Late Night Snacking!



  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Beware of fruit! It may work for some people for a late night snack, but I've been warned from two different sources that say no fruit after 3:00pm because of their sugars.

    That's the silliest thing I've ever heard. What's wrong with eating fruit after 3PM? And which time zone is that? Am I in trouble if I'm eating an orange on a plane and cross a time zone and it suddenly becomes 4PM? It doesn't matter what you eat, or when you eat it, your body processes all food on a molecular level the exact same way. And honestly, it couldn't tell the difference between a piece of fruit, or a cup of yogurt. Trying to avoid any particular food due to something as arbitrary as a clock is silly and nonsensical.
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    I keep pumpkin seeds near by and that stops me from going into the kitchen in the middle of the night.

    Just be careful with those - I once snacked on pumpkin seeds, thinking they were healthy... bout a quarter cups worth... ended up being almost a calorie per gram!

    Same with salted peanuts! I find the best snack is a piece of fruit and DEFINATELY a yoghurt, Ski Lite works wonders for me.
  • Tenoreo90
    Tenoreo90 Posts: 329 Member
    Working on this myself. A nice no-caffeine tea helps. And just keep yourself busy till bed...take a bath, clean something, paint your nails...and if all else fails, chew on a straw. It'll satisfy that urge to chew. :D
  • rubygarcia86
    rubygarcia86 Posts: 73 Member
    it is hard but drinking alot of water helps

    yep water is the best way to fill you up....that or ice i guess...
  • This is a tip I gave a friend of mine: grab something that you love to snack on, like a big bag of those Quaker Multi-Grain Fiber crisps. Get yourself some Ziploc bags and portion out your snacks into 100 calorie portions. When you have a late night attack, grab a little baggie and a bottle of water and drink, munch, drink and munch. Those are great for snacking because they are high in fiber and they'll make you feel full for a longer period of time, plus you'll have your water to help fill you up a little. Hope this helps!!! :bigsmile:
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    Oh yeah, and I forgot the most important thing of all:

    Eat when you're hungry, not out of habit. When you are aware of the true differences between these two states it helps a bunch.

    Train your mind to eat at the same times throughout the day. Fill the times you should not be eating with activities that keep your mind focused and your hands busy.

    I play a lot of guitar... geez, must have written about 10 songs since october in these spare times alone lol
  • Bravo, I hadn't mentioned that one either lol. :bigsmile: Thanks for reminding me!!
  • cosmicrelief
    cosmicrelief Posts: 14 Member
    I brush my teeth shortly after dinner :)