help and advice please! bad weigh in!

UGH! I did really well the past two days and pretty well all week--only had one day where I was over on calories and only by about 100.

This am I got on the scale and I was FOUR POUNDS HEAVIER THAN YESTERDAY!!! What the heck?! I feel like the best explanation is that my scale is broken. Anyone ever have this happen to them?


  • jlgregory13
    jlgregory13 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm with you on the broken scale. Mine said i gained 2 lbs since yesterday morning. REally ticked me off! Maybe we are just having a bad day.
  • Leigh2778
    Leigh2778 Posts: 57 Member
    My weight fluctuates constantly, by a couple pounds to sometimes 5+. That's why you're not supposed to weigh yourself more than once a week! But I still weigh every day...I only log/track my weight on my weigh-in day, though. It should all even out in the end. And make sure you weight at the same time of day each time, with similar clothing (or none at all). Hopefully, that will help.
    Good luck!
  • I was told its a bad idea to weigh yourself every day, as our weight tends to fluctuate a bit anyway, especially us women with hormones, cycle etc) I weigh myself once a week, at the same time (monday morning). This might give a better indication of how your diet is going. Hope this helps.
  • neonshock
    neonshock Posts: 23 Member
    You guys should make your diary's public. Sometimes there's something in your diet you don't necessarily notice (salt, carbs) that other people could offer advice on.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Stick to your lifestyle, you have done great.... But my best advice is stay off the scale except to way in once a week. My weight can go up and down as much as 5 to 6 lbs. in a day and I would drive myself crazy seeing those numbers on the scale. You just have to do everything you can each and every day to be successful, if you can go to bed each night knowing you did your best then that is all that matters. Don't let a scale dictate your daily life...... Good luck and keep your head up......
  • On the other hand, if you do weigh yourself on a daily basis, it can teach you a lot about how your body works. I like to track my weight daily, including my increases. Obviously water weight plays a big part of increases, especially when you eat under your daily caloric goal, and exercise.

    If you don't like the weight swings, I don't advise daily weigh in's though.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,340 Member
    I think that today, there was a conspiracy thought up by the evil alien google overlords that we should ALL weigh more. It is part of the mind control they will use to take over the world. We will all get depressed that we are fatter, so we will all be sad and lazy and eating oreos, so we wont have the motivation to stop them. Muah ha ha ha!!!!!

    Ok, I think it may be time for my meds.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    Stick to your lifestyle, you have done great.... But my best advice is stay off the scale except to way in once a week. My weight can go up and down as much as 5 to 6 lbs. in a day and I would drive myself crazy seeing those numbers on the scale. You just have to do everything you can each and every day to be successful, if you can go to bed each night knowing you did your best then that is all that matters. Don't let a scale dictate your daily life...... Good luck and keep your head up......

    this for sure! ^

    Personally, I will only weigh once per week, I will also measure too.

    However, I do know somebody personally who refuses to weigh herself AT ALL. She is on a high protein, low carb diet and takes it each week at a time. She has lost tons of weight over the last eight or nine months and when I asked why she never weighed herself, her answer was that if she were to see the scales go UP, it depresses her. Therefore, she just sticks to her eating and goes by her dress sizes decreasing as evidence she has lost weight.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    You can weigh as often an you like - there is no harm in weighing in daily, as long as you are strong enough to understand that weightloss is not a straight linear progression and you are 100% gauranteed to have fluctuations in your weight.

    My first advice would be to have a look at your sodium intake as a cause for a gain like this. Other than that, you need to feel confident in the approach you are taking on your weightloss, and be able to get through these fluctuations without freaking out too much. If you follow the right path, the results will come!