Losing Weight for Weddings?



  • Netter322
    I am a Bride-to-be! (June 23rd). My goal is to lose 25 pounds. About 5 years ago I lost 50 pounds, but after some medical issues and just poor eating habits, I gained 30 back last year...so I need to get this 30 back off because I was loving the way I looked before (I had lready lost 5 before I started this...so 25 left to go!). I just started this today so I'm not exactly sure how to work everything...but add me as a friend and we can help eachother!
  • MrsLythgoe
    I'm going to be a bride next year!! I'm hoping to of lost quite a bit if weight for it
  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member
    Hey everyone! I have a wedding on 31st March (full day), another on 26th May (night time do) and another the first week of June!

    I've got an expensive silk dress for the first one and despite it being a smaller size than what I wear now, I got it over my *kitten* and tummy...I just couldn't get the bugger zipped up. It's around 4/5inch too small! And so, it's made me even more determined to continue how I am, loss over Christmas and 1.5kg off in the past week through eating better and working out well!

    We can do it, just may have to tweak a few things to get there!
  • MsXtinaNewYork
    I am currently engaged with no SET DATE yet. For just that reason, I do not want to set a date until I can get myself together =-]
  • lexximan
    lexximan Posts: 322 Member
    Wedding is in March!

    Hoping for 20lbs with a bunch of hard work.. probably not going to happen.
    Even though its only 2 lbs a week. We will see!!! =]

    But I have been doing this for 4 months now, and that was already my goal. So it would be great to stick with my goal as well.
  • katie_on_a_mission
    This might make me sound a little cray cray, but I don't even expect to get engaged for at least a year and a half to two years, and yet I'm already thinking about how I'll look on my wedding day! I like having that long-term goal in mind--I think it will help me stay motivated to maintain once I have hit my goal weight.
  • skinny27
    my goal is 25lb by june 6th!!!!! my sisters getting married and the whole bridal party actually did a biggest loser contest... $50 a person, pots up to $ 650 so thats my motivation!!!
  • WhyeatKachra
    WhyeatKachra Posts: 404 Member
    My cousin's wedding in April! I SHOULD BE halfway down my weight-loss by then!
  • astraea82
    astraea82 Posts: 17 Member
    I have a wedding to go to in the islands this summer, so I want to look great in a bikini! My sister is also getting married next year, so I want to look good for that as well. Trying to get back into the habit of exercising regularly.

    Good luck everyone!

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  • andreacord
    My cousin's getting married very end of August 2012, I'm only an attendee, but it never hurts to look hot in a dress .. and impress some family I haven't seen in a very long time. Goal for this year is to get the last 30 lbs off (got 26 off last year, gained back four) and I lose weight really slow so 20 by that date would be super nice.
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    I am the "best man" for my brother's wedding! Since i'm wearing a women's cut suit, i'd like to be in a bit better shape. And yes, i want to look good in the pictures, but that's only my short-term goal.

    That's awesome! My fiance is also having a female best man (one of his best friends)...I think it's so cool! =)
  • dolphin9803
    I'm a bridesmaid in June and being one of the heaviest it kinda sucks and help motivate me to get some weight off. But thats not the reason I started this journey, I started due to health reasons and decided that the bridesmaid thingy helps me out with keepin on track...lol
  • RedKH
    RedKH Posts: 58
    Hi :-D

    I did the Maid of Honour thing the year before last and sadly I didn't do much prep and wish I had!
    This June 16th my boyfriends sister is getting married!! Lovely white wedding/church then reception
    I used to be a good UK size 10/12 - now i'm a steady 14.

    I bought a dress just before Christmas which is a Size 10! It's gorgeous and I need to lose a couple of inches around my hips and waist, a little off my bust too.

    3 days after the wedding my boyfriend is whisking me off on some mysterious holiday for 3 weeks and haven't felt good in a bikini for a long time so it's a double challenge for me! Get into the dress and look good in bikini!

    Anyway, I hope you are all doing well heading towards your goals!

    :smile: Kristie :smile:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,716 Member
    We've all gained it back, that's why we're here. You're a fitness instructor and somewhere along the way "gained it back" instead of maintaining.
    Well I "purposely' gain back weight since to add muscle you have to gain weight, then I "cut up" once I achieve some. So there's a little difference. My standard weight is about 180lbs. The 165lbs is my "competition" weight where I'm about 7%-9% bodyfat. That's very hard to sustain for even a few months.
    Life happens, and people fall off the wagon. I look at my wedding as a motivation...the jump-start I needed to really focus on weight loss and getting healthy, and I am determined to maintain after my wedding day. Sometimes, having a "fun" event to look forward to can help people stay motivated. I know we should all be working to be fit for our health, etc, but having something to do it FOR can be more helpful in the motivation department. Now every time I'm tempted to overeat, I think about how I want to look on my wedding day, instead of just saying "oh, well I've got time to eventually work that off."
    Don't get me wrong, I can see that the wedding day is a great motivator, I just get disappointed with clients that I train for events that look amazing come that day then a few weeks or month later, they are back in the same boat from which I started them off in. Good luck.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • kikiallain
    kikiallain Posts: 151 Member
    I am looking to see if anyone else is looking to lose weight for a wedding day. And I'm not just talking about brides! I've never been married, but this is my 5th time being a bridesmaid (yes, I'll be just 22 dresses from being the next Katherine Heigel). I want to look my best on the day of my friends wedding and not look back at wedding day photos and regret that I hadn't tried harder.

    So if your a bride, groom, mother/father-of-the-bride, groomsman, bridesmaid, or just an attendee and have a goal date of a wedding in mind, let me know and perhaps we can start a little support group.

    My goal is to lose 25 pounds by August 18th and maintain it (or whichever comes first). I'd also like to decrease my waist by 5 inches.

    Anyone else have goals/dates?

    Wow.. we're pretty bang on.. my goal is to loose 27 pounds by August 17th and I am a bridesmaid hahah!! I'm 3 pounds down... 24 pounds to go.. and I could go for some more if need be!
  • rohlbar
    I'm a maid of honor in June 2012, but my goal is not to lose the weight. My goal is to change my lifestyle. I'm 15 pounds down, but I've gained so much more. I ran six miles with my friends last week instead of sleeping in, which is what I normally do. I'm learning how to fuel my body nutritionally instead of satisfying my cravings. I'm developing a healthy lifestyle that is catching on to my family and friends. A healthy lifestyle: that's where my real goals are set this year.
  • lorainekc
    I have 3 weddings this year! April 14, July (they're solidifying the date in about 2 weeks), and August 4. I would love to lose about 12 pounds before the April wedding... not sure on the others yet. But I do want to look better and better at each one! They're all going to be big reunions for me.
  • tinkerbell42381
    tinkerbell42381 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm getting married on June 22nd, and though I obviously want to look amazing in my wedding dress, it's the honeymoon that is really motivating me - more than a week on the beach means I need to feel great in my bathing suit! Wedding dresses can be a little forgiving...bathing suits, not so much lol. I'm aiming to lose 18 pounds in about 5 months :)
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    My little brother is getting married on 21st April and I'm aiming to lose 14-20lbs by then!
  • alikona22
    alikona22 Posts: 56 Member
    Hey I'm a bridesmaid in February and May and trying to lose weight for both (actually the mother of the bride of the second wedding told me I HAD to lose weight - *****!!!!).

    I'm still trying to figure out my goals but definitely looking hot at the weddings is important. In fact the February wedding I am the ONLY single girl at the wedding, which is slightly depressing, so I would at least like to be the hot only single girl :-)

    That's terrible! I'd pay someone to trip that MOB as she's walking down the aisle. Okay, maybe nothing that mean (I honestly don't have a mean bone in my body, haha), but MOB-zillas are WORSE than bridezillas! Nothing wrong with being single; you'll be a gorgeous bridesmaid :)