Anyone else into martial arts?



  • In my past life (you know, my 20's) I was a full contact fighter and fight trainer for 3 years. I loved it! Fighter workouts are some of the toughest because it requires strength, cardio endurance, and balance - so you always get a good workout.

    I don't fight anymore (too old and fragile) but I do mix in some bag work and shadow boxing for light cardio work and balance. Under the right guidance fight training / martial arts is a great way to cross train and burn a ton of calories. =)
  • chandjm
    chandjm Posts: 16
    I recently recieved my 2nd degree in Tang Soo Do but I have been haveing knee(s) trouble for a long while. Korean arts are tough on the knees because of the dynamic kicking. I still do TSD I have just changed my focus. I can still kick above my waist and demonstrate techniques to my students. I have focused more on my hyung and hapkido. Also i have lost some weight, been using my stationary bike which has helped. I have taken glucosimine in the past which helped also.
  • jennywren1971
    jennywren1971 Posts: 31 Member
    I have been doing Rhee Tae Kwon Do for about 9 months.
    I watched my kids doing it for a bout a year and decided one day that I should give it a go. I am currently a yellow belt green tip. My boys are blue belt brown tip. My husband is a blackbelt and training to be an instructor,

    I really find it very helpful in releiving stress, it also is a great work out for me. I train twice a week for an hour,
  • jenlb99
    jenlb99 Posts: 213 Member

    I've been in love with kickboxing these past two years. 45 mins a day, 6 days a week and fricking LOVING it!!

    Krav Maga classes start soon, which will be very interesting, as I'm a 5'3" female and will be working with men and women who will most certainly be taller than me. lol

    Glad to see there are others out there!
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    I take Kajukenbo with my husband, who has been doing it for years and my son (6) is on his second year.
  • Sammybunny711
    Sammybunny711 Posts: 92 Member
    I do Hapkido (Korean form of martial arts that is only for adults--I hear it is what the Korean Police do.) I have been doing it about three years. I am testing for red belt in April (black belt is the next belt after red! :-) My instructor also teaches taekwondo and I am considering starting that as well, to help with my hapkido agility. LOVE martial arts. I would love to check out Tai Chi and such. YAY MARTIAL ARTS! Killer calorie burner, too, LOL.
  • jenlb99
    jenlb99 Posts: 213 Member
    Has anyone else tried Warrior X-Fit?

    It's "based on the workout regimens of Top Martial Artists", according to their site. Best thing of all -- it's completely free (though you'll need a resistance band for some exercises).

    I first heard about it through my gym and I got hooked! It's based on Tabatas, except this is 6 rounds of 6, not 8. 20 minutes of PAIN!! Some of the exercises might look "easy", but anything done for 20 seconds at max intensity is a killer. They offer modifications for those who need them, so don't worry about not being able to do military pushups, etc.

    I've been doing it three times a week for three months now at my gym, and I'm STILL sore. The pain never goes away! They've designed a different set of exercises for every day of the month, so it's always something different.
  • ash1976
    ash1976 Posts: 41 Member
    I do Taekwondo (ITF) - fantastic workout and builds good lean muscle. Only a yellow tag at the moment.
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    I train in HaganaH and Krav Maga, which are Israeli fighting systems.

    Everyone here who trains should join the MFP Group "Martial Arts and Sports Fighting":
  • shaunl669
    shaunl669 Posts: 27 Member
    I have been training Krav Maga for self defense for about two years now. I can only squeeze 2 days a week right now. I love it, it's an awesome workout, (I can burn 1000 cals in an hour easy) Sparring is intense, and I learn a lot every time I go. I hope to test for level 3 in March, Here is where I train.
  • wocko6092
    wocko6092 Posts: 69 Member
    i have started training in shaolin chuan fa kung fu and i love it
  • Lynxie83
    Lynxie83 Posts: 246
    I used to do Muay Thai (kickboxing) some years back, now I mostly stick to boxing. Thinking of perhaps pursuing kickboxing or boxing for comps once I've dropped some more of this weight.

    I quite like the look of jiu-jitsu or kenpo though... maybe if I can find something nearby I might give them a go. Or the Mixed Martial Arts options they have at some gyms now... it's all pretty awesome!
  • ClammyCupcake
    ClammyCupcake Posts: 49 Member
    I used to do Muay Thai (kickboxing) some years back, now I mostly stick to boxing. Thinking of perhaps pursuing kickboxing or boxing for comps once I've dropped some more of this weight.

    I quite like the look of jiu-jitsu or kenpo though... maybe if I can find something nearby I might give them a go. Or the Mixed Martial Arts options they have at some gyms now... it's all pretty awesome!

    I currently train Tang Soo Do (orange advanced belt) and I do Brazillian Jiu Jitsu (2 stripe white belt). If you can find somewhere that teaches BJJ I suggest go for it. I know there are different branches and teachings, I'm not sure if they differ or how. We are a 3rd Generation Gracie school. I can tell you it is one of the best things I have ever done. I have a hate/love relationship with it because it is so goddamn hard, but I love a good challenge
  • aqm22
    aqm22 Posts: 153 Member
    Hapkido and combat jujitsu. Martial arts are awesome!!!
  • ChasingStarlight
    ChasingStarlight Posts: 424 Member
    Bumping up this thread rather than starting a new one. I do taekwondo and I love it! I did 3 hours last week as well as my first sparring training. About to go practice my pattern so that I look half decent at training tonight.

    Working in an office where there is such emphasis on health and safety, it is great to go and do something physical.

    Feel free to add me martial arts lovers!
  • scowil03xx
    scowil03xx Posts: 45 Member
    Have been a practicing Judoka for the last 15 years and recently started adding Aikido in the mix. Love it and get cranky when I miss training.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Catch wrestling here. Think "American BJJ" if you're not familiar with it.
  • EAlexandraB
    EAlexandraB Posts: 98 Member
    I do Krav Maga, and have recently started Muay Thai. I love both!
  • KravMark
    KravMark Posts: 308 Member
    AWESOME!! !

    I didnt know this thread existed and I just saw it. Im gonna friend you all. :) I have studied wing chun for about 20 yrs and now have a school teaching Wing Chun & Krav Maga and We also have a Muay Thai program there to but i dont teach it. Glad to see fellow martial arts enthusiasts on here. I look forward to dropping some weight so I can do what I do with more finess.

    Feel free to friend me

  • Tat2dDom624
    Tat2dDom624 Posts: 1,226 Member
    I'm currently a green belt in WTF Tae Kwon Do, and have been taking it for almost 9 months now. My school also teaches Combat Hapkido, and i hope someday to be able to cross-train in both.