Any Recovered Binge Eaters? Recovering Binge Eaters?

Having a look around the forums for any success stories from binge eaters? Im not talking about people going over their calorie allowance by a couple of hundred, or somebody having a cheat day and having a bar of chocolate...Im talking about people suffering from an actual eating disorder trapped in a cycle of binge eating/dieting/binge eating of upto 5000upwards calories, then dieting for couple weeks, etc etc..

Hoping to find some new friends, for support and inspiration or to help each other or to hear their story!!


  • tahoemads
    tahoemads Posts: 64 Member
    Hey girly! I've definitely had my bouts, my struggles, my own extremes (from starving to binge eating due to depression) so you're definitely not alone. It took me a total mental and emotional overhaul to cease my true binges and late night snacking. This was also the time I struggled with crazy allergy attacks and got back into running - a total overhaul of health. I actually attribute a lot of it to prayer, for some that's meditation. Working on my emotional hang ups, and roots of pain have revealed how and why I view food in an unhealthy way. It's become more of a source of fuel and not pleasure, where I practice more self-control and self-love in other ways.

    Have you ever thought about OA? I've heard it works wonders because of the support group. Check it out:
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    I have always been a binge eater. I have struggled with my weight for all of my life. Food was how I dealt with things. It is not anymore. It has only been a few months but the months add up as I keep pushing through. I have lost 38 lbs as you can see from my ticker but I still have to fight the urge to get up and eat, The book Overcoming Binge Eating was pretty good at helping me notice what my triggers were and gave me some ideas to help me stop. Friend me if you'd like.
  • psychRN83
    psychRN83 Posts: 71 Member
    I am a recovering binge eater- just starting my journey. I started seeing a weight management doctor in December who put me on Wellbutrin and Topamax to help with my cravings and binges as well as monitoring calories and exercise. So far so good.
  • VectorVictoria
    I have been battling the binge eating for fifteen years. I spent a lot of my adolescence smothering my angst in nacho cheese. I'm brand new to MFP, but I am hoping to be posting some fantastic transformation shots. I know that having a support team is very important, so please feel free to friend me if you like :)
  • Doomsprout
    I fall prey to occasional multi-thousand calorie binges but since I started putting effort into a healthier diet its been getting better. Also I try to shift my binges towards healthier things. I still mess up once in a while but I feel like I'm gaining some self-control. The more weight I lose the more guilt I feel from bingeing and I think that is helping somewhat when I realize how hard I've worked to lose weight and be healthier.
  • dsj2bw
    dsj2bw Posts: 6 Member
    hiya ive battled with food for the last 10 years if im not mistaken its called ednos eating disorder not otherwise specified i can binge and not stop and then will starve myself.

    its hard breaking the cycle when im eating the food i dont care then i regret it later :(
  • slynnmiller
    Yes I am a binge eater. I usually do well for a week or 2 tops ..then I sit down and devour every single thing in my kitchen in about 30 minutes. So yes I know where you are coming from and it is not a fun place to be. I have worked hard to extend the time between binges and I also do a lot of praying as one of the other girls posted. About a year ago I was binging ever other day so I think I could consider myself recovering. Im not sure if I'll ever stop binging completely but I have faith and Im working hard. Good luck to you hun.
  • dreamtoned10
    dreamtoned10 Posts: 163 Member
    Thankyou all for your replies, Ive been in contact with OA, but I cant make my local meeting, so will have to wait until next week, as Im working until evening time after they have already began. I did go to a similar meeting today, which was embaressing as I was the only one that turned up. But I dont care, I had the attention of 3 meeting facilitators, Im sure they went home thinking I was a weirdo as I cried for the full hour and a half I was there.

    Ive added all of you, hopefully we can support encourage inspire each other, even though Im in a different country, but its good coz I might be online when You need somebody at a binge-ing hour and hopefully we can stop these thoughts!!

    Ive been researching books to buy, so its great to get a recommendation.

    I AM BEATING THIS STUPID THING. This is the most determined and serious Ive ever been about it, tonight was my first ever meeting about it, and Ive also downloaded a load of podcasts. I aim to visit a therapist in the next couple of weeks.

  • Inlet
    Inlet Posts: 135
    Working out regularly, not eating a huge variety of foods, lots of water and raw carrots, sleep, vitamins and 5 htp supplements brought it under control for me pretty much entirely. It can be brutal. I hated where I was.
    The good news is it can and does get better.
  • dreamtoned10
    dreamtoned10 Posts: 163 Member
    Funny you say that about carrots.....I find that a raw carrot does satisfy a small craving, never tried it with a binge though. x
  • toffee322
    toffee322 Posts: 186 Member
    i made an appt with counsellor and probably a psychologist to help me with binging at night. i just joined MFP for couple days so i hope it will also help. good luck everyone.. it's not fun to be out of control for sure.
  • thecrossfitter
    thecrossfitter Posts: 424 Member
    This was me. I would go through intense cycles of major binging (4000-6000 calories a day - to the point of feeling physically ill) and then after a few days or weeks would feel intensely guilty and would begin a strict 1200 calorie limit... to naturally fail, feel bad about it, and binge.

    I probably did this for a year.

    I've been "recovered" for 2 years now :)
  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    Yes!!!! I have had a huge problem with binge eating. I thought I would never be able to get control of my binge eating. I felt hopeless about this. I went crazy trying to make sure that I did an hour of cardio plus strength training at least five days a week. I would come home from work, and eat for about three hours. If there was something in my kitchen that I wanted, I couldn't stop thinking about it until I went and got it. Even if I didn't like the food I would still eat it. I was exercising to the point of wearing out, and then eating a ton of food, and not losing any weight. I tried counting calories. This helped me realize what the correct portion size would look like, but I went crazy trying to keep track of all of my calories.
    I realized that I had certain times of the day when I would binge....after work, and late at night. I was able to eat right while I was at work, but then I would come home and go crazy. If I missed a day of exercise I would get depressed, and eat and eat and eat. I have started trying to go to bed earlier. This way I'm not temped for that midnight snack. Also, this gives me more energy during the day. I have stopped killing myself with exercise. Instead of making sure that I get in an hour of cardio, and an hour of strength training, I just make sure that I'm staying active. I usually walk during my daughter's soccer practice. Usually I'm able to get about five miles twice a week doing this. Then one night a week I will go skating with a friend for one hour. and then on other days I try to get in at least one to two miles on my elliptical. I also will throw in some strength training during this time. Even if I only get in fifteen minutes of exercise it helps me not feel so hungry. If I have a day where I just don't feel like exercising then I take a day off. I make sure that I take no more than two days off though. I use to feel that if I didn't stick to my exercise schedule, then I had failed, and I might as well enjoy a binge. Also, I do not count calories anymore. I don't have a problem with people counting calories, but for me it has been easier for me to just eat smaller portions, and to stop the binge eating. If I do eat more than I should I do not beat myself up. I also don't give up, and go crazy with food, because I went over on calories. I have almost lost sixty pounds now. Once I got control of my binging the weight has just been coming off. I'm not going crazy with exercise, and I don't count my calories. I have gone from a size 20 to almost a 10 now. I do not have the food cravings that I use to have. The binging is what was killing me. Also I take One A Day Active Metabolism multivitamin around 1 or 2 in the afternoon. This vitamin has some caffeine in it ( about the amount of one cup of coffee) This helps me with energy levels and with my hunger cravings. I now try to find things to do during the times I use to binge. It took me a long time to get control of this, but once I figured out how to change things up, so that I would be busy during my binge times I have been doing pretty good. I would not say that I feel like I am cured of binge eating, but I have not had any problems with binges for about eight months now. I still eat the foods and candy that I love, but I don't go crazy with it anymore. Sorry this is so long, but your post really hit home with me. I truly know what you are feeling. This is not hopeless :) If you have any questions feel free to ask :)
  • caseydimples
    caseydimples Posts: 173 Member
    I have struggled with binge eating for years too. I can relate to all your stories. It is so hard and I take it day by day. It is encouraging to know others are working hard at it too.
  • rkramermfp
    Since you asked for book recommendations: I like the book "Overcoming Binge Eating" by Christopher Fairburn. I used to be a binge eater and exercise purger in high school. In college I ended up working as a research assistant for a study on eating disorder treatments. Everyone who got into the study got this book; I read it too and really loved it! Between that and a knee surgery and a lot of yoga I would say I am in a place where I love and appreciate my body for what it is, though I'm hoping to get healthier by losing a little weight :) Good luck to you!!
  • kittycatmeowmeow
    kittycatmeowmeow Posts: 90 Member
    I am a binge eater as well, its so nice to find a place where people understand, I wish my problem was only going over my cals by a few hundred, but I am trapped in a cycle of binging and eating over 3000 calories a day, I managed to get to my goal weight once but that was through a lot of intense exercise and being broke so my binge-feelings could only be satisfied with a whole block of chocolate once a week or a packet of biscuits, but now I have moved up in my job and am earning a bit more money, plus cant exercise like I use to due to needing a knee reco and I know have gained the 20 kilos back, I really should weigh so much more than I do. Reading this has given me so much hope, thank you everyone for sharing your stories!!!

    Anyway, I am going to start going to ww'ers so I have the accountablity which I think is important, Im really at a loss otherwise....
  • dreamtoned10
    dreamtoned10 Posts: 163 Member
    Thanks so much for the book recommendations, and the advice and stories. Ive added all of you, or else youve added me, so hopefully we will have a support network!!
  • toffee322
    toffee322 Posts: 186 Member
    i want to write another post here.. i feel so depressed.. i just ate over 1000 calories of snacks.. mainly tonight.. i feel like a loser...i hate myself!!! meeting with counsellor and psychologist next week.. hope something good wil happen.. good night girls.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I'm overcoming my binge eating! It's been about 10 days since my last real binge. [: I'm doing GREAT, too!
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    I'm trying to recover...Haven't had the greatest luck so far...Erg.
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