Eating all wrong...

Okay, just looking over my diary entries I have come to the conclusion that I dont eat very healthy food. When my hubby went to the doctor last week, they were talking about me and the doctor asked how I was doing with my weight loss and hubby told him I was starting Sunday. He also told the doctor that I hardly ever eat and I dont eat a lot, but now I see it is WHAT I am eating.... so... I need to really reconsider my food choices and maybe drop the coffee altogether... I am down to one, maybe two caffeinated drinks a day and seeing how I used to down 5-8 a day, I feel good about that. I drink regular pepsi. I just cant seem to stomach any of the diet drinks and I have tried them all. Buying my water tomorrow and will start with at least eight 8 ounces a day.....

Wishing everyone the best!


  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    good job! yeah, id stay away from the soda!!! that stuff will kill ya! the only diet soda that i think taste ok is diet root beer, but even that is not healthy! what i found that i really like is the crystal light lemonade!!! its so good!!! as for my caffiene headaches, i take a shot or 2 of esspresso every morning, that detours me from going to starbucks and getting a 1500 calorie foofoo drink, or driving through burger king for a king size coke! All im doing is trying to eat and drink as raw as possible, and then adding in some quick frozen lean cuisines... i figure if i can fill up on lettuce, tomatoe, peppers, onion, cucumber, etc, with some oil and vinigar... then it wont leave me with the hunger that will lead to junk
  • Goldenbast
    Goldenbast Posts: 227 Member
    I think the main thing with sodas is they are considered empty calories....the basic premise of losing weight is eating less calories than you don't have to give up your Pepsi if you do it in moderation and count the calories toward the total. You can also look at your food diary and try to replace as much as possible with healthy unprocessed foods, and count Pepsi as your 'naughty' food....You can also go look at, they give you very general information on what foods you should be eating to maintain a nutritious diet.

    Maybe allow yourself a pepsi as a reward for doing a set of exercises, or set up a limit of say one every other day....they key to a successful diet in my opinion is not be on a diet at all, but eat healthy foods in ways you like, if you do this then having a few little vice foods won't hurt you overmuch, and you won't feel like you are on a 'diet'.
  • briocktj
    briocktj Posts: 128
    I did lose about 40 pounds in 2002/2003 just by walking on the treadmill 45 minutes a day and drinking water. I didnt watch what I ate... I think that is a huge part of my problem; I dont get enough (any really) exercise. I work from home as a medical transcriptionist and I hardly ever get out of my PJs unless I am going somewhere... LOL... Take a bath, throw on a new pair of PJs and sit at the computer for 10-18 hours a day.... I have thought about getting a job back out in "work force" but I love the transcribing, the flexibilty, the money, etc.... and I REFUSE to buy "fat" clothes. Over the years, I have been a shopaholic, buying all my clothes in smaller sizes because "I WILL LOSE WEIGHT AND GET IN THAT BY SUMMER/WINTER, whenever.." Hubby doesnt want me buying anything now unless I can wear it now and I just refuse to... I am DETERMINED to get this weight off, so why waste money on clothes to wear now.... I have started back doing the little thiings that I enjoy, like tanning and got a hot pink pedicure the other day.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    youll get there!!!
  • Hang in there it sounds like you are heading the right direction. I could tell you all the whole foods I love but I am guessing you will need to find your own. There is some great stuff out there that is healthy so hang in there.
  • LolaGotThin
    LolaGotThin Posts: 111 Member
    Cut out soda, period. I'm just saying I've seen a big difference in myself since going to just water. If I need something sweet, I add either some Crystal Light (not often, I'm trying to not use anything with aspertame) or I drink fruit juice (real juice).
    For me, it's switching out one thing at a time that's helping! Don't try and do a whole revamp all in one go. It can get really overwhelming.
    Like I switched soda, I also went from whole scrambled eggs to just scrambled egg whites (yummy, btw). A lot of it is also portions. I love love love steak, and can't give it up. So I only eat it a couple times a month and I have the recommended 3-5 ounces, usually I end up at 4 because I have found I can't eat much more. I phased out regular bread in favor of whole grain. Very hearty and it tastes awesome with natural peanut butter.
    I'm rambling now. :> Sorry.
  • briocktj
    briocktj Posts: 128
    I would need to find something I liked to drink as I just cant see drinking water with a meal. I dont like lemons at all, so I couldnt add a lemon to it. I can drink water all day, not saying I like to, but.... what I have been doing is like tonight I drank only half a pepsi with dinner and then drank the other half when I ate my "breakfast" around 1 a.m. LOL
  • logicandlove
    logicandlove Posts: 191 Member
    I'm a huge fan of Mio, which is basically calorie-free and doesn't quite have the awful fake-sweet taste of some things. You add it to water so it's as sweet/strong or not, as you prefer, and it's liquid not powder, so it's even. They have all kinds of flavors, but the peach tea is my favorite.
  • Goldenbast
    Goldenbast Posts: 227 Member
    I hear ya....I was a HUGE soda drinker and I just don't really like the diets and I am not a huge fan of the water packets..I'd rather drink plain water, which I actually like BTW...but even I want variety and want to eat/drink what I like...the key is portions and moderation...I think splitting pepsi in half is a wonderful idea!

    Even the steak poster wrote that they love steak so just eat it in moderation rather than cut it out. :) If you cut out everything you like/love you are just setting yourself up to fail...can you imagine yourself going the rest of your life without soda? I can't. :) It may be bad for you, but a little bit every now and then shouldn't hurt.
  • briocktj
    briocktj Posts: 128
    true.... I like my Pepsis too, used to have to ALWAYS have something to drink at all times.... now I drink coffee when I first get up, a pepsi when I eat dinner and then coffee in the evening. I agree that I am not going to cut out all the things I love... I am just going to do things in moderation and the main thing I need to do is GET UP AND MOVE LOL....
  • "Maybe allow yourself a pepsi as a reward for doing a set of exercises, or set up a limit of say one every other day"

    Hopefully this doesn't sound harsh, but I'd try and build non-food related rewards into your program, like making time for a relaxing bath or something else you enjoy. I used to reward myself for having a good week at the gym with ice cream, but that's like taking 2 steps forward and 1 step back! It's healthier (and more sustainable) to keep your rewards completely separate to your food.

    The danger with soft drinks (even the diet ones) is that there are lots of artificial sweeteners and other stuff in them that isn't good for your body, even if you are sticking to your calorie goal. From the perspective of "getting healthy", I'd be trying to cut down your soft drink intake as much as humanly possible - once you get used to not drinking them all the time you'll realise how sugary they really are!

    I've been scared to comment much on these forums as people seem to shoot others down quickly on some subjects - hopefully this will be taken constructively :-)

    Best of luck!! :-)
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    I think having one soda a day is no problem, as long as it's not 6-- since those calories really add up. I am personally not a fan of diet or MIO because of the sweeteners they have.

    I like to mix sparkling water with apple juice (or other juices). This mix is sold here (in germany) as an apple soda (apfelschorle) and is super delicious. Maybe give that a try? or even grape or mixed juice?

    Most of all, I think making realistic changes is important, so you can stick to it. :)

    Good Luck!
  • Goldenbast
    Goldenbast Posts: 227 Member
    Hey angela..I totally agree! I was just observing that if one really likes soda then cutting it out completely while healthy really ins't satisfying and if you are not satisfied then you will at some point blow it off. Soda's are horrible for you. I am the first to agree and I stopped drinking a ton of them, but I still allow myself one now and again because while I want to be healthy, I also want to enjoy myself. :) It would be like a chocolate lover not even allowing themselves one single hershey kiss. :) Especially if someone was willing to make very good changes in other things, but want to keep one vice in moderation.
  • briocktj
    briocktj Posts: 128
    thanks for the responses....
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    open up your food diary and maybe we can help more- a swap this for that kinda thing. I love it when people help me! :happy:
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    That's excellent that you've realized that on your own. Don't worry about making huge changes all at once, tackle them one at a time like the soda. There will always be room to improve so you're well on the way to becoming a healthier version of you!
  • muitobem
    muitobem Posts: 436 Member
    In all being said ....portion control is a big thing...
  • I was a soda addict, granted it was diet soda but still. I would wake up at ONE in the afternoon and grab a soda. It was the only thing I drank all day. I now drink 3-4 bottles of water per day and have been doing really well on my soda habit. I'll have one now with a meal instead of one every hour and I only have them maybe twice per week. There's sodium in diet soda too which I never knew and I'm pretty sure I'm going to kick the soda habit for good. Also, get lots of sleep. I read that you were eating at 1am and I sort of cringed. I hope you don't take this the wrong way, I'm really just trying to share my experiences because we're all here to help each other! I want to see you succeed and I know you can do this!
  • yesterday I had a low point in my diet diary. I ate over 900 cal over what I need to be eating. Soda tastesvery good but is very bad for you. I'm sure you know that already lol. I just really got addicted to the taste! I quit it and it was almost like quitting cigarettes. But once I got past the first couple of days it was okay. I still occasionally indulge in pepsi max or coke zero now and then but water is the ultimate go to. It fills me up without any calories and I don't care about water weight; that's lost through sweating and going to the b-room. I know you're struggling a little bit as I am. I'm a stay at home mom and I have a fiance who can literally eat whatever he wants and not gain a lb. My thing is getting rid of the bad ting sI eat and eating alot of healthy things instead of a little bit of not healthy foods. I've also got to get off my butt and work out or no matter what I eat, it's not going anywhere! Good luck to you. Hope you are successful in your ventures!
  • briocktj
    briocktj Posts: 128
    okay, going to open up my diary.... if I can figure out how.... LOL...

    okay, so.... how do I open it up?

    and again... I have it open now....