I need some help


I am fairly new to this site. The first couple weeks I wrote everything I ate, now I am starting to slack. I need some help I think...to stay dedicated and focused. When I first joined I weighed 165 pounds and I wanted to lose about 20. In the last two weeks, I have suddenly gained ten pounds and I have no idea why. I go to Jazzercise three times a week and mu husband and I go out for walks and play recreational sports with friends. I also work with animals and walk dogs pretty often, and if anything, I eat healthier now than when I first started. I am feeling very depressed and frustrated since now my pants are getting really tight.
The only thing is that my husband and I just started trying to get pregnant, like three weeks ago. I suppose there is a chance I am pregnant, but to put on ten pounds so quickly is pretty unlikely. I will know this for sure in a week and a half or so.

I went to the grocery store tonight and bought our usual chicken and tons of fresh fruits and veggies. I usually cheat and eat not so good things as long as I stay under my calories, but I am going to make a much bigger effort to eat healthier. Had a camping holiday this weekend, but will be back at Jazzercise tomorrow morning and then back to my usual three times a week. I will try to work out more, but I have a minimum personal goal of three times a week.

I guess I just need some motivation. :ohwell:


  • Wynnie
    Wynnie Posts: 225 Member
    Sounds like you're going at it right. I had some trouble after I started - lost a few then started gaining. I saw that not only did I have to stay in range on the calories (not too high OR too low). I also had no result if I went over on sugar but kept the calories in range. People's bodies respond differently. Make sure you are also making the goals on fat, sugar, protien, etc, and see if any of those are high even when the calories are OK.
    And hang in there! Dont give up!!!:happy:
  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    If you are working out more then you may be building muscle which weighs more than fat. Are your clothes fitting tighter/looser? I'd say if you are pregnant it could be water weight. I think the hormones kick in pretty quick and can cause your body to retain water. Also if your body senses that you are trying to lose weight but you are pregnant it may be trying not to lose. It sounds like you are doing everything right, keep it up and you will see the results. I've tried eating whatever as long as I stayed within my calories and either not lost or even gained vs. eating healthy and staying within my calories. I think *what* we eat really does make a difference. I don't know if it's the chemicals in processed food or what, maybe they're just harder for our bodies to digest but I have noticed the same thing with my diet. Good luck!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I think what we eat makes a difference too. First of all the bad stuff makes you retain water and digestion moves more slowly. I am not sure what it is either but things like aspertame makes me gain weight (along with the headaches, etc.) It doesn't make sense that by reducing calories we would gain but it does. This is why so many of the "diet foods' don't work. They are fake and the body knows it.

    Good luck.

    I hope you are pregnant!!
  • JessDan17
    JessDan17 Posts: 9
    Thanks everyone! I just told myself that today is a new day and to not stress out about all of this. Workout this morning was great!

    p.s. I hope I am pregnant too! =-)

    Thanks for the support. I really appreciate it.