


  • SummerFun2011
    Ephedra is a natural herbal product. Like cocaine and nicotine, you know.

    If it worked, it wouldn't be the 21st century and the world is still having trouble losing weight. People would have been using it all along. It is closely related to amphetamines, sudafed, neo-synephrine, etc.

    It gives you a dry mouth, so food tastes crappy. You lose interest in your usual high fat foods, but you also lose interest in a lot of nourishing foods. If you don't change your eating habits, you'll just switch to sodas and juices and regain the weight.

    From what the other users have said leik Acg67 it does work, but is too risky and potentially dangerous if used wrong? I know it isn't a magic pill I was just curious abut it
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    ephedrine is a stimulant, as well as appetite suppressent. It does other things as well. It is dangerous because it causes increase in blood pressure and fast heart rate, which can lead to basically a heart attack.

    It worked for fat loss yes, since it stimulated thermogensis of adipose tissue. And yes, now it is illegal to use it in diet supplements. it is still allowed to be used in inhalers, cold medicines and allergy meds. ps..yes it is used in meth production. that is why you need to show your license/id to buy sudafed at the pharmacy.

    Interestingly enough...

    Breum L, Pedersen JK, Ahlstrom F, and Frimodt-Moller J. "Comparison of an ephedrine/caffeine combination and dexfenfluramine in the treatment of obesity. A double-blind multi-centre trial in general practice." Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 1994 Feb, 18(2):99-103

    "During the last two years defined doses daily more than 9.6 million of the EC combination have been used in Denmark, but only 86 adverse drug reactions have been reported to the health authorities, of which none were cases of gastrointestinal bleeding or other kinds of haemorrhagic episodes . . . Both diastolic and systolic BP declined during treatment with both drugs"

    interestingly enough also...

    It makes you hypermetabolic -- that is, it increases the metabolism, which then helps the body to produce more heat internally. As a result, your heart rate goes up and blood pressure elevates, which causes the blood vessels to constrict. It's harder to lose heat through constricted blood vessels.
    univerity of maryland medical center
  • particleastro
    particleastro Posts: 68 Member
    Ephedrine is certainly controlled here in Britain. All the fat loss stuff you used to be able to get has had the 'active' ingredient removed.

    For the record, I would use ephedrine products (mostly the old SAN Tight ) before boxing matches as it would burn fat like nobodys buisness but would dry me out also. Luckly it was only amateur so I only had to last 4 rounds.

    There are plenty of diet pills on the market that do make a difference, but those that do tend to be brutal. Use with caution.

  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    I'm in eastern Canada and trying to get Sudafed in liquid form is a huge chore. My daughter had jaw surgery and needed it to keep her sinuses clear because her mouth was wired shut. It was a special order and had to be ordered in one bottle at a time from the pharmacy (her dosage was high because she was 14 at the time and the liquid is meant for small kids). My husband was put through the third degree and they only agreed to order it after he showed them the time chart from the doctor listing all the drugs and dosages. So I know they are ridiculously tight with anything containing epherdrine here as well.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    That's exactly why they don't work. If you want ephedrine in the US you can get it behind the counter in asthma medicine in some states (for a little longer, the pharmacist told me soon it will all be illegal). In most states, VasoPro and Primatine tablets have ephedrine in them (don't bother with pseudo, it doesn't work). Taking one pill a day with caffeine and low dose aspirin helps metabolism. There is a list of states online where you can't get it at all.

    But there's another problem. It isn't a long term fix because the body develops a tolerance and you do not want to take this stuff in large doses any more than you want to take anything in large doses. So don't expect it to work for very long and you're far more likely to gain back whatever you lose when you stop taking it.

    Meanwhile, your friend is right, other diet pills are a ripoff, don't even bother. One reason I intend to move out of this idiotic country is so I can get access to herbal ephedra again. It has two other uses, and I'm in need of both. It helps control allergies and it helps with attention span. The only reason it is illegal is lobbyists for pharmaceutical companies. Oh, and morons who can't leave well enough alone making crystal meth out of it instead of just taking it as intended.

    Also, don't bother with ephedra containing products such as Mormon Tea. It's way too weak to be useful. You might be able to get the natural version online in some places still, but I had no luck when I tried several years ago and if you do get some, make sure it's not just the aerial part of the plant. Taking just the aerial part can raise blood pressure.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    But there's another problem. It isn't a long term fix because the body develops a tolerance and you do not want to take this stuff in large doses any more than you want to take anything in large doses. So don't expect it to work for very long and you're far more likely to gain back whatever you lose when you stop taking it.

    Incorrect, the thermogenic effects actually increase with long term usage while the ergogenic effects diminish over time, but some of that can be brought back with l-tyrosine
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,716 Member
    With all the weight loss pill comercials and sales lately I have been going crazy:explode: :explode: . I know these do not work and I was explaining this my cousin last night and he agreed and said that it is becuase they dont work since the ephedrine is taken out. Is this true? So if someone took ephedrine they would lose weight? I am just curious what it is since I just now found out it existed :laugh: :laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,716 Member
    With all the weight loss pill comercials and sales lately I have been going crazy:explode: :explode: . I know these do not work and I was explaining this my cousin last night and he agreed and said that it is becuase they dont work since the ephedrine is taken out. Is this true? So if someone took ephedrine they would lose weight? I am just curious what it is since I just now found out it existed :laugh: :laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Hyperspace
    The herb Ma Huang is a natural source of ephedrine. You can still buy that in health food stores. ( Just saying-- use it sanely-- if you buy it, scarf down half a bottle, and have a heart attack, don't blame me.)

    I sometimes take it to combat pollen allergies. I've never noticed any "speed effects", but then, I don't take a lot. Or I may be resistant to it because Sudafed doesn't speed me, either. I find that Ma Huang doesn't overdry my mouth like Sudafed, so I like it better for allergies.

    It's too bad that a perfectly useful medication had to be restricted because of a few idiots overdoing it and/or making meth out of it.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused

    But there's another problem. It isn't a long term fix because the body develops a tolerance and you do not want to take this stuff in large doses any more than you want to take anything in large doses. So don't expect it to work for very long and you're far more likely to gain back whatever you lose when you stop taking it.

    Incorrect, the thermogenic effects actually increase with long term usage while the ergogenic effects diminish over time, but some of that can be brought back with l-tyrosine

    Exactly this. Works better over time.

    What makes you think all the weight will come flying back on?
  • Supraweight
    Ive been on a EC stack for a month ive lost 60 pounds since late October. If you do take it make sure you do your research http://www.hotnfit.com/ecstack.htm. It will help with weight loss and appetite suppression. But it does come with some risk.
  • meltygarden
    meltygarden Posts: 111 Member
    I took ephedrine in the early 90's when it was still considered an herbal 'nutritional supplement' to boost your metabolism. It did permanent damage to my heart and I have been on blood pressure medicine ever since. It also led to a pulmonary embolism in my mid-20's.

    I lost a little weight on it, but good grief. It was so not worth it.

    There are no cheat codes for this. You just have to exercise and watch your diet.
  • lalinzki
    lalinzki Posts: 121
    But if you do you take it late will party like a ROCK STAR!..J/K. :) ..but serious check this out if want some info about ec stack no aspirin..bad for you "if abuse"..http://www.hotnfit.com/ecstack.htm#top
  • lalinzki
    lalinzki Posts: 121
    Ephedrine is certainly controlled here in Britain. All the fat loss stuff you used to be able to get has had the 'active' ingredient removed.

    For the record, I would use ephedrine products (mostly the old SAN Tight ) before boxing matches as it would burn fat like nobodys buisness but would dry me out also. Luckly it was only amateur so I only had to last 4 rounds.

    There are plenty of diet pills on the market that do make a difference, but those that do tend to be brutal. Use with caution.


    I say 1000 calories burn..NICE!..In my case I need to drop weight because everytime I step in the ring I'm fighting guys who are 6'5 and they never get shorter only heavier and taller..LOL..Thank God for my K.O. Power and stamina..OH YEAH! I'm 5'4 195 lbs and love Boxing
  • lalinzki
    lalinzki Posts: 121
    Ive been on a EC stack for a month ive lost 60 pounds since late October. If you do take it make sure you do your research http://www.hotnfit.com/ecstack.htm. It will help with weight loss and appetite suppression. But it does come with some risk.

    I didn't see you posted the link!...Great Read
  • dollydaydream80
    Thanks for the link. Least I know I'm dosing it correctly :)
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Basically yes. In college I took diet pills with Ephedrine and I was never thinner. Now it has been removed, none of them have worked....haven't done them in YEARS...but I remember being annoyed. LOL. But it's super dangerous....so no Ephedrine.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Ephedrine works great for a season.
    Back around the turn of the last century about the time the Wright brothers were trying to fly, cocaine was the big rage.
    Because it worked!
    All of these drugs are like miracles so long as you keep taking them, and as your body down regulates their effects, take more!

    And then the inevitable crash comes and all is lost...:laugh:

    I tell people once not to take the risks, but if they do, I make note of it and stand ready to gloat over their misfortune when the painful end comes to shatter their progress and negate these false gains.