ExTReme and SeXy Valentine Challenge

I don't know if there are any other Valentine challenges out there. I think I saw one way back. But I am needing and wanted some serious support to focus, extremely focus on making this Valentines Day a day that i feel good about me and what I have done!

We only have 4 and a half weeks until it is here and I figure if we weighin on Friday, the 13th, then that will officially launch the challenge. So what is the challenge? You tell me! What do you want to truly accomplish before Feb 14th? Remember it is only 4 weeks long! We can do anything for only four weeks, right?

Lets start with a little intro, our starting weight and goal weight and the goals that we want to make part of our daily routine for the next four weeks. (only 4 weeks)

THEN, lets really, really support each other through this. I have joined many challenges only to be disappointed that they turn out to simply be individual postings and not support/encouragement etc. So I am hoping that we really can set our sites on 2/14, make an extreme decision to bust butt like never before and get it done TOGETHER!!!

Anyone in?


  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 421 Member
    I'll start!

    My name is Michelle. I am 43, mother of 3 adult daughters and have lost 90 of the 185 pounds that I need to lose. I adamantly workout and carefully eat right. My workouts are mainly anything that makes me dance and body sculpt.

    Starting Weight: 230
    Goal Weight for 2/14 is: 218 ( I know that sounds like alot, truly 12 pounds. I'll take 10 but EXTREMELY desiring 12!

    Daily Goals: Take Vitamins without fail
    NO Fat: Avoid ALL fats but olive oil and almonds
    Do my scheduled workouts:
    Drink lots of water:
    Eat small portions every 3-4 hours:

    Starting Friday, I will put an "F", "S", "Sy, "M", "T", "W", "Th" after each goal as I accomplish them.

    I know we can do this if we stay focused! Extremely focused!
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I'm in! :smile:

    I'm Katie, almost 26 years old wife and mother of 2 boys. My oldest is 2 years old (today!) and I have a 4 month old as well. I work a FT demanding executive job so I tend to get up early and workout in the morning before work 3 days a week. Then I'll get on my treadmill at home twice a week. I typically do arms and abs at the gym and the elliptical and walk/jog at home. Right now I'm battling a hamstring strain (started last night :sad: ) so I am trying to focus on my eating more and ligher exercises - maybe the bike at the gym?

    Starting weight: 191lbs (as of this morning)
    Goal weight for 2/14: 185lbs

    Goals are to eat more veggies and workout 4 times a week without fail.
  • I hope I remember to check this page lol :smile:

    I'm Danielle, 32 (no children). I've been struggling w my weight since I was younger, I lost some weight a couple of yrs ago and it's been creeping back ever since. BUT I hit my no no weight in the Fall and I want to get back on track so I can fit into my clothes again :( I'm tracking religiously since 1/1 (I know cliche) and started going to the gym.

    Goal by 2/14: To lose 6lbs
    Work out at least 4x a week for 30mins
    Stay under my calorie goal
    Drink at least 8 glasses a day (big task for me, haha)

    GOOD LUCK LADIES! :flowerforyou:
  • mshel19
    mshel19 Posts: 28 Member
    ill do it ! i just started a jillian michaels video "ripped in 30" and need to lose about 40 lbs before the summer time ..

    Starting weight : 164.8 lbs (1/11/12)
    Goal weight by Valentines Day : 154 lbs hopefully
  • lisajuliette
    lisajuliette Posts: 123 Member
    Okay, my name is Lisa. I am a 20 year old student living in South Africa. I live by myself and suck at cooking which makes eating healthy difficult. I want to look amazing for my boyfriend on Valentines Day which means losing 15lbs in 4weeks. Im hoping for 20lbs which is what my MFP prediction is for 5 weeks time as of my last weigh in on Monday.

    My goals are...
    -Work out 7 days a week without fail
    -Burn a minimum of 7000kcal a week
    -Eat no junk food
    -Drink 2l of water every day

    SW: 175lbs
    GW: 155lbs
  • KMiche82
    KMiche82 Posts: 144 Member
    I'm in:laugh:

    I'm Kayla, almost 30 years old wife and mother of 3 girls, ages 9, 7, and 10 months. I am a a middle school teacher of Science isn't tha ironic, so I deal with nutrition somewhat trying to tell my students what to do.

    Here are my goals:
    starting weight 238(as of Monday 1/09/12)
    goal weight by Valentine's day 223

    I am hoping to accomplish losing 15lbs during this 4 week challenge which averages out to 3.75 per week
    I am committing to 5 days a week working out for morning and night, hopefully to burn 5,000 calories per week.
    Jillian Michael's 30 day shred-5x's per week M-F each morning
    Group zumba Tuesday and Thursday night
    Taebo video Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights
    Rest Saturday and Sunday

    Keep water intake at 64-80 oz per day
  • Jconner30
    Jconner30 Posts: 311
    I loathe Valentines...
  • I'm in! I'm Amber a mother to 1 son and I work almost full time. I work out 3x a week at a kickboxing class, do a martial arts/boxing class 2x week and run every chance I get. I'm running my first half marathon at the end of this month. I want to join because not only is Valentine's Day quickly approaching but so is my 11th wedding anniversary. Also, I'm looking for support. I've noticed a lot of people on here are extremely judgmental and borderline mean. I haven't personally experienced but have seen it on posts.

    My goal is to lose 7 lbs and keep my sweet tooth under control.
  • I'm in as well

    i am 28 yrs old, married with a 4 month old daughter

    my goals are to exercise 4 days a week for 30-60 mins
    drink no soda only water or pure fruit juice
    log daily

    starting weight is 163.8lbs 1/3/12
    would like to work towards 150lbs
  • I'll give it a go! This is my first challenge or post for that matter.

    My name is Laura and I am 33. Wife and mom and full time General Manager. I recently started eating better and working out because I went to the doctor and was appalled at what my blood work showed. I hate taking meds for things that I can control myself with discipline (like blood pressure and cholesterol) so I met with a dietician and am trying to get myself on track. I would like to lose a total of 90lbs. I started out last Monday 1/2 at 240. Here are my goals:

    Starting Weight 234 (as of 1/9/12
    Goal Weight by 2/13 is 220.

    Goals: Stay under 1300 calories per day
    Eat fresh fruits and veggies 5-6X/day
    Eat fish 3 Xs/week
    Workout 5 X's/week
  • Stavakoli
    Stavakoli Posts: 86 Member
    I'm in! I'm Shahde, I'm a law student and am definitely looking for a new mini goal so this is perfect. I'd love to get to 200, that would be an awesome feat for me!
    CW: 209
    Goal (2/14): 200
    Plan: Continue to stay under my daily calorie goal. Kickboxing 6-7 times a week. Good luck everyone!!! :heart:
  • I'm in! Hi my name is Kitrina, 48 years young, mother of 5 and MeMe of 2! I was losing steady and them my mother went into the hospital before Thanksgiving, she pasted away on Dec. 3rd. I've been struggling ever since. I was down 12.6 lbs. but now i"m only down 6. I've gotten back on dieting and exercising.

    Starting weight: 207
    goal weight: 2/14 193
    I want to stick to it; no sugars; exercise 4x wk; H2O
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    I'll join in! My name is Stacy and I'm 23. I work a FT desk job where I sit all day and am having trouble keeping off the weight I'm losing. My husband just recently decided to start eating better/ trying to lose weight, so that will help a lot since he won't be wanting us to go out to eat as much now. I last weighed in at 126, would love to get to 118 by V-day!

    Start Weight: 126 (1/7 will weigh again tomorrow morning)
    Goal Weight: 118 (2/14)

    Keep sugar & sodium down.
    No chocolate until Valentine's Day!
    Stay within 1200 calories a day.
    Get at least 30 minutes in at least 6 days a week
    Eat more vegetables and less carbs
    Replace sweets (cookies, candy, cake, ect.,) with fruit.
    Try to only eat out every other week.
    STICK WITH THE CHALLENGE! <--- I sometimes forget things easily! So I'm going to make sure I really stick to this!
  • How do I find my way back here?
  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    Sure, I'm in.

    I'm John and I'm a 45yo computer programmer from Pittsburgh. As I write this, I'm down to 198 from 226 in September, but have been stuck in the 198 area for a few weeks. I wanna step it up a notch and bust through this plateau. My goal is to get under 190, and I'm hoping I can make that happen over these next four weeks.

    Start: 198
    Goal: 190 (2/14)


    Continuing to hit the elliptical on my lunch break.
    Adding four days a week of weight training.
    Adding two or three additional cardio sessions a week (probably treadmill runs)
    Watching the cheats food-wise...as soon as I'm done with this bag of dark chocolate and pomegranate balls. ;)
    Walking my dog more often (he could stand to lose a few pounds, too)

    Kick some serious boo-tay, everyone! :)
  • Leslye125
    Leslye125 Posts: 242 Member
    I loathe Valentines...

    Mee too! I really hate that day and yes I am married and STILL hate it. :)
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I am in. Wouldn't this be better as a group?

    I'm 45 and single (okay, divorced). I travel a lot for work (80% +), but am trying to stay home more. At most, I'll have one or two short trips away during the challenge period. That should keep me out of the bars and restaurants more.

    Current weight: 236
    2/14 goal weight: 224
  • tjames30
    tjames30 Posts: 229 Member
    I'm in! I am doing another challenge that doesn't end until March 16, so this will be a great mini-challenge to keep me motivated.

    I am Tawnya. I am an accountant and it is tax season, so I will be working long hours while sitting on my butt! I am also mother to 3 kids, 11, 8 and 18 mos. My older 2 are involved in alot of extracurricular activities and keep me very busy! I also recently started decorating cakes as a side business/hobby, which is not good for my diet! It's hard to find time to go to the gym and prepare healthy meals, but I've been getting up at 4 am to get it all done. I lost alot of weight in the past and got down to my all time low of 161lbs when I got remarried in 2009. Since then I have had my daughter (gained a ton of weight) and now I am starting all over on this journey. My goal for 2/14 is to be anywhere under 200!

    Start: 214 (1/10/12)
    Goal: Under 200

    I know 14 lbs in 4 weeks is kind of alot, but I want it bad and I am willing to work my butt off!

    My plans are to continue going to the gym every morning with a minimum of 6 days a week.

    No girl scout cookies! My 8 yr old will start selling cookies next week and I will have gscout cookies in my house for over a month!

    Lots of water, maintaining my only 1 diet soda a day or cutting it completely.

    1200 calories or less a day

    I also want to start my couch to 5k again, but I'm not sure that I will have the time for that until tax season is OVER!
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I am in. Wouldn't this be better as a group?

    I'm 45 and single (okay, divorced). I travel a lot for work (80% +), but am trying to stay home more. At most, I'll have one or two short trips away during the challenge period. That should keep me out of the bars and restaurants more.

    Current weight: 236
    2/14 goal weight: 224

    I think it would be great to make a group page...but I've never done that so someone else will have to take that one on. lol
  • shellbee823
    shellbee823 Posts: 19 Member
    :flowerforyou: I'm in!

    Mother of 1 3 year old girl. I am at my highest non pregnant weight EVER! I would like to be swimsuit sexy by summer ;).

    Starting Weight: 217.2
    Goal Weight for 2/14 is: 199 (or anywhere close to it!)

    Daily Goals:
    Count Cals like its my job!
    Drink lots of water
    and work out for 4 hours a week

    Good luck and happy losing!

    PS Feel free to add me!