Ready for a change

Im new to this site, usually counting calories isnt my thing. But I try to get to the gym everyday(hard living in Alaska and it not always having the best weather)
I need help, good foods to eat to help me lose weight while I work out. I was at the gym for 3 months straight and eating less and better and the scale didnt even move... any advice?


  • jessn925
    I'm with you on not normally counting calories, but I figured why not give it a shot to see if it helps. I figured you'd feel the same :) I like this site not only for the calorie counter but the exercise guides that let you know just how much you are burning based on what you do. Come on! It even has housework on it lol
  • Cterral
    Cterral Posts: 6 Member
    I have been on my fitness for 2 weeks loving it need more friends tho that get on here!
    I am on a goal to loss 100 lbs by July need all the support i can get
  • malloryw09
    Ya ive been saving stuff from pinterest as well for good at home exercise guides. Im friggin over not seeing any changes. Ive given up soda cold turkey as well as candy and sweets sence new years. believe it or not!! I havnt even had a sip of soda! pretty proud of myself.