Best snacks when you're on the go...suggestions?

I am just starting out again when it comes to healthy eating and I have found that most of my "healthy options" are actually loaded with sugar. I would like to find a brand of yogurt or a nutrition bar that is good for you and low in calories/sugar. Any suggestions? What type of "on-the-go" foods do you like to eat?


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Where are you going that you need to take a snack with you?
    If you are going to miss a meal and cannot wait then, Cooked boneless chicken, Tuna, hard cooked eggs, bagged salad, low calorie whole grain breads and pitas, yogurt, whole wheat crackers and cheese, piece of fruit, cut up veggies, low fat popcorn.
  • Frumpy2Fit
    Frumpy2Fit Posts: 137 Member
    I am going to try to go to the gym in the mornings which would leave me without time for breakfast so I would need a quick breakfast that I could eat on my way to work or at my desk first thing in the morning. I would also like to have 1-2 healthy snacks on hand at work.
    You could boil a batch of eggs a couple of days early and leave them in the fridge and then just grab one on the go. I also like Quaker Instant Oatmeal in single serving packs. Cliff bars and Luna bars are also great. I'll usually eat a protein bar if I'm on the road and don't have time to sit down and eat.
  • InTenn
    InTenn Posts: 99
    My favorite "on the go" snacks are apples and low fat string cheese. Both very portable and filling. Great for the bike, the boat, or for a work snack. I like to keep a few envelopes of low sugar instant oatmeal in the desk for a warm mid-morning snack. 120 calories, high fiber, and really good in winter. Could make a meal if needed.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Greek yogurt with granola, low fat popcorn and cut veggies with some cheddar cheese.
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    Measured out triscuits, pretzels, whole carrots (not those peeled baby carrots), *some* special K snacks aren't so bad, fruit ( I know it has sugar, but natural sugar isn't as bad). I usually eat at home so I'm not too familiar with on the go type things.
  • SomeMorr
    SomeMorr Posts: 220 Member
    I love Larabars, each bar has 9 or less simple ingredients (Almonds, dates, cashews, cherries, unsweetened coconut, dried apples etc.) Although the calorie range is 190-230 per bar they are kosher, vegan, gluten free and no added sugars. Personal Fav flavors are Apple Pie, Coconut Cream Pie, cashew cookie. Most grocery stores you can buy individual bars to test out the flavors you like. My nutritionist had suggested these to me with the idea of "dont get super scared about the calorie count" because they are all natural ingredients. People sometimes get stuck in the idea of low cal = better. Even those 90 cal granola barscan have added sugars and are not filling.
  • KCharron20
    My husband and I make up a batch of trail mix: Dry roasted peanuts, cashews, almonds and a few raisins. We measure them out to 1/4 C and put them in snack bags. This is what we'll grab for an on the go snack.