New and would love some online buddies

I'm Raye, 26. I'm a stay at home mom to my 21 month old son. He's a holy terror but he's awesome too. Recently rediscovered this site after my computer crashing. Rejoined last week and have happily lost 1 lb already. Eager to continue my journey to healthier me. I love how this site helps you hold yourself to account for the good and bad. Looking for some folks on here to cheer me on and share their stories with me as I cheer them on.

Other random info, I love to read and crochet. My biggest hobby is cooking and baking, which is my downfall too! I live in south east Texas in the middle of no where. In a relationship with my son's father and to keep things simple, we just say we're married. Other than that just ask.

So "HI Y"ALL!"


  • Natz_20
    Natz_20 Posts: 62 Member

    I am really new to this too and have already made online buddies!!

    Anyone please feel free to add me :smile:

  • smashleyt
    smashleyt Posts: 36 Member
    Howdy!! Welcome back!! Feel free to add me and we can motivate one another! GOOD LUCK with your journey!!!! You've got this! :)
  • hollyv2781
    hollyv2781 Posts: 2 Member
    I was doing really well about keeping my exercise and food journal up to date, but totally spaced it since the holidays. Now I am ready to get back to it and would love to get inspiration from my MFP friends and hopefully be able to inspire you all back. Add me as a friend and hopefully with each other's support for our weight loss goals, we will be able to achieve them quicker. :)
  • kellynickell
    I need some encouragement, getting sick of chicken and tuna!!!!!
  • lisamaegil
    Hi my name is Lisa, I just joined. I would like some online buddies. I need lots of encouragement.
  • Wallaby2
    Wallaby2 Posts: 132 Member
    Welcome! I'm happy to be added. Enjoy your MFP journey, it's a great tool with plenty of terrific users to encourage, support and journey alongside.
  • bearwithme041

    feel free to add me ...I need all the help I can get :laugh:
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,230 Member
    I'm pretty new to the site as well; 27 in Southern California. Feel free to add me!
  • rfechter
    rfechter Posts: 109 Member
    Would be happy have more online buddies. I really need support to keep my eating under control. Really lost it over the holidays.
  • jerseynegrita06
    jerseynegrita06 Posts: 71 Member
    hi! I'd like to be friends! Add me =)
  • sarscott
    sarscott Posts: 189 Member
    Hey all! Welcome to the crew! I haven't been in here but a fe months, but I'll ffer th support and encouragement that I can! Feel free to add me if you like.

    I'm 25 and have somewhere between 130-150 pounds to lose. I work full time and have am hour commute each way. I live to be crafty and enjoy learning new things...

    Have a great day guys! You got this!