I totally screwed up!!!

I have undone all the work I've done for the past couple of weeks in one day! We had a family get together yesterday. I mean there was food galore! I need not tell you what happened because you already know....Needless to say I've gained back the weight that I lost. I'm starting to think that it's just not meant for me to lose weight:sad:


  • FloridaGranny
    FloridaGranny Posts: 154 Member
    Hey - don't sweat the small stuff! I've gained back every pound - But - I'm back on track again. Starting over. After 2 years. Get back out there. Exercise and log your food..............

    Most of us do it from time to time...........
  • genmilan
    genmilan Posts: 11
    You should have atleast ONE cheat day a week. But remember not to go all out just have a LITTLE bit of what you want so you can stick to your diet and not quit.
  • NoMoreBabyWeight
    Please, please don't give up. I'm here at work and for some reason I can't stop eating this food. don't give up. It is okay to fall off track atleast 1 day. There is a book out called 4 day diet, I forget the authors name but he is real famous. In that book he advised people to diet for 4 days then switch it up and do something crazzy. it shocks your body. Just think of it this way. Tomorrow, you can give yourself a fresh start. Stay positive and those pounds will shed again. :happy:
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    How do you know you gained weight after just one day?? You may be pleasantly surprised to find that you didn't screw up as bad as you think. Give your body a few days to adjust and rid itself of the sodium, etc.
  • joolesh
    joolesh Posts: 26
    We all have those days. Don't be to hard on yourself.

    "Beset by a difficult problem? Now is your chance to shine. Pick yourself up, get to work and get triumphantly through it."
    Ralph Marston
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    It takes 3500 calories over your daily energy requirements to gain a pound of fat. I think it would be extremely difficult to undo weeks of work and pounds lost in one day. If you've lost 4 lb. in the past 4 weeks, you'd have to consume 14000 more than you expended... so maybe 15,500 to 16,500 calories in one day.

    I'm guessing you didn't do that. :laugh:
  • rstarks54
    rstarks54 Posts: 163
    You should have atleast ONE cheat day a week. But remember not to go all out just have a LITTLE bit of what you want so you can stick to your diet and not quit.

    I don't call it a CHEAT day, that has a negative connotation, I call it a TREAT day!!! it gives it a more pleasant outlook...You can do it...we all fall down, the trick is to get back up Best to you always, Rick
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    We've all done it. Just get back up and get moving.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I have undone all the work I've done for the past couple of weeks in one day! We had a family get together yesterday. I mean there was food galore! I need not tell you what happened because you already know....Needless to say I've gained back the weight that I lost. I'm starting to think that it's just not meant for me to lose weight:sad:

    Ok, calm down now. Did you eat 1750 EXTRA calories??? That is a pound. SO no worries......seriously. We all over eat because we are living life. So RIGHT NOW you are doing better.

    RIGHT NOW things are back to normal-and normal is eating healthy!!

  • onfleur
    onfleur Posts: 159 Member
    Without the storms in our lives how can we enjoy the calm and sunshine? One day at a time and remember, were human, were going to mess up. I also read where at least one day a week you should have a 'treat day' not only to enjoy but to signal our bodies that were there is variety. Hang in there friend.:flowerforyou:

    Happiness is doing what you don't want to do and later on being glad that you did. Never give up!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    It is probably just water retention from extra sodium. Start over tomorrow and log food and exercise, drink your water and I am sure that everything will be fine. I had more than I susposed to today but I am not sweating it. Don't you sweat it either. :flowerforyou:
  • toddf67
    toddf67 Posts: 22
    SummerBaby73...Don't give up, keep striving you will eventually make it to the end. In the last two years I've started my diet over many times. Why just last week,I had a cheat day or treat day depending on how you look at it.
  • SillySkittles
    SillySkittles Posts: 202 Member
    *First of all *BIG HUGS* It's not that it's not meant to be, nothing is meant to be unless you say so! You just have to keep going. There are tons of inspirational stories out there and I can say with 100% certainty that you are not the first to "screw up" and you won't be the last and I'll probably join you in the next few days or weeks too!

    The difference that separates the things that "weren't meant to be" from the "success stories" is that the people who have a success story didn't stop trying and the other group just decided to call it quits and find another reason to explain why it didn't work out. I know because I've been in the other group for SO long and everything and everyone was the problem to my weight gain - all except me.

    The only thing you can do now is acknowledge that it happened, forgive yourself for it and grab your running shoes or that low-fat whatever and start again! Look at different factors that was all part of the situation and try to find ways to prevent it next time or find different ways so that the next time another situation presents itself, you're armed with a plan. Even if you fall off the wagon during those random odd times, the fact that you pick yourself up and start again means that you're deciding what happens to you and even though you may be at the same place that you started, at least you won't be in a place that may be worse-off if you stop.

    C'mon...I'll keep trying if you keep trying :)
  • Pangus
    Pangus Posts: 24
    Hi! I am a compulsive eater and I totally understand where you are coming from. My family has never had a celebration that did not involve HUGE amounts of food. Southern style recipes that exploded in flavors and calories. I absolutely love being around my family, much less the food.
    Now, whether its a celebration or me by myself, there are times when I binge. I was introduced to a book called, Feeding The Hungry Heart, by Geneen Roth and it was the turning point for me. I would recommend it to anyone that has issues with binge/compulsive eating.
    I have just recently participating on MFP, so I haven't "weighed" for my fitness ticker yet. However, I started losing weight when I maxed out at 290. Recently, my thyroid disorder decided to run amok and so did my emotional eating and I went from 225 back up to 250 in 3 to 4 weeks. I posted a poem about it called, "I Never Met a Carbohydrate I Didn't Like."
    It's humorous, but it's also real.
    Gaining that weight broke my heart, and I felt like had failed again. and agaain. I went to my doctor in tears and she hooked me up with this web site. It took me another week or two to log on and I had painfully lost 11 pounds, but I knew I was about to fall again. Thus, I took the advice of my doctor.
    Losing weight for me will never be easy; but MFP sure helps when I am feeling compulsive. The weight you put back on will go away, so don't give up. We are all going to stumble on this journey; but you will always find a supportive hand extended to you on MFP.
  • Ten10
    Ten10 Posts: 223 Member
    reminds me of that car insurance commercial with the accident forgiveness. We all give into temptation, hell I have restarted over more than a dozen times this year but my ticker doesn't lie. I forgave myself evaluated the situation and started a new day.