hcg diet?



  • mrdee555
    mrdee555 Posts: 178
    Ah right see i thought it was the injections that you would be using, i do use hcg but i use it for what it was made for.
  • mmr0329
    mmr0329 Posts: 3 Member
    I have been on the HCG diet since August of 2010. I lost 60 pounds, but recently got bored, and went off for a while. I am back on it with the plan to finish my weight loss goal. I started at 282 pounds. I am currently 229. My goal is 135.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I have heard that there's a higher calorie version, but if you are a runner and go the low cal route you cannot exercise like you do currently. In fact, they recommend almost no exercise at all.

    As for the ability to obtain it there are still clinics offering the injections. My in-laws use one.

    OP if you want an unbiased opinion of the diet as someone who watched a lot of people do it feel free to IM me.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Don't do it.
  • seehawkmomma
    I had some cat pee this morning with my daily dose of crack.

    YUMMY :drinker:
  • mew623
    mew623 Posts: 3 Member
    i was on HCG, it is limited food, but you don't really want to eat anyways, at least i did not care if i ate or not. I took a lot of vitamins to help with the lack of food, but like anything else if you want to do that diet the rest of your life then fine, but when you stop and you start eating anyway you want to you will gain it back. Plus i noticed my hair was falling out, and so did a few others that i knew was on it too. Counting calories is really the smart way to go, you can eat what you want as long as you stay in your calories for the day. Simple.
  • RooChilders
    RooChilders Posts: 44 Member
    HCG is definitely not for everyone! It is a quick way to drop a lot of pounds but you have to follow the plan it gives you for after the diet. I did it for a year off and on. I lost weight and always gained it back. Even when I followed the after plan. It has given several women I know a severe hormone imbalance. It also is proven to take a way your sex drive, and long after the diet. I don't recommend it if you already exercise and eat right. You will starve in the first week. It made me really irritable that first week and late into the evenings. If you are in a hurry to lose weight for an event or something like that it will work, but go back to your regular plan you have now after it. You have to remember if you choose to do it you will lose weight but I really don't think it can be healthy for a person to lose weight that fast. Good luck I hope this helps!
  • lee3978
    lee3978 Posts: 274
    How did you gain it back? The most I gained back was 10lbs. What did you do after?
    HCG is definitely not for everyone! It is a quick way to drop a lot of pounds but you have to follow the plan it gives you for after the diet. I did it for a year off and on. I lost weight and always gained it back. Even when I followed the after plan. It has given several women I know a severe hormone imbalance. It also is proven to take a way your sex drive, and long after the diet. I don't recommend it if you already exercise and eat right. You will starve in the first week. It made me really irritable that first week and late into the evenings. If you are in a hurry to lose weight for an event or something like that it will work, but go back to your regular plan you have now after it. You have to remember if you choose to do it you will lose weight but I really don't think it can be healthy for a person to lose weight that fast. Good luck I hope this helps!
  • teephil
    teephil Posts: 135 Member
    It'll work, I've seen it work. My family has tried it (over, and over and over). It didn't work due to the HCG (it's simply a very expensive placebo), but due to the dangerously low calorie intake. You'll definitely lose the weight, but you'll also lose muscle mass, and your energy. You'll also gain a significant amount of that weight back after the diet is over, and there's nothing you can do about it. You're body will latch on to everything you feed it after being deprived for so long.

    It's not worth it. Save your money. Do it the right way. You didn't gain the weight overnight, don't try to lose it overnight!
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Typical body response after a round or two of HCG:

  • inotnew
    inotnew Posts: 218 Member
    I love it when this question comes up. I can read some of the most interesting comments. :)
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    It's very low calorie and very unsafe. Eating a healthy diet and exercise is the way to go
  • danascot
    danascot Posts: 100 Member
    I love it when this question comes up. I can read some of the most interesting comments. :)

    I totally agree! This helps break up the monotony in my work day :happy:
  • aash28
    aash28 Posts: 85 Member
    I know two people who've done it. They were so happy and excited when they first started (both of them had a daily caloric restriction of only 500 calories or less) because they lost weight—and a lot of it—quickly ... very quickly. To see that confidence and happiness was great, so I can see the appeal of the diet. However, when both of them took a short hiatus (yes, both of them did within months of each other), they gained all of the weight back ... and then some. It was really disheartening to see them feel so defeated. It made me wish that they would've tried the basic formula of good, clean calories in, and working out to get them out. With this diet, I felt like they never really learned about their bodies (even though they had to attend meetings about HCG and health, such as portion size); they didn't learn how and what to eat. I think that's a gigantic piece of this health puzzle that some of us want/need to learn.
    However, take this information with a grain of salt; everyone is different. I just wanted to share my experience with you. Good luck if you're contemplating this decision ... it's a big one! : )
  • trhops
    trhops Posts: 295 Member
    I did it and loved it. I felt better than ever on it. I ate more calories on it when I worked out. I am not doing it now as the phase when it is Atkins style is high fat and having no gall bladder I have issues with high fat phase of it so I was trying something different. There is alot of controversy on it, but it is a personal choice and I did good on it.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member

    In this study, participants on HCG lost twice the lean body mass as the others with a minimal advantage in weight loss. It also did not test for the placebo effect and it did not actually follow the original Simeons diet, it was higher in calories and protein.
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    Don't do it.

  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    DO IT!

  • 2dayirun4me
    2dayirun4me Posts: 336 Member

    What I was thinking!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Typical body response after a round or two of HCG:


    Is it bad that I now want something squirted in my mouth?

    Wait...what were we talking about again??? Oh, yeah HCG...sorry, I currently have an IUD to NOT have to deal with pregnant woman pee. Maybe in a few months I'll consider getting it out and trying.
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