Anyone here who wants to lose around 10lbs?



  • aqua_zumba_fan
    aqua_zumba_fan Posts: 383 Member
    i sure would love to know too, i am also 5.2 but at 136/137, i want to get back to my pre pregnancy weight of 130... i have struggled for just over 2 months now just to lose 4 lbs... not sure what else to do or what i am not doing. I even did the 30ds to get some results happening but not much did happen after the whole 30 days. I still am doing 30-45 min of cardio at least 5 days a week to hopefully keep off those 4 lbs i have lost but not sure how to get rid of the last 6-7... sure would love to be under 130 but i will just take 130 if i can get it.

    I'm 5'2 as well and trying to get from 139 to 130 :) I was at 137 at one stage. Atm I'm working with weekly instead of daily calorie goals and mixing it up a bit - over some days, under others, eating back all exercise calories. I'm doing lots of JM DVDs plus aqua zumba and aqua aerobics. I put on a couple of lbs over Xmas and now have my period but hoping when I weigh in on Sunday there'll be a change! We should add each other :)
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    aqua_zumba_fan Posts: 383 Member
    I'm wondering why people feel the need to obsess over getting to such a low weight? I mean if you're 5'2 and under 120lbs that's a pretty low weight already so why not just maintain? I just worry that people are hating their bodies when there's no need. Well, of course, no one should hate their body ever - we need to be positive and stop comparing ourselves to airbrushed models! Not having a go, just concerned that there's too much energy being spent on getting ever thinner instead of getting on with life without all those concerns and worries about weight.
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    aqua_zumba_fan Posts: 383 Member
    Thanks girls, I did lose 4lb in my first week from christmas which was great but I want to lose 1lb a week from now if its possible. Im definately going to have the cheat day once a week else I wouldn't be able to stick to it and I will try to get to my 1200 cals a day...if not can I use those calories on my cheat day?? Feel free to add me too!!! x

    This is what I do. If you have the MFP app it shows you a bar chart of weekly calories and I use that cos it tells you how much you're under or over for the week. So I just try to get as close to the goal as possible. Some days I exercise lots and don't eat everything back but will eat it other days, like when I go out for a meal or have a few drinks :)
  • Hey I'm 5'4 and 115lbs just lost my baby weigh of four stone I most definitely ate for two whilst pregnant haha!! Just trying to shift the last three pounds xx
  • I'm wondering why people feel the need to obsess over getting to such a low weight? I mean if you're 5'2 and under 120lbs that's a pretty low weight already so why not just maintain? I just worry that people are hating their bodies when there's no need. Well, of course, no one should hate their body ever - we need to be positive and stop comparing ourselves to airbrushed models! Not having a go, just concerned that there's too much energy being spent on getting ever thinner instead of getting on with life without all those concerns and worries about weight.

    I was 120 and fine with it BUT before i started on MFP I thought the scale needed to go down in order to look better but it's the opposite. I just want to look toned and fit and I'm fine if my weight goes up as long as it's not BF%.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    As we all know, the closer to your goal weight the harder to lose! I would try zig zagging your calories, eat 1200 one day, 1000 one day, 1500 one day, etc.. Also, rev up your workouts a bit, add plyometrics and weight lifting, you'll be amazed what that does to your body shape!
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    I'm wondering why people feel the need to obsess over getting to such a low weight? I mean if you're 5'2 and under 120lbs that's a pretty low weight already so why not just maintain? I just worry that people are hating their bodies when there's no need. Well, of course, no one should hate their body ever - we need to be positive and stop comparing ourselves to airbrushed models! Not having a go, just concerned that there's too much energy being spent on getting ever thinner instead of getting on with life without all those concerns and worries about weight.

    Why would you assume the OP is obsessed with a low weight? If that's her goal then that's her goal - she's asking for help in reaching it and if it was her pre-pregnancy weight then it doesn't seem like an unrealistic goal.

    I'm 5'5.5" and 123lbs - shooting for 115. Maybe that seems crazy to some, but I'm (I think) doing it the right way by eating a LOT of food (higher protein, slightly lower carb, high in good fats) and working out hard. I have a specific goal of wanting to qualify for the Boston Marathon this year and I'm trying to get faster. Along with working out, lowering my body fat, increasing muscle and decreasing my overall weight will help me reach that goal.

    I don't hate my body at all. I like it quite a lot. I'm darn proud of where I'm at now and what I've accomplished (I've lost about 45lbs total from my highest weight). But that doesn't mean that I can't strive to accomplish something more.


    To address the OP's question I thought this thread (the reply about 4-5 down by Yanicka1) is a great way to explain why those last few pounds are the toughest to shed:
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    When I first started, I had 12 pounds to lose. I am down almost 9 pounds now and I did it by eating MORE! :) I tried the 1200 a day and was hungry and not losing. I upped it to 1400 a day plus most of my exercise calories, and I'm losing steadily. I think it's important to make sure you eat enough when you have less to lose.