Who has the time to work out?!



  • Mist1981
    Mist1981 Posts: 145
    I am a single mom with 2 kiddos and have a 2 hour commute for work daily so I struggled with the same thing. I prefer to workout first thing in the morning. It kicked my butt at first, but after a few weeks my body adjusted. I am currently doing Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 and love it! It's only about 25 minutes as well. The night before I have my workout clothes by my bed, my work clothes laid out, breakfast stuff out, and most of the kids lunches made. That way if I want to sleep an extra 10 mins I can. I wake up at 5:15, workout and still have time to shower, make everyone a big breakfast, and out the door at 7:30-7:45. I do agree that when you do it that way you really do have more energy throughout the day.
  • neclar
    neclar Posts: 75 Member
    When i was working mid-night shift. i would exercise b4 i went home, cuz once i sat down it was over. I'd go to the park and walk 2 mi and then go home. ( our park is .5 mi per lap, it's measured.) My local " Y " , has a family swim, so i swim with the kids 3-4 times a week. Also, walking around the block a few times a few times can be a nice after dinner date or family time with the kids. I'm a single mom so anything that can give me mom/kid time works great. and keeps the kids from the tv. lol. hope that helps.
  • kngarber
    kngarber Posts: 227
    We start our day at 6 (my children and I), get ready for work, go to work, come home, dinner, baths, playtime, get them in bed and then I walk on the treadmill and do Wii Fit for about an hour. On the weekends I do more. I am always tired and NEVER want to do it and can find a hundred excuses not to, but I just make myself. You just have to do it. You can also find things through out the day. Park as far away from a building as you can. Walk on your lunch break. Take stairs instead of the elevator. Etc.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    Personally for me my daily goal (6 days a week) is 30-60 minutes. I know that I don't like to exercise at night after the kids are in bed because I'm tired and that is my time to unwind and catch up with my husband. That leaves super early and naptime in the afternoon when my 2 year old is sleeping. The morning is easiest because nobody else is up but I can usually distract my 3 year old long enough to fit in a half hour of something in the afternoon so those are the times I try for. Then if I have a late night with one of the kids and can't get up I still have nap. Or if my 3 year old isn't going for it that day or my little guy won't nap at least I got something in first thing. On a great day I do both. And I take Sundays off completely.
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I work out every morning, and let me tell you - I NEVER want to get out of bed to do it. It's been my morning routine now for more than a year, and it's changed my life for the better.

    I'm the opposite of a morning person, I'm a morning hating, night owl. I will punch a chirping bird right in the face if I haven't had my coffee (okay maybe that's an exaggeration) But, it's been so worth it. I have more energy all day long, and I appreciate that I don't have to think about my impending workout all day. I get up, and before I know it - I'm done.
  • kiwigal7
    kiwigal7 Posts: 13 Member
    I just joined myfitnesspal yesterday but joined the gym 1 week ago. I hated working out before now but because I want to get healthy by dropping weight and giving up smoking I find myself enjoying it. If you really want to do it you will. I have just changed my routine slightly and I go every day right after work. I plan my meals ahead so they are either set to go the minute I get home or are already done via slow cooker or timer on the oven. If you are serious you will and you will probably learn to enjoy it. I was told to have my rest from my workout yesterday and I MISSED IT lol. Good Luck
  • kim_mc
    kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
    When I have to work I always feel like I don't have the time. But when I find myself looking at the TV for a couple of minutes, I figure that's my time. So I get dressed in my workout clothes and once I start the rest is history. I think it will alwasy be hard for me to find time but it's something that I'm either going to squeeze in, or not do at all...and if I don't do it at all I sit around complaining about not doing it and not having the time and hating how I look!

    Once you start, it's easier to make it a habit even if you still never look forward to it.

    Good luck! :)
  • ladyfox1979
    ladyfox1979 Posts: 405 Member
    I understand that it's hard to make time to workout but if you are serious about it you will find a way to make time. The way I see it you have to go to bed eventually. Why don't you workout before you do?

    I have 2 kids(9 and 3), work full time and have to cook dinner every night for my family. I try to workout 5 days a week . Lucky for me I have been blessed that a curves opened up 2 doors down from where I work which is great that way I can go during my lunch.
  • tamheath
    tamheath Posts: 702 Member
    Agree with all here. It IS hard. But it's hard for everyone. Most of us have very busy schedules. You do have to find whatever plan works for you. I HATE waking up early so I do the after work routine. I have a son who plays football, wrestles, etc. So the way i MAKE myself get it done is I told hubby he had to be in charge of getting the boy to football. Like there's no choice. So I workout right after work. The whole family knows this is what has to be done. So it's a COMMITMENT. It's a little embarrassing to me if I make a big stink of YOU TAKE BOY TO FOOTBALL and then I DON'T go work out. :)

    Sometimes it doesn't work - hubby may have to work late or whatever. But if you make it a commitment, like a doctor's appointment you CANNOT miss.... i think that helps. Pretend it's urgent. Because it really is.
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    A great exercise that is also quick is to just do sprints. Run as fast as you can sustain for a couple of minutes, rest a couple minutes, and then repeat. Do it four or five times and you've only spent 20 minutes but you've gotten yourself good exercise. If you combine it with some good form squats, lunges and push ups every other day, you've added something which can be done even while taking a break from something else or something, but it's strength. You don't have to be a person who spends 3 hours a day at the gym, or even an hour a day, you just have to be efficient about your exercise.

    http://www.simplyshredded.com/50-rules-of-fat-burning-simplyshredded-com-collects-the-strongest-clinical-research-from-around-the-world.html Here's a great article on both food and exercise. Good luck!
  • dobenjam
    dobenjam Posts: 232 Member
    I am serious about losing weight this year and eating 1200 a calories a day almost seems impossible to me. I have been going over by 100-200 cals a day :(
    I want to start working out and doing come cardio, however with school and work I just seem to be tired and not motivated. I would like to start getting up early in the morning and working out before my day begins but I can't seem to get myself out of bed. Any suggestions???

    I have been here many times. I'll tell you what has made a difference for me to get motivated is I have something I'm working toward. I signed up for a 5k and I'm going to finish. I have an app on my phone that helps me train. It gives me a purpose. Once you start running (it will hurt at first) but you truly do start to crave it. I never liked running but I love how I feel when I notice that I've gotten better.

    I also workout in the morning and this is the only advice I can give. Most people don't like getting up and going to work, but they do it without thinking most of the time. Initially that is what you have to do. Don't think about it, don't talk yourself out of it, don't harp on how hard it is, or how far you have to drive... just do it. Next you will still not want to get up and go work out but you will be able to remember how great you felt after your last workout and will get up and go. Finally you will WANT to go run. You may even find yourself thinking of it at work and smiling when you realize that just last week it was killing you to go 1/2 mile and now you can go 2!

    Note: nothing scientific was used here, just my on personal experience with failure in the past and knowing that it is different this time.

    I hope that helps.
  • cweiler4
    cweiler4 Posts: 374 Member
    It's tough...but doable. I agree with the poster who said you have to find your fit...finding time to do something you really like is easier than finding time to do something you hate. I also agree that you need to schedule it in like an appointment. At least that is what I have to do. I'm very habitual, so if it is an automatic that on Wednesday nights it is Boxersize I can't talk my way out of it.


    I do the same thing and schedule my workouts like appointments. They are a MUST, so that means I am going to kickboxing (which I love) at least 4 days a week at the scheduled time. No excuse not to go! I have a husband, 2 kids, full time & part time job and normal housework daily duties, etc like everyone else, and have found the time!! If you can't make it to a gym or training facility, try home workout videos that way you can get in something quick without having to get out of your house. Good luck!!
  • If you want to work out in the morning, I suggest putting everything you need right next to the bed the night before. If you have to dally in the morning pulling together your outfit, finding your shoes, getting your watch/heart rate monitor strap/battery, water, fuel belt, whatever else, etc ... that's just one more barrier.

    If you find your bedroom is cold in the morning and that's a major deterrent, I find that it even works to keep the clothes you will be wearing the next morning under the covers by your feet (granted, I'm 5'4", so this plan might not work for everyone). Your clothes will warm up with you over the night, then you can change into them under the covers when your alarm goes off. Oftentimes I'll listen to the radio and tell myself, "Well, you can just change into your clothes and see how you feel ..." and by the time I'm changed, I've committed myself to my workout. I even met someone once who wore her running clothes to bed. Ugh -- that sounds really uncomfortable -- but it might work for you.

    Everyone else is right -- the more you do wake up and do it, the easier it is. Try it three times. The first will be horrible -- just accept that. The second morning it will be semi-tolerable. It should be easier after then -- your internal clock will be reset.

    During the week, I've been working out in the evening due to my cycling group meeting up then, but I'm seriously starting to consider morning workouts again because work keeps holding me late, and then I keep missing workouts or staying up way too late to get them done.

    I also need to plug meet-up groups and working out with others -- I LOVE my cycling group. I'm from Michigan and now live in Texas, and my cycling group is my family away from my biological family. We're all different ages, all different fitness levels, all different professions, all different life experiences -- it's so cool. I spend 3-5 days a week cycling with my group. We get up at strange hours on the weekends (5:30 am at least once each weekend) because we love what we do and we love doing it with each other. Sorry for showing my KoolAid, but it really rocks to have a great group of friends who support you with fitness, too.
  • As many have said, working out in the morning can really help. The sooner you get it out of the way, the less likely you are to make excuses or find other things that have to get done later. Lunch is the next best thing- still gets it out of the way early and provides a great energy boost for the afternoon.

    In terms of time, it is definitely possible to get a great workout in 30 minutes. I like to alternate cardio and strength training days. As an intro to cardio, try running intervals or doing circuits so that you don't get bored and still have times you are pushing to the max. For strength, mat work, therabands, and one or two sets of free weights make it really easy to work out at home and are about a $30 investment for everything. Then you save time on getting to/from the gym. If you like DVDs, I use Gillian Michael's 30 day shred (workouts are only 25 minutes) and No More Trouble Zones (45 minutes, but you could do half one day and half another, or select circuits you need to work on more).
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    If you really want to do it, you'll make it a priority and make it happen. EVERYONE is busy...you aren't the only one with a full schedule and a fitness goal.

    Getting up early to work out is not easy, but once you've established a routine and get into the habit, it will get easier and you'll look forward to it, so give it try for a week and see what happens.

    Good luck!
  • brittster52
    brittster52 Posts: 28 Member
    i have type 1 diabetes and i was complaining to my doctor about doing cardio because i "didn't have the time" my doctor looked at me and said well i work full time, im on call every other weekend, have 3 kids ...and still manage to work out before work 4 days a week......it shut me up real quick. My neighbor is also a doctor, he is out running so early in the morning its still dark! its tough but once you get in the routine of really sneaking in workouts here and there it because natural
  • Hey!!!! I know some people have already said this, but its very true!!! If you really want to make changes in your life, like adding exercise you will do it. I have 3 boys, married, work part time, go to school full time and still make time to exercise and be healthy. If I can it, so can everyone else!!!

    Sorry if it sounded rude!
  • If you want to work out in the morning, I suggest putting everything you need right next to the bed the night before. If you have to dally in the morning pulling together your outfit, finding your shoes, getting your watch/heart rate monitor strap/battery, water, fuel belt, whatever else, etc ... that's just one more barrier.

    If you find your bedroom is cold in the morning and that's a major deterrent, I find that it even works to keep the clothes you will be wearing the next morning under the covers by your feet (granted, I'm 5'4", so this plan might not work for everyone). Your clothes will warm up with you over the night, then you can change into them under the covers when your alarm goes off. Oftentimes I'll listen to the radio and tell myself, "Well, you can just change into your clothes and see how you feel ..." and by the time I'm changed, I've committed myself to my workout. I even met someone once who wore her running clothes to bed. Ugh -- that sounds really uncomfortable -- but it might work for you.

    Everyone else is right -- the more you do wake up and do it, the easier it is. Try it three times. The first will be horrible -- just accept that. The second morning it will be semi-tolerable. It should be easier after then -- your internal clock will be reset.

    During the week, I've been working out in the evening due to my cycling group meeting up then, but I'm seriously starting to consider morning workouts again because work keeps holding me late, and then I keep missing workouts or staying up way too late to get them done.

    I also need to plug meet-up groups and working out with others -- I LOVE my cycling group. I'm from Michigan and now live in Texas, and my cycling group is my family away from my biological family. We're all different ages, all different fitness levels, all different professions, all different life experiences -- it's so cool. I spend 3-5 days a week cycling with my group. We get up at strange hours on the weekends (5:30 am at least once each weekend) because we love what we do and we love doing it with each other. Sorry for showing my KoolAid, but it really rocks to have a great group of friends who support you with fitness, too.

    LOVE this idea!!! Thank you!
  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    it really is just necessary to make it part of your normal routine. you will have more energy and sleep better if you just start! you will probably find that you do better in school, too. you will need to increase your calories, though! i, too, work full time and take call every third weekend and 2 nights a week. i have a family (3 kids) and do the majority of work at home too. i find that early morning works best for me but everyone is different. find a time, make a promise to yourself, get started! you will be amazed at how great you feel! best of luck
  • toffee322
    toffee322 Posts: 186 Member
    i usually do some cardio during lunch at work (we have a gym and have some good fitness classes like steps).. then i go to yoga after work. i love yoga so it's not hard to get motivated to go there but since i go a lot it gets too routine sometimes.. you just have to find something you really enjoy, then you will find time for it... for me going on a treadmill is really boring.. so i am not very motivated by that!