xbox kinect

So I might be getting the kinect for xbox for my birthday next month. I'm not a gamer by any means, but my husband is. The only games that interest me are the active ones. So if you have the kinect or have played it, please let me know what you think. Is it a lot of fun? What are the best fitness games out there? I think I would really enjoy boxing, or something along those lines. I've played boxing & bowling on the wii years ago with my girlfriend, and I thought that was fun.


  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I didn't get it yet, but I am dying to get the UFC Trainer game for XBox Kinect.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I have Your Shape: Fitness Evolved and The Biggest Loser. Both are extremely good. Better than the Wii, because there's no way to cheat.

    I haven't used mine for quite a while, but those games helped my weight loss and gave me excellent toning.
  • snowstorme
    snowstorme Posts: 125 Member
    We have one. I've used the Your Shape Fitness Evolved (old version). It was a really good work out. It did a decent job of sensing your body parts and telling you if you needed to move a joint or lift a leg higher etc. It has alot of different programs. You can also buy additional ones if they get to easy. It also has cardio boxing, yoga and a couple gym games that are kind of fun to play. I've read the new version added floor type exercises also.

    My daughter is mad for the dance games. She'll play 3-4hrs + on them. Her favorite is Dance Central 2. I've tried the Kinnect Adventures which you normally get with the system and that is pretty fun. I played that with my 10yr old son.

    I definitely don't regret getting the system. It gets alot of use.
  • Mzbutterfly32
    I have the kinect and all the games are good for exercise. The kinect adventures that comes with the bundle pack really works all of your areas and is fun. They also have kinect sports for fast paced activity. However I like the kinect I think the Wii has the best work out games (Wii Fit 1 and 2, Zumba Fitness 1 and 2) if you like to dance try -Just Dance, Michael Jackson Experience and Dance Central (both Wii and Kinect) they have settings that track how many calories you burn each time you play...really fun.
  • CaffeinatedConfectionist
    While I don't have one myself, a good friend has a kinect and uses the Dance Central games as her primary source of cardio; it's not as intense as other forms of cardio, but she burns around 350-400 calories per hour. She's managed to lose quite a bit of weight this way, and she was pretty small to begin with. Like all workouts, you get out of it what you put in, but I've definitely been able to get my heart rate up and get a decent workout from playing Dance Central with her.
  • moonievidler
    moonievidler Posts: 11 Member
    I just bought the Your Shape fitness evolved game but have yet to try it.

    I have enjoyed the dancing ones - they are fun
  • jshaps7
    jshaps7 Posts: 74 Member
    Most Kinect games seem to work your entire body since the kinect "sees" your whole body. We have the sports and adventures games as well as Dance Central. I really like the dance game since it's easy to get into it and not think about it as exercise. An hour seems to disappear really quickly. We just ordered Dance Central 2 and the Your Shape 2012 game so I'm looking forward to trying those as well. The Your Shape game got great reviews on Amazon.
  • Kymmy81
    Kymmy81 Posts: 168 Member
    I purchased the xbox with kinect over Christmas and bought a couple of games as well - Zumba, Dance Central 2 and Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012. I haven't used the first two very much yet because I embarrass myself alone in my own lounge-room with my lack of dancing skills/co-ordination, but I am totally in LOVE with YS. I mix up the activities (ie running, then boxing, then skipping etc) and burn very similar calories to slogging it out on cardio equipment at the gym. And because you aren't doing the same thing for more than 5 or so minutes, I don't get bored and go for longer than I would on the elliptical/treadmill etc. It kicks my butt - highly recommended!

    Also, I use my HRM when playing it as I'm sceptical of their estimate of my calories burned.
  • mjanet22
    mjanet22 Posts: 19 Member
    We bought the kinect a few months ago. And let me tell you. All the games involve movement, so it's not like the wii, where you just move your hands, its a camera pointed at you, literaly watching your movements. I have the adventures (which comes standard with the kinect), zumba (Super great workout! Gives me a good cardio burn), and kinect sports (very fun and also a good burn). So overall you can't go wrong with whatever game you choose.
  • Hkeemom
    I have it, well my son does but I use the kinect part more. My girlfriend ended up buying too after I brought our system over because she thought it was so much better than Wii. It is more interactive, my opinion, and alot of fun!
    We have the Sports, Sports 2, and Adventures, plus Dance Central. I have the Yourfitness, which can kick your butt (but i havent been consistent with it) and they have few "games" that is like kickboxing.

    Highly recommend it.
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I have kinect and absolutely love zumba! There are levels to unlock as you complete and get better at others. There are all kinds of workouts from beginner to advanced, 20 mins- 40 mins (there might be longer ones but i have not unlocked them yet). I sweat like crazy when i do it and my face goes bright red, so i know i am doing well. It is also fun to move your body in all the different moves.
  • only4me_lori
    only4me_lori Posts: 25 Member
    I love my kinect..I have zumba, your shape fitness, and there are alot of demos you can get to try new games...It is alot of fun...We are thinking about getting more dancing games...
  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    I didn't get it yet, but I am dying to get the UFC Trainer game for XBox Kinect.

    LOVE IT - def. a challenge for me- I'm doing the 30 day program to cut weight - **Just started today** I went to work afterwards *and a shower lol* and my thighs were KILLING ME! But I felt fantastic - def. reccommend this game!
  • PeaceLuvVeggies
    PeaceLuvVeggies Posts: 375 Member
    I have the Your Shape Fitness Evolved [the older one not the 2012 version] and it kicks my *kitten* everyday! I also have Zumba [the first one] and I have Dance Central which also makes you sweat! I'm thinking about getting some more games.
  • laineyluma
    laineyluma Posts: 358 Member
    Dance Central!
  • gpowell6
    This is all really great info. We have two Xbox in our house but no Kinect. Really thinking about getting one for the fitness games so I can enjoy them with my son. I'm not a gamer at all and get sick of watching them play all those modern warfare games. Thanks everybody! I think I'll be making a purchase!
  • ItsAliciaMarie
    Dance Centrals are all awesome, they do have a fitness mode on there too! Or the boxing/ufc games are all good workouts!
  • harleenarang
    harleenarang Posts: 174 Member
    I got mine XBOX Kinect Bundle 4GB for $ 299 on my b'day (Dec 27) and I haven't bought any fitness game yet though the best reviewed one is the My Shape Fitness Evolved 2012. I am still playing the Kinect Adventures that came with it and I like that. I personally believe that its more fun if you play a game as exercise rather than an exercise dvd but again its my personal opinion.

    Anyway the game I checked online to be most reviewed with best comments is My Shape Fitness Evolved 2012. You can get this for $36 if you buy on amazon but I saw a deal yesterday on BestBuy where you can get the XBOX Kinect Bundle (250GB) with Kinect Adventures game included + choice of 1 game from the list of 7 (that has My Shape Fitness Evolved 2012) + the FitBit Ultra sleep tracker and HRM + $75 Best Buy Gift Card. All this is for $399. So if you wish to spend , I think this is a good deal coz anyway the Game is $50 on BestBuy and FitBit Ultra is $99.
  • jyourek
    jyourek Posts: 1 Member
    I don't know if you like to dance but Zumba is a good one. I lov eit and it does get you in shape. I havn't tried the other fitness games because I am not sure if they really work. I have bee ntold the My Shape Fitness Evolved does. Zumba is alot of fun if you like to dance. If not then its not the game for you.
  • mwilson57
    mwilson57 Posts: 78 Member
    I love my Kinect!! The Biggest Loser Ultimate Workout has been my primary workout for the past year. It has several different intensity levels, workouts and types of challenges. The program is good about scheduling for different types of workouts each week (usually one boxing day, one yoga day, and the rest are cardio and/or toning days depending on how many days you say you want to workout). I also have Your Shape (the original version), but I feel The Biggest Loser tracks my body more accurately. A cheap super fun downloadable game that will make your arms sore the next day is Fruit Ninja. I also have Kinect Sports (the original version), it's fun but if you want a workout, get one of the workout games. I keep thinking bout getting a dance or zumba game, but I'm totally uncoordinated, so I haven't yet.