New and looking for support :-)

Hi there.. I'm Karen and I joined MFP a few days ago. Like many others I've been trying to get the weight off for several years; I'm hoping this will be the final success story. From what I've read so far, there lots of wonderful, supportive people here and I think that will make all the difference. Hope to hear from you!


  • jolielouise
    jolielouise Posts: 14 Member
    Welcome Karen, Good luck with your journey, 'Im sure it will be a successful one.
  • x_xChristine
    x_xChristine Posts: 6 Member
    Hey! Welcome!
    I'm new too :)
    Good Luck
  • Rhapsodys
    Rhapsodys Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Blondie! I am also new to MFP. I signed up about a month ago but I didn't really start logging in everyday until about a week ago. We started a biggest loser competition at work last Tuesday and that has been the motivational push I needed. I have always struggled with my weight but since having my second child 7 months ago I have more to lose now than ever.
  • Jen2Bfit
    Jen2Bfit Posts: 125 Member
    Welcome Karen! Glad you joined. This is a wonderful site and a great tool to help with weight loss I have found. Feel free to add me as a friend! :smile:
  • ana3340
    ana3340 Posts: 13
    Welcome.... i'm new as of today too... support is something i def. need as well, so maybe we could do this together... good luck..
  • whosey
    whosey Posts: 1
    My name is Donna and I need to lose 35 lbs and I have an awesome dress I want to fit back into in September. I would love to help keep you accountable if you do the same for me! My problem is exercise. I don't do it. I don't like to sweat. I love my couch. I'm making a concerted effort to get to the gym 3 or 4 days per week. Let me know what you need in support or how you want me to help you and in return if you can tell me to get my lazy butt out of the house and go to the gym or do some pilates (I do that at home) I would greatly appreciate it!

    Good luck!

  • Blodnie
    Blodnie Posts: 66
    Wow..thanks everyone! What great support you all are! Looking forward to getting to know you all better. :-)