Wii exercise games...which one is the best?

I have the wii fit and the board...but it's getting a little old.....I'm not a huge yoga fan. Any ideas for different games that burn a ton of calories? I would love p90x only because i need to feel the burn and love the intensity, but way too expensive for me, so if you have any wii fit games that you could recommend, or a cheap place to get p90x, or where I can download for free that would be awesome!


  • JenMarie8781
    JenMarie8781 Posts: 377 Member
    I have Biggest Loser Challenge for Wii and it's pretty good.
  • Try WII boxing. Its a great workout.
  • I use Wii Just Dance 2 (or 3) and it gives you a great burn.
  • jnkreis
    jnkreis Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks so much! I will look for those :) I do love the boxing and it does give you a pretty darn good upper body workout :)
  • shanna0413
    shanna0413 Posts: 600 Member
    i have zumba for the wii. its a lot of fun
  • I have the Biggest Loser Challenge and Zumba 2 and I love both of those. They give you a great and calorie burning workout