Looking for motivation and support!

Hi everyone! My name is Brittany and I am 26 years old. I currently weigh 148 lbs. but my ideal weight would be 128-130 with some muscle. I have been a yo-yo dieter for my entire life and I keep gaining and losing the same 20 lbs! I would like to make a lifestyle change and lose this weight once and for all. I have been on MFP for over a year now but I was out of the game for a bit and getting back in the habit has been challenging. I have continually made excuses for myself and I need to figure out a way to just do it. I always tell myself, "Oh, it's been a stressful day...I totally deserve a pint of ice cream." or "I haven't had a chance to just relax in a while...it's okay if I skip the gym..." even though I haven't been to the gym in months and months. I finally asked my best friend, Haley to help me out by meeting me at the gym in the mornings. I'm hoping that having someone who is waiting for me will motivate me to get my lazy butt out of bed! I would really like to have some more friends on MFP that can help to motivate me, give me advice (especially when it comes to healthy eating and staying motivated), and so that I can, *hopefully*, encourage others along their journey as well!!! Hope to hear from you :)


  • Frumpy2Fit
    Frumpy2Fit Posts: 137 Member
    Oh, and I am getting married in July 2012 so any soon-to-be brides that would like to keep each other on track before the big day, let me know!