Does anyone have a severe insulin resistance problem?

Hi, I am new to the community and was very healthy and fit all my life, eat super healthy but developed severe insulin resistance about 10 years ago and gained 65 lbs. Have been to many doctors who say I have the worst insulin score they have ever seen (but not abnormal blood sugar). Bottom line - almost impossible to lose weight but I keep trying. Anyone have any thoughts or experience with this? I'm a little discouraged because I made some progress over the last year with really strict dieting and exercise, and then lost it in like a month. It really kills me because I used to have a great bod, and loved dancing and fitness but its hard to do at 180 when you are used to being 115. if no thoughts then just pray cause I am discouraged.


  • cerrajean
    cerrajean Posts: 188 Member
    OOOH me!

    Are you on any medications? I was diagnosed PCOS and Insulin resistant about 10 years ago and have been on Metformin (Generic form of Glucophage) to regulate my insulin since. I've only taken the medication off and on over that time period, however, based on the fact that it makes my stomach very upset. (severe diarrhea and stomach cramping the first few days to a week when I start it back up).

    For me it was also virtually impossible to lose weight, and I've learned now that if I want to lose it, I have to be on the medication. I started around 274 and then plateaued at 260 for 3 months of above average exercise, healthy eating, and calorie monitoring. Frustrated, I went to my doctor and started up my medication again and lost about 5lbs over the next week or two.

    It's really hard accepting the fact that your body is working against you, when all you're trying to do is make it better. If you're not on medication, I'd strongly suggest checking it out, but based on your post, and having seen many doctors, I'm assuming you have. If it's not working, I'd say visit an endocrinologist and work with him/her and a dietician or nutritionist to try something else.
  • julz5150
    julz5150 Posts: 25 Member
    I have PCOS too... I am also on metformin. And my doctor just started me on phentermine for appetite control. It really frustrating how our bodies just cling to the weight. I used to get upset a lot over how unfair it was that it was way more difficult for me to lose the weight than other people. But the metformin is helping me as well. Its a long road... but its nice to know we aren't alone. Feel free to add me :smile:
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Hi, I am new to the community and was very healthy and fit all my life, eat super healthy but developed severe insulin resistance about 10 years ago and gained 65 lbs. Have been to many doctors who say I have the worst insulin score they have ever seen (but not abnormal blood sugar). Bottom line - almost impossible to lose weight but I keep trying. Anyone have any thoughts or experience with this? I'm a little discouraged because I made some progress over the last year with really strict dieting and exercise, and then lost it in like a month. It really kills me because I used to have a great bod, and loved dancing and fitness but its hard to do at 180 when you are used to being 115. if no thoughts then just pray cause I am discouraged.

    I hope your Doc has kept up with current thinking/realizations about this metabolic syndrome. I notice the advice is still to eat mostly fruits, vegetables, and whole grain products, and low fat.

    It's like, good grief, the insulin doesn't work properly to get the blood sugar down, so why in the world would you encourage eating mostly carbs! How asinine.

    Several studies to help metabolic syndrome have been showing the benefit of higher fat/protein diets with lower carbs, and those carbs are all high fiber vegetables, little fruit, no grains. And carbs always eaten with or after that high fat/protein to slow absorption, so it doesn't matter as much that the insulin doesn't work right, it doesn't need to.

    Notice NOT a high protein diet (though higher than some), that stresses the liver in your body's already delicate state. High fat. While it sounds totally wrong, fat does not cause insulin release, and of course doesn't need it. The amount eaten is still total calories below your maintenance, so still calorie deficit, and still losing weight.
  • cerrajean
    cerrajean Posts: 188 Member
    My GI track let me know who was boss the other night too - once you're on the metformin your dieting habits change by FORCE. I had to abort my elliptical from running to the bathroom too many times because my McDonalds Mini-Meal (well within my calorie goals for the day!) was wreaking havoc on my system.

    It's really easy to eat healthy when unhealthy foods make you sick enough to never want to touch food again. :-/
  • cerrajean
    cerrajean Posts: 188 Member
    It's weird trying to explain this to people-

    "Oh, so you're diabetic."
    "No, my insulin just doesn't work right."
    "Oh." *blank stare*
    "Think of it this way - Basically, my cells are tiny little hoarders. Instead of breaking down the sugars and starches the cells just keep storing them, thus causing a lot of extra weight that I don't actually need, though my body thinks it does."
    "OOOH. That makes sense."
  • net360
    net360 Posts: 9
    Hi. I don't have an insulin issue, but do have a chronic disease. My goal is to improve my health through diet. I just watched an amazing documentary FORKS OVER KNIVES. Anyone on meds for chronic conditions should check it out.
  • bettereveryday
    Wow, thank you all who replied. Yes, I am several medications, metformin, victoza injectable -(used to be on byeta) and lots of other meds, for lipids, blood pressure, heart, etc., and, yes, it is related to what they believe is a severe genetic lipid and other abnormality. But bottom line is doing normal things just don't work for me but I don't want to give up. I've not been on phen or anything like that because of other pretty serious medical comps / surgeries, but am very active with a lot of responsibilities but other than my weight / health love my life and profession and have great relationships, so on the personal side all is well, only thing that gets me down is the body, weight, and concern about how it is shortening my life for my kids and gkids, who love me. But thanks for all your posts and being fellow travelers on the journey, at least I feel I am not alone. Blessings Y'all!. PS I was walking up to 6-7 miles a day but it started stressing my heart, but I do like to work out, taught fitness and dance in my old life and body, time is biggest obstacle re workout but I am going to get back on it soon.