Anyone else on 1200 a day?



  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    Low fat and low carb good quality protein powder.
    i have a hard time adding the protein and i need to add more..any advice? i eat eggs and chicken and nuts at times but the nuts register high fat as do the eggs but all are on my plan...any help?
  • I'm on 1200 calories too and so far, I've having a lot of luck with it. I'm able to eat three meals a day plus 3 snacks and I am drinking TONS of water (over 100 oz./day). I'm already down 11 lbs. since the first of the year (I obviously know this will slow down soon) and I just feel so much better already. Perhaps it's all the water keeping me full but I'm not struggling with the 1200 (yet!). I never realized how much of a difference drinking so much water can make.
  • I'm working with that number and I eat everything I want and it seem like I have calories left to spend. So I think is preatty good and I love it My co-worker and friend we enjoy the same day and we really like it.:smile:
  • Liquid Egg whites!!!! They are low calorie, fat, and fill you up....that is what is saving me right now. :)
  • LiviLou2011
    LiviLou2011 Posts: 437 Member
    im on lose almost the same amount of weight that you are trying to lose, and i usually eat less then that..maybe you should move it up a little.
  • TriforceRaven
    TriforceRaven Posts: 115 Member
    I'm on around 1400. To be honest though, I rarely even get to half of that. So I'm pretty cool with it I guess.
  • That's what I'm shooting for, but I don't stress about it if I go under or over...I base it on how I feel. I've significantly upped my water, from like nothing to like 8 glasses and that is helping a lot. I've also started eating a lot more raw vegetables. I know from past experience, this has to be a lifestyle change for me, not some "phase". Good luck!
  • roxclan
    roxclan Posts: 6 Member
    I am on this target .... I find the best way to achieve it is through exercise. I burn about 1000 calories a day cycling to work and back so it give me plenty to play with. It is so much easier to increase your exercise than cut down on calories to achieve the same results.
  • I'm at 1200 net because I'm short, young, already at a healthy weight and only have 10 left to go. Basically, I don't need many calories to maintain my weight, so to lose it I have to go pretty low.
  • mine says i should have that were some1 else said i shouldnt go any lower than 15oo but atm am not in the gym as i owe them money hopefully i wil be back in the gym soon i think 12oo is 2 low 4 me and am dreading it lol x
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    I am now at the point of weight loss where even 1200 won't give me a 2 pound loss. It will say 1.5. BUT, 1200 is too low. I'm 5' 8" and active. I've read up that you shouldn't go under your BMR either. So I am now set at 1450 and I am now eating ALL my exercise calories. I am once again dropping weight. I believe 1200 is too low for the majority of people.
    VVEXVVEX Posts: 132 Member
    I am. At first I found it a little difficult but after a week or so of logging, you become more aware of the calories that are in the foods you eat and start to make healthier decisions based on that. Fruit and vegetables are so much lower in calories than processed foods that I can eat quite a lot of them and stay at or even slightly under 1200.


    I'm very full right now on a 300-calorie dinner of bean soup and spinach pie. Being limited to 1200 has been a great learning experience. I have learned after five months to make calories count, not drink them up at Starbucks or on too much alcohol. Big salads are good. Fill the plate with veggies and leave little room for the dense calories.

    And when I hit goal and get those maintenance calories back, I will make them count too -- maximum nutrition in every bite.
  • Yes, I am. Today has been great and yesterday was horrible. I found some great foods today that filled me up and now I'm having a hard time getting all my calories in. I'm a week in now and I love this app! I think I might be able to actually DO this! Thanks for the info about your plateau though. That will be helpful later!
  • If you add your exercise each day that adds calories you can eat. Each exercise has a calorie amount associated with it.
  • Yes, my MFP advises about 1275 for me and I don't worry too much if I go over it. I'm eating smaller portions, I'm moving more and I'm being a lot more picky about what I eat/drink. I already feel firmer, trimmer. Before, when I would over-focus on not eating, I would get dizzy, confused. And when I finally couldn't take it anymore, I gave it up altogether and put all the weight right back on.

    So now, I eat when I'm hungry, I don't let myself get ravenous, and I stop before I'm stuffed. So far, it's working just fine and I haven't topped 1350!
    VVEXVVEX Posts: 132 Member
    Yes - I have to say, my body thrives on 1200 calories a day. Even when I am not trying to lose weight, I stick to 1200 calories a day during the week, then I can eat whatever I want on the weekends. By the end of the weekend, I swear, my body is craving to go back to 1200 calories a day. It is all I truly need. Here is the secret .... no pre-packaged, processed food. That food does not fil you up and is too calorie-dense. I eat fruit, green, leafy salads with protein ( albacore tuna with light mayo or grilled chicken with BBQ sauce), make my own soups with beans and chicken and vegetables, eat oatmeal for breakfast with turkey bacon, and I eat three meals plus a mid afternoon snack. The snack is a a piece of chocolate and a piece of fruit. I am more than satisfied. For dinner I eat a protein, like chicken breast, piece of salmon, Tuna Casserole ( made light with low-fat mushroom soup), turkey meatballs, or turkey burgers. Then I add a veggie ( I love olive oil sprayed broccoli, no calories in the olive oil spray), and some brown rice or thai jasmine rice from Trader Joe's. IF I find I am hungry before bed, I drink 8 ounces of unsweetened Almond Milk. It's only 40 calories and fills my tummy up good before going to sleep.

    I think it's all the process foods that fool you into thinking you need more calories than you actually need. It all depends on your level of activity, too. If you are an office worker, don't move much during the day, you burn fewer calories just going through your day, than say, a mailman or busy salesperson who's always on their feet or getting and out of the car all day.

    For whatever reason, I feel like my body responds/functions better on fewer calories. So maybe once you make the change, you'll feel better, too!

    ^This person = very wise. Lots of nutrition and satiety in those 1200 cals! Certainly not everyone is suited to the same formula, but I've come to appreciate how I feel when I'm not over-fueled.

    FWIW, my grandma ate "like a bird." She never missed a meal, but she never filled her plate either. She lived to 102 and was healthy into her late 90s. She was never overweight, never had dementia and thrived on physical activity all her life.
  • EpicMeyri
    EpicMeyri Posts: 109 Member
    Seems really low to me since anything less is starvation. This is what was recommended for 2lbs a week and for 1.5 lbs I only get 1300. I don't know seems low to me, anyone else out there working with this number too?

    I am working with the same number.. It is too low. But if you workout and lose at least 400 calories you'll be ok. I am also trying to lose 2lbs/week
  • I'm with you. It has to do with age and amount you want to loss. I just started 4 days ago and have only met my goal 1 day. We are able to consume MORE if we work out. That is my new goal... work out so I can eat and not starve.
  • I totally agree w/ two points up above. I went from eating a lot of processed foods to hardly any at all. I have egg white muffins (another great suggestion about egg whites above) for breakfast... loaded with protein, low in fat/calories... a fruit for a mid-morning snack... lunch is usually a Lean Cuisine meal (I know, lots of sodium, but... :/) with a good sized salad w/ minimal dressing... afternoon snack is carrots w/ a little bit of hummus... dinner is something high in protein (chicken or turkey dish) w/ a small side of rice or even pasta and a good serving of a vegetable. If I want a snack at night - and I usually do - I have a little bit of popcorn. And like I said before, TONS of water and I'm not feeling hungry or deprived at all.
  • Mommiana
    Mommiana Posts: 7 Member
    I'm working with 1320 a day. If I don't exercise, I can't eat much. So I find myself looking for ways to make my calories go a long way---like salads, veggies and fruit. Most of all, I exercise to get my extra calories.