Power Half Hour (Tony Horton) ~ Anyone?

I should have these in the mail today!! :smile: I cannot wait!!!!

Has anyone done these vids? What did you think? I am going to start on them today and am soo looking forward to it.


  • Aerodahlin
    Aerodahlin Posts: 1 Member
    destiny, we have done them and several of tony's programs, YOU WILL LOVE IT,,,,,,,
    we have finished a few rounds of p90 and p90x also,,,
    the ten minute trainers are awesome also :}
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    This is the first time I've heard of this one. Is it a half hour a day or do you combine workouts? Well, let me know when you get it anyway, hehe.

    It's a beachbody though, so you know it's gotta be good!
  • coachkathy
    coachkathy Posts: 35
    I have the PHH Arm Toner. It's a great workout! I'm an independent Team Beachbody Coach & have done several of the programs. Click on my profile & visit my website & send me an email if you have questions about the program once you start.

    Best of luck to you! I'm sure you will see great results! :smile:
  • destinyisyours
    I would LOVE to have the 10 min trainers too! That will be next. I have P90X, and LOVE it, I don't do it like I should, I just don't ever to seem to have that much time.. Half an hour is PERFECT for my schedule right now. We'll see how it goes!!!
  • destinyisyours
    Thanks kwright, I'll let you know if I need anything once I get started!

    ghani~ They are 30 min workouts, targeting different areas. I think it's a 5 disc set, I can't remember right now!