nutrition/workout plan help needed!

Hey everyone, this is my first time posting on here. I've recently started MFP and working out and i've been doing good so far!
I'm a 19 year old male, 5'11" and 250lbs. I've finally become motivated to make a difference, and 185 is my ultimate goal. Everyone in my family is overweight so I finally feel like i need to be the one to change all that.

I'm currently eating between 1300-1600 calories and plan on working out between 30-60mins at least 5 days a week (everyday is my goal). I currently have no stamina at all, so I've started walking at a moderate pace and I hope to build up to running soon (my best friend is a marathon runner)

My questions are:
1) would it be possible to reach my goal in around 6 months
2) is that calorie count/exercise schedule putting me in the best position to lose the most weight?

I appreciate everyone's input!


  • Jenene88
    Jenene88 Posts: 281 Member
    It would be possible if you are willing to push yourself. Message me what your goals are. Like do u want to gain muscle or do u want to just lose weight?
  • 65 pounds in 6 months i probably not going to happen honestly. I would not set a time limit, but instead just set reasonable weekly goals and stick to it. It didn't come on overnight and it won't come off that quickly either. I also would not go lower than 1800 total calories either. Males need to eat more, and at 19 you burn a lot already!

    Make sure you are lifting weights. This will make a HUGE difference. If not you will lose more muscle and can look "skinny fat" when you reach your goal. Body composition will be much more favorable.

    Good Luck!
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    I'm a 19 year old male, 5'11" and 250lbs.
    I'm currently eating between 1300-1600 calories and plan on working out between 30-60mins at least 5 days a week (everyday is my goal). I currently have no stamina at all, so I've started walking at a moderate pace and I hope to build up to running soon (my best friend is a marathon runner).

    From the start, your calories are low, very low. Running some quick numbers on you, your BMR is roughly 2175 calories, prior to your exercise.

    A quick note about your routine. Working out 5 days per week is alot. You need to plan for rest and recovery in your routine. Muscle builds outside of the gym after tearing it up, in the gym. Sleep, and rest days are equally important as are your nutrition and training program.

    Get your calories up. If you are truly working out 5 days per week and you want to continue that, you need to eat more. Strive for 1g protein and .4g fat for every lb of body weight. Use the custom goal settings in MFP to change what MFP has set for you.

    If you like to lift, get on a program similar to Starting Strength which is a proven program designed by a highly respected coach in the industry. This and similar programs are designed for linear progression. They involve compound, full body lifts, 3x5 / 5x5, 3 days per week.

    And if that isn't enough to worry about - be consistent with your workouts and your nutrition.
    My questions are:
    1) would it be possible to reach my goal in around 6 months
    2) is that calorie count/exercise schedule putting me in the best position to lose the most weight?

    I appreciate everyone's input!

    Don't set yourself up for failure. Do the above and you'll start to see change. You're young enough where you don't have YEARS and YEARS of bad habits to reverse.
  • 2live4ever79
    2live4ever79 Posts: 79 Member
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Hey everyone, this is my first time posting on here. I've recently started MFP and working out and i've been doing good so far!
    I'm a 19 year old male, 5'11" and 250lbs. I've finally become motivated to make a difference, and 185 is my ultimate goal. Everyone in my family is overweight so I finally feel like i need to be the one to change all that.

    I'm currently eating between 1300-1600 calories and plan on working out between 30-60mins at least 5 days a week (everyday is my goal). I currently have no stamina at all, so I've started walking at a moderate pace and I hope to build up to running soon (my best friend is a marathon runner)

    My questions are:
    1) would it be possible to reach my goal in around 6 months
    2) is that calorie count/exercise schedule putting me in the best position to lose the most weight?

    I appreciate everyone's input!

    1300-1600 calories is WAY too low for a 250 lb man. I would go NO lower than about 1850 with about 150g of protein per day at that level. 2k should yeild a 2+ lb per week loss at your size.
  • cbbn11
    cbbn11 Posts: 121 Member
    A quick note about your routine. Working out 5 days per week is alot. You need to plan for rest and recovery in your routine. Muscle builds outside of the gym after tearing it up, in the gym. Sleep, and rest days are equally important as are your nutrition and training program.

    Get your calories up. If you are truly working out 5 days per week and you want to continue that, you need to eat more. Strive for 1g protein and .4g fat for every lb of body weight. Use the custom goal settings in MFP to change what MFP has set for you.

    If you like to lift, get on a program similar to Starting Strength which is a proven program designed by a highly respected coach in the industry. This and similar programs are designed for linear progression. They involve compound, full body lifts, 3x5 / 5x5, 3 days per week.

    I agree here, unless you are working out different body parts everyday you need rest. I work out Mon, Wed, Fri and do cardio Tues, Thurs and take Sat, Sun off.