Anyone else on 1200 a day?



  • yes ia,m on a 1200 a day diet ,have been for 6 months, and i try too keep it around 850 to a thousand calories a day.
  • rashooy
    rashooy Posts: 55
    Hi I am on 1200 a day and i was fine all week long and i just started but today i really felt hungry after i completed it and i cheated with a milkybar
  • toffee322
    toffee322 Posts: 186 Member
    no snacks or empty calories! even going out to eat seems really hard.. i just started.. so far i feel like i can only do 3 meals then that's it.. no snacks.
  • skinnybliss
    skinnybliss Posts: 24 Member
    Yes - I have to say, my body thrives on 1200 calories a day. Even when I am not trying to lose weight, I stick to 1200 calories a day during the week, then I can eat whatever I want on the weekends. By the end of the weekend, I swear, my body is craving to go back to 1200 calories a day. It is all I truly need. Here is the secret .... no pre-packaged, processed food. That food does not fil you up and is too calorie-dense. I eat fruit, green, leafy salads with protein ( albacore tuna with light mayo or grilled chicken with BBQ sauce), make my own soups with beans and chicken and vegetables, eat oatmeal for breakfast with turkey bacon, and I eat three meals plus a mid afternoon snack. The snack is a a piece of chocolate and a piece of fruit. I am more than satisfied. For dinner I eat a protein, like chicken breast, piece of salmon, Tuna Casserole ( made light with low-fat mushroom soup), turkey meatballs, or turkey burgers. Then I add a veggie ( I love olive oil sprayed broccoli, no calories in the olive oil spray), and some brown rice or thai jasmine rice from Trader Joe's. IF I find I am hungry before bed, I drink 8 ounces of unsweetened Almond Milk. It's only 40 calories and fills my tummy up good before going to sleep.

    I think it's all the process foods that fool you into thinking you need more calories than you actually need. It all depends on your level of activity, too. If you are an office worker, don't move much during the day, you burn fewer calories just going through your day, than say, a mailman or busy salesperson who's always on their feet or getting and out of the car all day.

    For whatever reason, I feel like my body responds/functions better on fewer calories. So maybe once you make the change, you'll feel better, too!
  • Wow. I am on 1200 a day as well. I am liking it. If I exercise I get more cals to eat, not that I am trying for that. The weight should come off faster than 2pds a week I am thinking. So I am only 5 days into it and have exercised and recieved extra cals to eat if i want.
    Good Luck and would love to see where you are at in 2 months! I am excited for that.
  • Today is my first day on myfitnesspay but i have lost 18 lbs in the past 6 weeks eating around 900 calories a day. It's hard but you can do it. I eat 4 cups of steamed veggies, 6 oz of lean meat, 4 high protein shakes with 0 carbs, and i will snack on a few slices of roost beef or turkey deli meat when I feel really hungry. It can be hard, but the results are great. I am doing the ideal protein diet.
  • Thanks for the info!!
  • joneswife09
    joneswife09 Posts: 207 Member
    Yes, I am on 1200 a day. I have met that goal for 2 weeks and lost nothing! I'm wondering if I should go down to 1100? Any advice?

    Honestly I suggest you actually go up in calories. If you dropped down your calories too low all at once your body is probably in starvation mode. It may sound crazy, but raising your calories many times will get the ball rolling.
  • Up your calories. Probably not eating enough and your body won't let you drop the weight!!
  • it seemed low when i first signed up with mfp...until i realized i was only eating about 900 to begin with. of course it was 900 calories of junk.....but it was actually kind of hard to eat 1200 calories of "healthy" food for me. but if you stay under 1500 calories u will lose weight =)
  • savage22hp
    savage22hp Posts: 278 Member
    I am on 1200 calorie a day but tend to be closer to 1300 . I started October14 and as of last Friday I had lost 46 pounds. I seldom get hungry if I space everything out correctly . I have been exercising daily for a few weeks now and seldom eat all of my exercise calories back .
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    I am on 1200 a day. To be honest I have not found it hard and most days I am under my 1200 allowance. I have just started walking for exercise and even though I "earn" extra calories I never use them.

    I have 4 or 5 small meals a day (breakfast, mid morning, lunch, mid-afternoon, dinner) which total about 150 - 250 or so calories each. I use sweetener in my coffee or tea, and I only have a couple of glasses of wine once a week now. I don't snack on fruit in between my small meals and am conscious of avoiding high calorie stuff like bread and pasta, noodles, potatoes etc.

    I am a strict vegetarian (no meat, fish, dairy or eggs), so I eat lots of tofu, pulses like butter beans, chick peas, vegetable stir fry, roasted vegetables like peppers, courgette (zuchini), aubergines (eggplant). I have oat bran for breakfast with fruit and soya milk, and mid morning/afternoon I might have 100g of plain soya yoghurt with fruit (and a small amount 25g of granola if I'm feeling naughty).

    By concentrating on protein and vegetables, I feel satisfied and I don't feel hungry in between times on 1200. But everyone's different and if you need to up your calories then you should. Don't punish yourself otherwise it makes it easier to give up. Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • belinda_b
    belinda_b Posts: 70 Member
    Another thing when I eat 1200 calories a day is I'm too tired to exercise. I just want to go home and sit down. If I am eating1500 calories, it makes the world of difference.
    I guess this is where everyone is so different in their needs.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I am so tired of seeing threads on1200 calories, it's horrible to watch people starve themselves with this arbitrary number that someone has told them. Learn what is good for you, go see a doctor, a sports nutritionist, a personal trainer or a kinesiologist . Trust me if you tell them your on a 1200 calorie a day diet and exercising they will be tell you to stop immediately and eat more healthy food and bring those calories up! But with all there are exceptions you may be 4'5" and 1200 is TDEE/BMR that you can live with. Depriving your body of calories will cause your metabolism to crash, don't fool yourself into thinking any other way please. At the end of the day ask yourself this question.

    Do I want to by skinny but unhealthy or do I want to be fit and healthy. Dropping weight on a scale doesn't mean your getting healthier! It's part of the process yes but will happen naturally as your body exchanges body fat for muscle and your metabolism improves with proper nutrition and exercise. There are no quick fixes.

    Using myself as an example, this site was telling me I should be netting 1500calories a day but turns out my BMR is 2213 calories a day minimum to live. I was creating a metabolism crushing 700 cal deficit every day!

    It's sad to see people programming themselves to fail.
    I just don't get it.

    Didnt I say "Welcome to the 1200calorie failure crew"? Must be January.
  • bubbagump1952
    bubbagump1952 Posts: 3 Member
    i have a hard time adding the protein and i need to add more..any advice? i eat eggs and chicken and nuts at times but the nuts register high fat as do the eggs but all are on my plan...any help?
  • kammy92
    kammy92 Posts: 408 Member
    I was doing 1200 but I upped it to 1300.....seems better to me!
  • I've been doing 1200 for the past several days and i actually don't think it is terribly hard. Also, I don't feel hungry most of the time.On the days I do soccer It bumps me up a few so I can eat about 200-400 more calories but I don't feel like I need to eat them. I didn't realize how much I was eating until I started keeping track of It all and it works out well for me. Once I loose what I want to i'm going to bump it back up to 1500 and perhaps 1800 if my body wants to but for now 1200's good for me.
  • yep i started 2 days ago and i have been given that but i have been so busy have only hit 550 and 800 which i know isnt good either so gonna make sure i have the 1200 tomorrow, after eating so little for the last 2 days i will probably feel full lol, does seem so little tho i must admit :(
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    1000-1200 here for the last 2 1/2 months. Energy levels good and no other issues.Lost 31 lbs.
  • I do 1200 now. I just eat a lot of protein and try to eat as much salad as possible. I don't go crazy if I'm over by a little bit though.