Supplement HELP, please

I'm so confused over what/which supplements to take....I watch Dr. Oz and if I took all the supplements he recommends from day to day I'd probably be dead, one day its this, the next day its that. So I figured I'd ask on this forum if anyone takes supplements they recommend. I'm diabetic, under active thyroid, fatty liver and stage 1 kidney failure....just to name the most important health issues I have. I know I need a multi-vitamin, as I was raised on junk food and to this day don't eat that great, but is there any other health benefit supplement anyone would recommend to help with health and weight loss?? I just feel I need something and don't know where to start, when I ask my doctor she just yells at me to lose less...blah..blah...blah. I know there is no magic pill, just looking for a good supplement. I also have no health insurance, therefore surgery is not an option to save my life, thought I'd add that before anyone suggests it. I have feet and knee issues, so I only get pool exercise when I can get to the gym. Some days I just feel like a hopeless cause.



  • stephaniej05
    Go into your local Complete Nutrition. The staff there has helped me nail down what I need better then any other supplement store I've shopped at. EVER.
  • sandhillcrane
    I can say this, I take konjac root after seeing it on Dr Oz and I think it works. It is a capsule. It helps you feel full and I think the best part is that it is fiber which I am usually low on. I also use lots of ground cinnamon on sliced apples. It is supposed to be good for metabolism. I really love it which is the main reason I eat it! :drinker:
  • Chubbasmommy
    Chromium helps to speed metabolism. but honestly ...and not to sound mean...the bigger you are the easier it is to lose weight in the beginning. you can do the same amount of cardio as a "skinny" person and burn twice as many calories because your body is working harder. also i have tried the acai berry and colon cleanse thing helped a little. but definitely chromium and a multi vitamin =)
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Dr Oz is an example of who NOT to listen to.

    Fish oil and a multivitamin = win
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    Supplements that I take:
    Vitamin D, Fish Oil, Vitamin E, Chromium, Magnesium and Niacin---wow, that's a lot, yikes!
  • sailorsiren13
    you can ride a bike to begin with as well as the pool at the gym the recumbent bike go slow on the treadmill....every step you take is a step to a new you....sorry i subscribe to all sorts of things on facebook to keep me motivated ....most of all know its going to take time it's a marathon not a sprint. and Good Luck You Can Do It!!!
  • led6777
    led6777 Posts: 268
    A great place to start would be with a vitamin B complex. Great for energy, metabolism, etc.

    I take the following every day: multivitamin, b-complex, niacin 500mg, evening primrose oil, sea buckthorn capsule, irvinga capsule
  • bmreed0920
    bmreed0920 Posts: 139 Member
    I went to CVS and got their brand of Diabetic Daily Multi Vitamin pack. I take it everyday in the mornings. It has helped me a lot.
  • NikkiPsuedoDupuis
    NikkiPsuedoDupuis Posts: 56 Member
    I take a few too:

    Vitamin D (Winter in Canada = little to no sunlight lol)
    Multi Vitamin
    A Greens supplement (I hate seaweed, easier in a capsule :)
    Fish Oil
    B Complex (Poor choice of multi for me, it didn't have B vitamins, next time I'll combine the two)

    I have IBS so I also take a fiber supplement, something I suspect I won't need much longer since I've started eatting a lot more fruit and veggies.

    I agree with stopping by your local Nutrition store also, they can give you a lot of info, especially with treating specific ailments, though if I'd have bought everything they'd suggested to me, I'd have left mine about $1000.00 poorer lol.

    Good luck!!!!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    With those specific health issues, the last thing you should be doing is taking random supplements that you've seen on TV.

    Ask your doctor which ones you actually need and avoid everything else - you don't want to put an unnecessary burden on your kidneys and liver, it sounds like they are already in trouble.

    And if your own doctor doesn't tell you to take any, why on earth would you be taking advice from strangers on the internet???
  • mittensofdoom
    mittensofdoom Posts: 69 Member

    Given your medical conditions it is important that talk to your doctor about what you plan to take. Certain supplements and herbal or over the counter supplements can interact with your medications. If you feel like your doctor isn't answering your questions about supplements clearly, find another doctor. There's little reason to stay with your physician if you don't feel you have a good working relationship.

    The standard American diet is fairly high in nutrients because many packaged foods are fortified with various vitamins. Honestly, the best thing you can do for yourself is lose weight and increase physical activity. Weight loss will improve your diabetes (assuming you are type II), cholesterol, blood pressure and fatty liver disease. This will do more for your health than any supplement and theoretically, it's free. There is no miracle pill or powder that is going to improve your health as much as exercise and reasonable diet. I know it's difficult to make good choices when we are surrounded by bad foods but you can control your environment. Don't bring unhealthy food into your house. I have a patient who's overeating is such a problem she goes grocery shopping EVERY morning and buys her food for that day so she won't overeat. For some people, this is what it takes. But the bottom line for most of us is, if it's in your house, you will eat it but most of us have the willpower to stop from jumping in the car, driving to the store and getting that pint of ice cream. I don't mean to sound preachy but it drives me bananas to watch people waste money on supplements with no proven benefit when walking an hour a day will do infinitely more good.

    Best of luck.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member

    Given your medical conditions it is important that talk to your doctor about what you plan to take. Certain supplements and herbal or over the counter supplements can interact with your medications. If you feel like your doctor isn't answering your questions about supplements clearly, find another doctor. There's little reason to stay with your physician if you don't feel you have a good working relationship.

    The standard American diet is fairly high in nutrients because many packaged foods are fortified with various vitamins. Honestly, the best thing you can do for yourself is lose weight and increase physical activity. Weight loss will improve your diabetes (assuming you are type II), cholesterol, blood pressure and fatty liver disease. This will do more for your health than any supplement and theoretically, it's free. There is no miracle pill or powder that is going to improve your health as much as exercise and reasonable diet. I know it's difficult to make good choices when we are surrounded by bad foods but you can control your environment. Don't bring unhealthy food into your house. I have a patient who's overeating is such a problem she goes grocery shopping EVERY morning and buys her food for that day so she won't overeat. For some people, this is what it takes. But the bottom line for most of us is, if it's in your house, you will eat it but most of us have the willpower to stop from jumping in the car, driving to the store and getting that pint of ice cream. I don't mean to sound preachy but it drives me bananas to watch people waste money on supplements with no proven benefit when walking an hour a day will do infinitely more good.

    Best of luck.

    No one should go to anyone other than a medical Doctor for recommendations on supps. You will most likely need to do a blood panel to ensure your chemical balance is needing enhancement. Any other suggestion beyond your doctor is complete foolishness
  • SherrysLife2012
    Thank you everyone for your insights, I like to research everything before doing anything and I like to hear what works for others. I will try to ask the doctor again, but she doesn't really let you ask more than one question, she doesn't have time and without health insurance, I have to take what I can get.

    Thanks again,
  • sandhillcrane
    Dr Oz is an example of who NOT to listen to.

    Fish oil and a multivitamin = win
    Thanks for your words of wisdom. He IS a cardiologist/surgeon
  • tiedye
    tiedye Posts: 331 Member
    I would consult a nutritionist or physician. I know you don't have health insurance, but due to your many medical conditions it's important not to take something that will affect blood sugar or kidney function. Before starting a supplement program it's really important to consult a medical professional, buy quality products and not waste your money as well. Good luck!
  • tiedye
    tiedye Posts: 331 Member
    Also meant to add, glucerna is a shake for individuals with diabetes that has substantial protein content, fewer carbs than other shakes, and vitamin and mineral supplementation. You might want to look into that too.
  • surfergirlpuppy
    Don't rule out Iodine and Chinese Medicine.

    And I take HCG by IM injection. I'm on the HCG diet as outlined in the book "Pounds and Inches" by Dr. Simeon.

    also:The Weight Loss Cure They Don't Want You to Know About by Kevin Trudeau is great. He talks about the supplements he loves and ones he takes and why.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    @ sandhillcrane

    Dr Oz is also a massive sellout who is making huge amounts of money flogging products on his show. Add that to the fact that he has a regular show to fill, and there is only so much 'real' advice you can give people before you have to start repeating yourself... or start pushing fads and gimmicks as he does.

    Just because someone has a medical degree does not automatically make them the font of all knowledge and a person to be put on a pedestal!
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Dr Oz is an example of who NOT to listen to.

    Fish oil and a multivitamin = win
    Thanks for your words of wisdom. He IS a cardiologist/surgeon

    So a surgeon is now a nutrition specialist? No.
  • surfergirlpuppy
    @ sandhillcrane

    Dr Oz is also a massive sellout who is making huge amounts of money flogging products on his show. Add that to the fact that he has a regular show to fill, and there is only so much 'real' advice you can give people before you have to start repeating yourself... or start pushing fads and gimmicks as he does.

    Just because someone has a medical degree does not automatically make them the font of all knowledge and a person to be put on a pedestal!

    I totally agree. I know doctors that don't have a clue. You know what they call someone who barely passes final medical exams....Doctor.