I feel like I am starving!!! I ate a good breakfast after my workout this morning, and here it is 10am and I am so ready for lunch. I have heard it is better to take your "snack time" in the afternoon, but I think I am going to have to start doing 2 snacks a day, one between breakfast and lunch, and the other between lunch and dinner. I know that with me working out, especially in the morning, it kicks my metabolism up a notch...but I hate feeling like I want to eat ALL DAY LONG!! I can't keep my calories in check if I do that!
Another point/question I have...does anyone do the weight loss shakes for snacks? I bought and tried the slim fast shakes, had one for my afternoon snack yesterday. How do they say that is supposed to be a meal replacement!! An hour after I drank it I was hungry again!! I have got to get this under control...Any ideas or advice? Help!!


  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    It definitely helps to have protein as part of every meal, snacks included. Fiber and fat help with satiety also. When you are in a deficit, you will be hungry....boo, I know :( Something that helps me when I'm hungry is cottage cheese and/or diet soda. There's nothing wrong with snacking more frequently if you feel need to.

    You could also consider upping your calories to something more comfortable for you...if you have MFP set to lose 2lbs per week, try changing it to 1 or 1/2 lb a week. You will still lose weight, and you may have an easier time sticking to the plan if you're not so hungry. :flowerforyou:
  • Vermilla
    Vermilla Posts: 348
    I do have some of the shakes, although I don't drink them often. I take them not as a meal replacement but for when I'm severely lacking in my protein. As for the hunger feeling, it's better to snack and eat smaller meals than to try to starve yourself. If you're new to exercising/working out, you are going to feel HUNGRY. My first few weeks, all I did was eat and eat and eat! Your body is adjusting to the new routine. Even if you've been at it a while, sometimes it still thinks you're hungry. Do not starve yourself. Listen to your body, but also perhaps up your water intake as that can make you feel more full. Often I'm starving after a workout, but I sit down, cool off, get some water, and get doing other things and next I know, it's really lunch time and I never ate a snack!
  • JekJekums
    JekJekums Posts: 32 Member
    hey, this happens to me all the time! i don't really know why, but i find that staying really well hydrated helps. i drink green tea or herbal teas to keep my hands/mouth occupied and it helps with hydration (i usually just make a small pot and drink a few cups over about an hour). also, if i have sugar and/or carbs, it really messes with my hunger levels. but as you say, you had a healthy breakfast - sometimes the body works in myseterious ways!!

    i've never tried shakes...the idea of them freaks me out!
  • mollysmomma81709
    mollysmomma81709 Posts: 30 Member
    i have only been here for like a week but it's not the first time i've tried to lose weight. for the past week i have cut my calories to 1200 a day and it was pretty rough the first few days. i think one of the biggest problems i had when i was doing nothing about my weight is that i NEVER felt hungry. i ate so often that i never got those hunger pains you're supposed to get. now that my body is getting used to the new eating habits i have found that it doesn't bother me as much feeling hungry. and the longer i am able to stick with it, the less i will even feel it at all.
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    I do two snacks a day. I usually have oatmeal and coffee for breakfast around 7:30, banana for a snack at 10, then lunch at 12:30, then Greek yogurt for a snack at 2:30, then dinner around 5:30. I work out in the evenings and then have a post-workout protein snack. I find that eating smaller portions more often helps keep me full throughout the day.
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    I definitely do 2 snacks a day.
  • twilightsm
    I just started and I'm totally hungry all the time too! I'm even eating more than I used too! (although far less carbs and fat) I'm trying to snag a small snack twice a day... it seems to help.
  • robynluvsjesus
    robynluvsjesus Posts: 32 Member
    My experience with anything slim fast is the sugar in it gives me a rush and then a crash. I am hypoglycemic an hour after having it and extremely hungry. Stay away from them. They're mostly just carbs. It may help to look at what you're having to see if you have the right combination of fat, protein and carbs. Too many carbs and not enough fat will allow you to become hungry quicker. Fats and proteins take longer to digest and therefore keep you satisfied for longer.

    I personally have to really stay away from carbs. I can't eat fruit without eating it with a meal because it throws my blood sugar way off. I end up with low blood sugar and hungry. I recommend lots of lean proteins like nuts, cottage cheese, egg whites, ect. Combine it with vegetables and usually, it manages my hunger much better for less calories.
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    If you are hungry, eat! I always have a snack in between breakfast and lunch. Just make it a healthy one and make sure you are drinking water, too!
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    I eat every 2 to three hours, it might just be a yogurt or string cheese, but something to keep the munchies at bay. If you keep your snacks to around 100-150 calories you should be able to get 2 in. Then you won't be so hungry at your meals either.
  • katyejean
    katyejean Posts: 233 Member
    I definitely have a mid-morning snack and a mid-afternoon snack.
  • josery1630
    josery1630 Posts: 205 Member
    I have to do breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, then dinner or I won't make it through the day. Even if it's a 50 calorie applesauce or 100 calorie banana, just something in the morning to keep me from gnawing off my arm.

    As far as the weight loss shakes go, I would skip them. They have a TON of sugar in them. You'd be much better off buying some protein powder and mixing it with milk or blending it with some ice (or even just mixing it with water). It'll keep you more full and you won't have the sugar crash afterwards.

    Just my $.02.
  • RobynAragon
    I know exactly what your going through! I have found that snacking twice and eating a breakfast that fills me up works great for me. Also instead of slim fast shakes I make smoothies which have fewer calories and fill me up longer. Friend request me if you need recipes.
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    I always have a morning snack! I always know when it's 10:30 because I notice I'm hungry:)
  • gennybunny1
    I have it planned in my diary to have breakfast, 10am snack, lunch, 3 pm snack, dinner and then an evening snack. That seems to help but I still have those odd days when I am starving. Yesterday was one of them.
    After dinner and snack I was still starving so I brushed my teeth and folded laundry to keep myself busy. That seemed to work and than I went to bed. Good luck on your journey.
  • KitTheRoadie
    KitTheRoadie Posts: 641 Member
    I have heard it is better to take your "snack time" in the afternoon, but I think I am going to have to start doing 2 snacks a day, one between breakfast and lunch, and the other between lunch and dinner.

    Yes do this!

    I have breakfast around 8.30am, snack at 11am, lunch around 1.30pm and then a snack again at 4pm and then finally dinner at 7pm!

    I am in calroie deficit most of the time and am still hungry because of that, drink plenty of water too that helps stave off the hunger pangs!
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    I snack on fresh fruit or veggies any time during the day. I think the healthy fresh foods are fine anytime. That works for me. To feel satisfied at meals and after, I need a carb. I eat a lot of brown rice with meals. It keeps me feeling full. I know a lot of people say protein is what you need to feel full but i need the carb. That is just how my body works. Maybe try keeping fresh fruit or carrots around to snack on when you feel starving, even if you have had your one snack for the day.
  • Hyperspace
    What do you eat for breakfast? I find that if I have few to zero carbs for breakfast I do not get hungry as quickly. I have been drinking a whey protein drink for breakfast most days, with 26 grams protein and 3 grams carbs, and it works pretty well for me.
  • charm_quark
    charm_quark Posts: 316 Member
    I have 2 snacks per day. I eat mostly fruits or cottage cheese and coffee!!!
    I have a very good breakfast, the one third of my daily calories, with milk, fruits and oats and I try eating less in the night (such a small amount of remaining food from lunch).
    Try getting more protein, it will help you. (eggs, cottage cheese, meat, skimmed milk/cheese etc)
  • running13
    I tried slim fast as well as dont find it very filling. Protein shakes however def keep me satisfied and they contain less sugar and calories than slim fast as well you can add 1/2 teaspoon of peanut butter, blueberries, or whatever you like for taste. You can also cook with protein powder to make healthier choices.