Hello... I joined a while ago but unsuccessfully...

I am so disappointed in myself, I have gained weight. I have never had a weight issue and now that I do I can't stop eating
My meals are ok, breakfast, lunch and dinner, it's my snacks I can't seem to control.

Do you have any advice?


Hi by the way


  • I know how you feel, my snacks are about to be cut in half snacks to fool myself thinking Im getting more...I doubt it will be successful but gosh darn it...I'm a bored eater, I get bored and I eat lol

    So don't really have a solution for ya, just know how you feel
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 811 Member
    Sometimes if I want a snack, I drink a ton of water. Or I snack on clementines or other sorts of fruit. Good luck!
  • Yes that's me... especially bad as I am on holidays at the moment.
    I only need to lose 22 pounds but my concern is how fast I am putting it on
  • julz5150
    julz5150 Posts: 25 Member
    Logging everything you eat definitely helps. Once you start seeing it all out there it kind of reins you in a bit.

    Having friends on MFP definitely helps and is fun.

    The snacks are a problem... if you feel the need to snack often it might be good to try just eating many small meals and not really have any actual core breakfast lunch and dinners just try for 6 or seven snacks. I did that to get my eating under control a few years ago i literally would plan out my meals for the day and set a my phone alarm for every 3 -4 hours to tell me when to eat. It helped a lot.

    Also water intake really helps keep meal intake less. I try for 14-18 8oz cups a day (i'm also on medication so i need more water) but in general if your stomach is full of water you don't want to eat as much. (Tip: Try for really cold water. Our bodies burn calories when they are warming up the water)

    And of course who can say enough about cardio. I HATE to say it (because I LOATHE cardio) but it really works even if its for 20 minutes 3xs a week it will help.

    I hope i kind of helped... BTW i added you for a friend and i'm here to help any way i can :smile:
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Some healthy snacks include hummus, carrots, cucumbers, air-popped popcorn, yogurt, and almonds. Also, apples help fill you up and take a while to eat. Drink lots of water. Hope these things help.
  • Some healthy snacks include hummus, carrots, cucumbers, air-popped popcorn, yogurt, and almonds. Also, apples help fill you up and take a while to eat. Drink lots of water. Hope these things help.

  • Logging everything you eat definitely helps. Once you start seeing it all out there it kind of reins you in a bit.

    Having friends on MFP definitely helps and is fun.

    The snacks are a problem... if you feel the need to snack often it might be good to try just eating many small meals and not really have any actual core breakfast lunch and dinners just try for 6 or seven snacks. I did that to get my eating under control a few years ago i literally would plan out my meals for the day and set a my phone alarm for every 3 -4 hours to tell me when to eat. It helped a lot.

    Also water intake really helps keep meal intake less. I try for 14-18 8oz cups a day (i'm also on medication so i need more water) but in general if your stomach is full of water you don't want to eat as much. (Tip: Try for really cold water. Our bodies burn calories when they are warming up the water)

    And of course who can say enough about cardio. I HATE to say it (because I LOATHE cardio) but it really works even if its for 20 minutes 3xs a week it will help.

    I hope i kind of helped... BTW i added you for a friend and i'm here to help any way i can :smile:

    Thanks, I do drink a lot of water.. well for me but could definitely drink more. I have always struggled with exercise and not having to, did not help that haha
    I forget to log in and put my food in so I think I will try the phone alarm trick :0)
  • Some healthy snacks include hummus, carrots, cucumbers, air-popped popcorn, yogurt, and almonds. Also, apples help fill you up and take a while to eat. Drink lots of water. Hope these things help.
    I love fruit and veges so the raw veges is a great idea for me, thanks
  • Sometimes if I want a snack, I drink a ton of water. Or I snack on clementines or other sorts of fruit. Good luck!

    nnyish has it right. clementines, celery sticks, and pistachio's rock as snacks.
  • neddoh
    neddoh Posts: 116 Member
    Keep healthy snacks in the house! When I shop, I only buy fruit and veg snacks and low-cal options that will satisfy my bread and chip cravings without being...well breads and chips.
  • Keep healthy snacks in the house! When I shop, I only buy fruit and veg snacks and low-cal options that will satisfy my bread and chip cravings without being...well breads and chips.
    haha sandwiches is a big problem of mine, i can't not buy bread though as I have 2 kids. I definitely need to buy more fruit because I enjoy it as well
  • The Special K cracker chips satisfy my craving for crunchy or salty. The Sea Salt ones are 30 chips for 110 calories. I also have actually started measuring stuff instead of guessing. I have also found that buying in the single serving containers is helping me to stay honest. For a warm snack I like the Lean Cuisene Spinach Artichoke dip with pita from the frozen section. My biggest problem is chocolate. I actually keep some in the house, and have one had one Reeses mini in the last 9 days. Knowing I am trying to cut down almost makes me want to eat more.
  • The Special K cracker chips satisfy my craving for crunchy or salty. The Sea Salt ones are 30 chips for 110 calories. I also have actually started measuring stuff instead of guessing. I have also found that buying in the single serving containers is helping me to stay honest. For a warm snack I like the Lean Cuisene Spinach Artichoke dip with pita from the frozen section. My biggest problem is chocolate. I actually keep some in the house, and have one had one Reeses mini in the last 9 days. Knowing I am trying to cut down almost makes me want to eat more.
    I don't think we have any of that over here (New Zealand) but I will look for something similar :smile: