How often are we suppose to weight ourselves?

I havent weighed myself since I first signed up. I have learned to not weigh myself everyday cause it can be discouraging bit I do feel lighter and healthier already.


  • teephil
    teephil Posts: 135 Member
    You should weigh yourself once a week.
  • erisfreenici
    erisfreenici Posts: 277 Member
    You can weigh yourself as much or as little as you want/need to. Some people take pictures, some people measure with a tape measure, and others just go by "how their clothes feel". It's just really all about you and how you want to track your progress. I weigh myself every day, but it's because I like to graph my weight over time and having more data points makes my math brain very happy! It doesn't discourage me, but I know that my weight naturally fluctuates from day to day and I don't freak out if I see a bit of a gain.

    Good luck!
  • pennysteed
    pennysteed Posts: 80 Member
    I weigh myself daily, my nutritionalists weighs me weekly, and my doctor said he would prefer if I only weighed myself when I came in to see him. Now let me break that down. I weigh myself daily, because that forces me to make smart food choices during the day. If I consume high quantities of sodium one day (movie theater) then I can expect a spike on my scale the next day. But it can be frustrating when you gain four pounds overnight and cannot figure out why after examining your food diary. Which is why my doc would prefer I stop weighing myself daily. If you are not use to weighing yourself, simply pick one day a week to do so and then record it, but I would also recommend digging out a tape measurer at the same time. I for one tend to drop inches faster than pounds, and that weight gain might be muscle weight and not telling you how many inches you just dropped.
  • butterwaffalo
    You should weigh yourself once a week. There are too many fluctuations daily for you to see that it would not be very encouraging. When you are down to the healthy weight range where you want to be, it would be more productive for you to weigh daily. While still losing a significant amount of weight though, it would be best to just weigh once a week, in my opinion. I never weigh more than once a week and some times I skip the scale for a week to give myself a break. I am looking to lose my weight slowly and the healthy way, so I don't want to step on the scale all the time and freak myself out. My doctor tells me to weigh once a week also. Good luck on your journey!
  • mybodyproject2012
    Weigh myself once a week and a and do measurements also. Thanks guys
  • SAC0O3
    SAC0O3 Posts: 95
    I think you are supposed to measure yourself once a month and weigh yourself once a week. I personally weigh myself every time I go to the bathroom (such a bad habbit - scale is right next to the toilet)
  • BrandyGThomas
    BrandyGThomas Posts: 5 Member
    I weigh myself every other day. I'm very "chart-minded" I like keeping track more often. But I have heard that once a week generally works for most people.