Can you see a difference?



  • tammyc00per
    tammyc00per Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks Brittany x
  • tammyc00per
    tammyc00per Posts: 22 Member
    All my links fail :( Oh buggers!
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    I can see the link, but I'm confused by the picture itself. Did you mean to crop it so all that's showing is a shoulder? Will def help to not have such a zoomed in photo.

    Keep at it, though! I hope you're enjoying the exercise.
  • KatieBa82
    KatieBa82 Posts: 13 Member
    I agree that I can see a slight difference, but the angle is hard to judge. I have done the shred and saw some major changes in my body by day 10. It really tones! I had some in my arms, but since they were already thin, it was slight. I saw it more in my waist shrinking, my back becoming defined, and my thighs shrinking and becoming defined.
  • tammyc00per
    tammyc00per Posts: 22 Member
    Is this one a bit better?


    Yes, I zoomed it in on purpose. I didn't really want the rest of my chest to be seen!
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    I can see the difference you noticed, especially on your shoulder. your bra strap is not cutting into your skin as much. i keep track of shoulders/arms like that sometimes! even 10 days on the shred can bring differences! keep on going- you're going to love your results. consider doing her Ripped in 30 or another one of her videos. i wouldn't recommend doing them back to back though, only because i know that i was personally really sick of jillian after a month and a half! here, check out my pics from when i did it. These are "before" and "halfway" pics



  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    I copied the link then look off the at each end and it worked.  I can see there is a difference in the arm area - it looks "tighter", if you follow the lines of your body before, and then after, you will see the lines are different.  Only early days, and good results take time so show us again at day 20.  Another way is to do your measurements, you can record them on MFP as well.  (Gee I wish I had your BEFORE arms - can I have them LOL)
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Oh and next time, in order to post pics so we can see them change the uppercase [/IMG] to lowercase like this [/img] on both sides of the pic and it will show in the forums. always has to be lowercase :)
  • annameier8706
    annameier8706 Posts: 417 Member
    I can see a slught difference, mainly in the top of your sholder. But like everyone is saying, you're only 10 days in so with what I can see I'm sure you 30 day results will be awesome
  • Mist1981
    Mist1981 Posts: 145
    I see a slight difference in the arms.
  • I see it. :)
  • tammyc00per
    tammyc00per Posts: 22 Member
    I couldn't get it smaller.. can you see both images?
  • tammyc00per
    tammyc00per Posts: 22 Member
    Oh and next time, in order to post pics so we can see them change the uppercase [/IMG] to lowercase like this [/img] on both sides of the pic and it will show in the forums. always has to be lowercase :)

    Thank you, this worked.. I just copied and pasted from photobucket not thinking I had to change anything!
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I can see a slight difference, which is pretty amazing for just 10 days!

    Don't worry if your husband can't see a difference or if people can't tell in pictures. I'm only on day 8 of the shred and I'm sure I don't look any different to others, but I certainly feel different and that's what's awesome! The noticeable changes will happen soon enough.
  • Moonbeamlissie
    Moonbeamlissie Posts: 504 Member
    I actually do see a difference. Your arm looks more toned. Keep up the good work! By the time your done you will be amazing!
  • tammyc00per
    tammyc00per Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you everyone. I just completed day 12 of the shred and it pumped me up to go harder through it!