WII Active Leg Strap

I was wondering of the people who have already gotten the WII Active if any of you could tell me how long the leg strap is.

I saw today that Game Stop here in Columbus is doing a trade in 3 games (certain ones on a list of games) get $59.99 off the price of Active so I will basically only have to pay the tax (YAY).

But....... being a rather large woman I do have pretty thick legs and don't want to waste my time getting this yet if it won't fit me. Although my husband could always use it.

Can someone please measure it for me and let me know how long it is and how you like it so I can make my final decision to get it this week.



  • ildi007
    ildi007 Posts: 107
    It's 28 inches and you would probably use about 2-3 inches to tuck it back.
    I think you'll love the WII Active!
  • joolesh
    joolesh Posts: 26
    The strap is about 28 inches. I am a big girl myself,you can wear it lower on your leg at first which is what I do. It also comes with an extra velcro strap that they say is for shortening the strap but this am I used it to extend. I absolutley LOVE it. There is a 30 day challenge as well as programmed workouts and custom workouts. I use it everyday 2x a day. I say go ahead and get it, with a little determination you can make it work for you. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. :smile:
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Don't let that stop you from getting it. The strap is about 28 inches, but you need to put it on tight to keep it on (at least I do). It is an awesome workout. I loves it!
  • angelascott919
    Thanks everyone for your feedback I think l will go ahead get it. I think it will be a lot of fun and a great workout.