60 pounds in 6 months?

Is this possible? And what do I have to do to achieve this? I have cut my calories back and I burn more then I consume. And I'm trying to only eat healthy food and I Also only drink water! Nothing else! I will do what ever it takes to lose 60 pounds by July! Help!!


  • Driving_Miss_Daisy
    That depends. How tall are you and what is your current weight?
  • Countryygirl
    5'3 211.4
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I know it's completely different between the sexes and other factors (age, size, etc). I was able to drop 140 lbs in 7 months with a strict calorie count (1200-1300) and exercising daily. So it is possible. I should note that I did get a blood panel done every month to make sure I wasn't killing myself.
  • monty_williams
    Based upon your gender, height, and current weight, and without knowing your age (guessing 35), your BMR is probably around 1600 calories per day. To lose 60 lbs, that means you need to lose 210,000 calories (3500 calories per lb). Divided by 6 months, 35,000 per month, using 30 day average per month, 1167 caloric deficit per day.

    You've got to eat, 1000-1200 minimum per day to maintain healthy bodily function, so that means you need to burn the difference via diet and exercise.
  • Countryygirl
    Forgot to put my age y bad I'm 21. I never eat 1200 calories a day today I ate 975 and yesterday I had 675
  • 1HappyRosie
    1HappyRosie Posts: 80 Member
    If you don't eat enough your body will go into starvaton mode and you will not lose the weight.
  • hilarryus
    hilarryus Posts: 30 Member
    Hey, A little perspective for you. I am 25 , female and 5'7. Following the calorie guide on the app., and exersising 4 to 5 days a week i have dropped 70lbs in 6 months. You can do it girl.
  • i_heart_food
    Forgot to put my age y bad I'm 21. I never eat 1200 calories a day today I ate 975 and yesterday I had 675

    Please don't do that! :noway: If you continue to do that like another poster said you will go into starvation mode. That means your body is basically freaking out because it doesn't know when you are going to feed it again, so whatever you do eat it is going to store for later. You will not lose any weight because your body is storing every bit of that food.

    Like the previous poster said, 1100-1200 sounds about right, and make sure you exercise. May I also suggest that you eat 5-6 small meals a day instead of just three. The continuous introduction of food will signal to your body that it's okay to use what's needed and discard the rest. Good luck in your endeavor! :bigsmile:
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    Very do-able. Don't go below 1100 calories a day, exercise daily, even if it's just a 20 minute walk around the block. Try to stay away from empty calorie foods and complex carbs. Eat good carbs and good proteins daily. As close to how God made it as possible. You can do this!!!
  • Countryygirl
    Hey, A little perspective for you. I am 25 , female and 5'7. Following the calorie guide on the app., and exersising 4 to 5 days a week i have dropped 70lbs in 6 months. You can do it girl.

    Oh I hope so! I want to look good in my bikini this year! And I really don't have the time to burn off all the calories if I eat 1200 I have a 1 and half year old who doesn't nap and refuses to go for walks now in her jogging stroller. So the less I eat the more I can burn!
  • dgoradia
    dgoradia Posts: 109 Member
    If I were you, I'd start at about 1700 calories a day and see how that goes before going any lower. 1200 seems like too low of a starting point for someone with your stats.

    Also it will be easier to follow at first with 1700. Provided you do exercise, your energy balance will be higher on the calories out side of the scale.
  • naia16
    naia16 Posts: 35
    Hey, A little perspective for you. I am 25 , female and 5'7. Following the calorie guide on the app., and exersising 4 to 5 days a week i have dropped 70lbs in 6 months. You can do it girl.

    Oh I hope so! I want to look good in my bikini this year! And I really don't have the time to burn off all the calories if I eat 1200 I have a 1 and half year old who doesn't nap and refuses to go for walks now in her jogging stroller. So the less I eat the more I can burn!

    i don't think you are quite listening to the advice everyone is giving you on here concerning the amount of calories you should eat. eating less than what is recommended to you on this site is NOT going to help you lose the weight faster.
  • hilarryus
    hilarryus Posts: 30 Member
    I agree with the above post. Go by what the site is telling you to do in means of calorie count. Going under that will A. leave you hungry and B. promote bindging late. I eat about 5 smallish means a day. Lots of protien, in the morning and a cardio workout after work does the trick for me. Don not go under your calories. I will only help you store what you have Iife you follow what they are telling you to do, you will lose weight.
  • Countryygirl
    Well when I set up this site it gave me 1200 calories so that's wrong?
  • irenerose25
    irenerose25 Posts: 41 Member
    That 1200 calories the site recommends already has a calorie deficit built in. If you are eating less than that, you are depriving your body the calories that it needs just to function (digest food, brain function etc). Many people recommend that even if you exercise, you want to make sure that your body is still getting that 1200, which means you need to eat more if you exercise. The low calorie amounts you have been eating are very hard to maintain for most people. I know you want to lose weight fast (don't we all lol), but you will be doing your body a favor if you get your 1200 you will still lose weight. Good luck!
  • MollyDukes
    MollyDukes Posts: 233 Member
    That 1200 calories the site recommends already has a calorie deficit built in. If you are eating less than that, you are depriving your body the calories that it needs just to function (digest food, brain function etc). Many people recommend that even if you exercise, you want to make sure that your body is still getting that 1200, which means you need to eat more if you exercise. The low calorie amounts you have been eating are very hard to maintain for most people. I know you want to lose weight fast (don't we all lol), but you will be doing your body a favor if you get your 1200 you will still lose weight. Good luck!
