinct.

    I have found that the best birth control for teenagers is having a little brother or sister at home. All you have to do is remind them that "This can all be yours..." I have four kids, 25, 21, 12, & 8. I have no grandchildren and there are no plans for them on the horizon.
    Kids cannot be prepared for, you can only hope to contain them. And that is only temporary.
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    I never had "baby fever", I just sort of got pregnant at 18! hahahhahaha...
    I did want a kid before I got old so I got pregnant again at 26, he was not a suprise.
  • WarriorPrincess1
    WarriorPrincess1 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 27 and newly pregnant, using the website here to track all of my nutrients and make sure I don't eat way more than I need! :) I got a late start on college, so I'm just in my final semester now, due to have the kid after graduation. I can say, finding a person who you really want to have a kid with is a huge part of feeling ready, at least it has been for me. It ties you to another person for life and in ways you can't imagine. It's true that there never will be a perfect time but man, do you really have to have all of your ducks in a row if you want to do right by your kid. That's something I'm learning now. I thought I was an adult (and I'm pretty responsible), but when that strip turned, it was like entering a whole new level of adulthood and responsibility. There's no perfect time, but it does help to feel like you've prepared as best you can. Like some of the others have said, maybe finishing up your schooling will be a good first step toward preparing for baby. :) I wish you good luck!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • jmxxiiii
    jmxxiiii Posts: 231 Member
    I'd wait until my GED was taken care of, I had a stable job (even if you plan on being a stay at home mom) and in a stable relationship.

    I have it too, but its not the right time.
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    An evening babysitting has always managed to kill my "baby fever"

    Oh and waitressing, waitressing really did a number on my maternal instinct.
    Supernanny works well, too....

    Although, for those of us who don't actually want kids, it gives us nightmares, instead.

    Supernanny gives me nightmares... if I ever wanted kids those ones would have made me run screaming the other direction.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    Finish school!

    I went to college as a mother of three and it was HARD. I felt like I miss a lot because of being in class, or working on a paper, or a project, or studying for an exam.
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Mine hit me like a ton of bricks at 25, out of nowhere, to someone who had always been very ambitious and career driven it was rather a shock! We had been married a couple of years by then, but were still paying back loans from studying and recovering from purchasing our first home so I knew it wasn't the right time. We waited about another 2 years, then started trying. Unfortunately it then took about 18 months to get pregnant which felt like FOREVER at the time and I was truly desperate by then! I now have 3 kids and am 34, so I think I'm done :laugh: If I had my time again, the only thing I would change is to come off the pill earlier as I think it messed with my hormones for ages - I'd been on it about 11 years and despite DS1 taking so long to conceive, I fell very first time with DS2 and DD - I never went back onto the pill between babies.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    babies do make me feel ill...I never knew it was called baby fever, though

    Its probably because you under cook them...
  • jeannicoleau
    jeannicoleau Posts: 194 Member
    I'm 46 have a 23 year old son and an 18 month old son and believe it or not I am ready to have another one. It is part of the reason i have started to do this and get healthy again. Whether or not I have another one, I need to have the energy to keep up with the 18 month old.
  • amyoliver85
    amyoliver85 Posts: 353 Member
    I have baby fever as well. 26 as well. But I just got married in June and my hubby and I made a list of things we want to accomplish before we start trying:

    1- I need to be done with my Master's degree (that's August 2013)
    2- We need to have all of our credit cards, student loans, and my car paid off (I am using the snowball method and that's looking to be about March 2014).
    3- We need to have a house that can accommodate a baby...meaning, we need a different house than the one we're in now!
    4- My hubby needs to be almost done with school--he works full time (he's Active Duty Air Force) and goes to school full time...there's no way he could help with a baby doing all that

    And I'll tell you is hard. And you will find it takes up a lot more time than your GED. You also need to work to support a this economy, more often than not, both parents need a full time job to support themselves as a team, not to mention a baby. You should finish your GED and secure a good job before you jump into baby town or into college. Both are incredibly expensive.

    I think it's great that you have a lot of goals, but I think you need to create a list of those goals and decide which ones are most important. And take it one at a time until you're sure of what you can handle.

    There are a lot of days when I think I could handle a baby...but let's get real...there's a lot of weeks right now where I can't even handle two cats and keeping a clean house...let alone doing the dishes before they become a strong arm for the mafia.

    Sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself and your potential child is take a step back and say, "can I REALLY handle this?" And then...WAIT SIX MONTHS. And if you still think you can do it, take that step back again and ask yourself if you can keep up easily with your house, your job, your school, your friends, your family, and the addition of a new baby. And at that point, if you still think you can make it work, then move forward. But if you take a look around and think you live in a zoo, imagine how much more complicated it will be with a baby in the picture.

    Just sayin'...I have to have this chat with myself about every two months. And I always decide that it's not the right time.
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    My parents are trying to infect me with baby fever. It hasn't worked yet, but I'm only 24, I still have time. My best friend is half way through her term and I'm SO excited for her baby, but for some reason, her being pregnant makes me want to get pregnant less. :ohwell: I'm probably I freak. I'm sure I'll be stoked whenever it does happen though.