clean eating

How long does it take to see results? I have been completely clean eating for only a week and half and I swear my love handles are starting to reduce. Is this possible?


  • CAMette11
    I have tried to eat completely clean but find it difficult, how did you do it? Also, are you a good cook? I feel I am missing something in being able to successfully eat clean.
  • chachatietje
    I am very interested in clean eating and need information. Please Help!!!
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    The answer is YES! You can see results that fast. Clean eating gets rid of toxins and water retention, so you do notice a change. Your biggest changes will be in a month, but a week can make a huge difference! Way to go and keep up the good work!
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    "Clean" is nothing but an arbitrary dividing line that people use to put food into overly-simplistic categories of "good" and "bad," or "healthy" and "unhealthy." It has nothing to do with weight loss.
  • calabrdm
    calabrdm Posts: 303 Member
    I will definately add a brief description tonight of how it works. Basically eating 6 times a day and food in correct proportions.
  • calabrdm
    calabrdm Posts: 303 Member
    Here is an example of my day today. The snacks are cut in half for two meals. I still need to add one more meal today.
    Breakfast Calories Fiber Fat Protein Carbs Sugar
    Acme - Skim Milk, 0.5 cup 45 0 0 4 7 6
    Sugar In the Raw - Raw Sugar, 1 tsp 15 0 0 0 5 5
    Vitamuffin - Vitatops- Deep Chocolate, 1 VitaTop 100 9 2 4 26 11
    Generic - Egg Beaters, 3/4 cup 90 0 0 18 3 3
    Deleted Duplicate - Egg, Large, 1 egg 70 0 5 6 0 0

    Purdue/ Costco - Boneless Chicken Breast , 4 oz 100 0 1 22 0 0
    Trader Joe's - Frozen Organic Brown Rice, 0.5 cup (5 oz.142 g) 80 2 1 3 25 0
    Fresh Picked - Green Beans, Raw, 91 g 28 3 0 2 0 0

    Kroger - Tilapia Fillets, 4 oz (1 fillet) 100 0 1 23 0 0
    Trader Joe's - Frozen Organic Brown Rice, 0.5 cup (5 oz.142 g) 80 2 1 3 25 0
    Raw - Green Beans, 1 Cup 34

    Jif - All Natural Peanut Butter, 2 TBS 190 2 16 7 8 3
    Banana - Raw, 1 Medium 110 3 0 1 27 19
    Santa Fe - Homestyle Whole Grain Tortillas, High Fiber Low Carb, 1 tortilla 100 7 4 8 13 0
  • trhops
    trhops Posts: 295 Member
    Just searched for this topic and found this thread.

    Well I had a 1 1/2 mth weight loss stall. I started with a trainer 8 days ago and she put me on this clean eating type of plan. Well in 8 days I am down 4.2 lbs!!!! Eating good food and no more processed foods has gotten me out of my rut and I feel better!
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I will definately add a brief description tonight of how it works. Basically eating 6 times a day and food in correct proportions.

    no offense but this has nothing at all to do with clean eating
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    "Clean" is nothing but an arbitrary dividing line that people use to put food into overly-simplistic categories of "good" and "bad," or "healthy" and "unhealthy." It has nothing to do with weight loss.

    This is correct.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    The answer is YES! You can see results that fast. Clean eating gets rid of toxins and water retention, so you do notice a change. Your biggest changes will be in a month, but a week can make a huge difference! Way to go and keep up the good work!

    Which toxins?
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    "Clean" is nothing but an arbitrary dividing line that people use to put food into overly-simplistic categories of "good" and "bad," or "healthy" and "unhealthy." It has nothing to do with weight loss.

    Clean eating has nothing to do with weight loss. This is true.

    But saying clean eating is nothing but an arbitrary dividing line is not. It is more than that.
  • rayleansout
    Eat 99% of your food in this way = nothing that comes in a box, can, bag, or package, (no processed foods) fresh or frozen fruits vegetables, lean meats and fish, whole grains, low glycemic carbs, unsalted nuts, sweet potatoes, yams, brown rice, sprouted grain bread.

    Lean - Green - Marine
  • lauehorn
    lauehorn Posts: 183
    This isn't exactly "Clean" eating. Clean eating is generally defined as eating only whole foods in their most natural form. That means fresh organic fruits and vegetables, organic/nonGMO/wild meats and seafoods, full fat* and raw dairy, healthy fats (nuts, seeds, avocados, avocado oil, olive oil, etc). It also means cutting out anything that is processed (more than 5 ingredients, with preservatives, with ingredients that aren't recognizable, etc), refined sugar, alcohol, and so on. It can be challenging to eat clean 100% of the time, which is why many people subscribe to the 90/10 or 80/20 rule of eating clean most of the time and giving themselves a small margin of error to eat unclean.

    *Non-fat and low-fat foods are often stripped of the good nutrients or have added sugar or other ingredients, making them nutritionally wasteful and less nutrient-dense than the whole fat version.
  • lulukay81
    lulukay81 Posts: 1
    The original question here was, 'can I see such quick results from eating clean." Not "can someone tell her how she is wrong in her use of the word." All that matters is that she is seeing progress due to her healthy changes.
  • chloeobe
    chloeobe Posts: 72
    Ignore all the trolls and haters... i get these on my posts all the time!

    You will lose weight clean eating becuase you are cutting out sugar and a lot of fat out of you diet. When ever I want to lose weight I clean eat (with the odd treat) and i lose a lot of weight healthily and i feel much better in myself. less bloating and more energy as you are eating what we were designed to eat - meat and veg!!
  • TonicSapphire
    The original question here was, 'can I see such quick results from eating clean." Not "can someone tell her how she is wrong in her use of the word." All that matters is that she is seeing progress due to her healthy changes.

    True. But I'm still wondering which "toxins" she is cleansing.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    How long does it take to see results? I have been completely clean eating for only a week and half and I swear my love handles are starting to reduce. Is this possible?

    If you are eating a calorie deficit, and/or you are losing water bloat by eliminating some food intollerance, then yes.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    The original question here was, 'can I see such quick results from eating clean." Not "can someone tell her how she is wrong in her use of the word." All that matters is that she is seeing progress due to her healthy changes.

    True. But I'm still wondering which "toxins" she is cleansing.

    These are the imaginary toxins that one needs to 'cleanse' from the body supposedly. Hey, if she thinks she's cleansing toxins, where's the harm in that even if it has no scientific basis, people believe in all sorts of strange things!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    This isn't exactly "Clean" eating. Clean eating is generally defined as eating only whole foods in their most natural form. That means fresh organic fruits and vegetables, organic/nonGMO/wild meats and seafoods, full fat* and raw dairy, healthy fats (nuts, seeds, avocados, avocado oil, olive oil, etc). It also means cutting out anything that is processed (more than 5 ingredients, with preservatives, with ingredients that aren't recognizable, etc), refined sugar, alcohol, and so on. It can be challenging to eat clean 100% of the time, which is why many people subscribe to the 90/10 or 80/20 rule of eating clean most of the time and giving themselves a small margin of error to eat unclean.

    I doubt that is the most common or "general" description.
  • tjthegreatone
    I still have no idea what people mean when they blab on about 'clean eating'. Especially since the most vocal proponents seem to love chugging protein shakes, multivitamin supplements etc. It just seems like a self-righteous way of trying to avoid cakes, sweets, biscuits and fast food.