Hardest Part for me is...

aigo86 Posts: 79 Member

I am trying to make an effort to not eat after 7pm... even 8 at the latest, but for some reason I find it so hard because I have become so used to it over the last 6 years... any tips on breaking this or easing in to it?

What is the hardest thing for you and your diet?


  • acbridges
    I am defiantly right there with you on that. I am usually so busy during the day that many times i don't feel hungry much but in the evenings especially after 8:30 when the kiddo is in bed and I am sitting here with my face in my school work, I find it hard not to eat . I have found though that a large glass of milk (i drink skim most time) and some fruit, mainly a banana, is usually enough to fill me up for awhile. This is something that I have just discovered in the past couple days. If I have enough calories at the end of the day, I personally like to add strawberry syrup. Or make a strawberry smoothie and slice up bananas in it so its almost like having a blizzard or something of that source.
  • aigo86
    aigo86 Posts: 79 Member
    Its not that I am hungry... I think its a combination of boredom and bad habits! I also have over 1,000 calories left and its almost 10pm... But I ate great meals, even snacked in the afternoon, the app yells at me when I close my day like that, but I feel like I shouldn't eat this late... If I do eat this late, it usually is a granola bar, grapes, graham crackers, or 3/4 cup of life cereal! I always drink skim milk, but for some reason unless I have an actual meal in front of me, I just cant drink that much of it! I know I should just go to sleep, but that is a whole entire different issue I am working on... I have a horrible sleeping pattern! That is my goal for next week! Bed by 11 (its usually 2am or later) and up before 10 (usually 11-1) and I know that is messing with me too!
  • chiefsgal27
    chiefsgal27 Posts: 3 Member
    The hardest part for me is not eating at night. My meds require me to eat something like cheese or slice of bread. How do i fix this problem?
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    What's wrong with late night eating, as long as you're at your daily goal?
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    Eating late at night has no effect on weight loss. It's all calories in vs. out! Now eating when you aren't hungry isn't good, but that's a different issue. If you are hungry and you do have calories left, go ahead and have a snack! :D
  • Lyndi4
    Lyndi4 Posts: 442 Member
    The hardest part for me is that I am still struggling with feeling hungry a LOT. There are times when I feel full and satisfied, but most of the time I am hungry, or dealing with crazy cravings. I think I am worse than a pregnant woman, and I am not preggers. I keep hoping my body will adjust and this will go away completely. Not likely :smile:, but at least get better!
  • ignatiusreilly
    ignatiusreilly Posts: 411 Member
    Amen -- it's a nightly struggle.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    My personal trainer said to eat a good protein before bed. It gives your body something to work on and since it takes your body several hours to break it down, it's not going to turn into fat like it would if you were to eat something carby and sugary. Try nuts or a protein bar (that's low in carbs). Almonds, walnuts, pistachios, whatever. Save at least 200 calories so that you can eat your nuts (or protein bar) right before bed, you'll be full... and after dinner, you'll have something to look for so you may be less likely to eat something else that will be bad for you.

    Hope this helps. I typically have snacks so that my dinner ends up 2 hours before bedtime or I leave extra calories for a snack before bedtime. For the protein snack, however, you can eat it RIGHT before bed. With 2 hours before bed, I don't bother with making it protein or carbs, or whatever. I just eat whatever I want.
  • aigo86
    aigo86 Posts: 79 Member
    I am not hungry... but its just a habit I need to break... I have always been told it was bad for you, but after reading many posts on here, maybe not...?!

    I was well under my count for day (by 1150) so I just had a granola bar and a few grapes!
  • thejen75
    very difficult for me - because i work 2nd shift! I get home, I want to relax and grab a beer, or a snack!
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    What's wrong with late night eating, as long as you're at your daily goal?

    ^^ Absolutely nothing!

    Eat late at night if you prefer to! There is no reason for a cut off time besides personal preference. You can eat at 11:59 if you wish and still lose the same amount of weight.

    If you have 1,000 calories left... why aren't you eating them?
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I am not hungry... but its just a habit I need to break... I have always been told it was bad for you, but after reading many posts on here, maybe not...?!

    I was well under my count for day (by 1150) so I just had a granola bar and a few grapes!

    100% false.
    Not bad for you one bit! I do it every single night. I skip breakfast to save calories for later :]
  • aigo86
    aigo86 Posts: 79 Member
    My personal trainer said to eat a good protein before bed. It gives your body something to work on and since it takes your body several hours to break it down, it's not going to turn into fat like it would if you were to eat something carby and sugary. Try nuts or a protein bar (that's low in carbs). Almonds, walnuts, pistachios, whatever. Save at least 200 calories so that you can eat your nuts (or protein bar) right before bed, you'll be full... and after dinner, you'll have something to look for so you may be less likely to eat something else that will be bad for you.

    Hope this helps. I typically have snacks so that my dinner ends up 2 hours before bedtime or I leave extra calories for a snack before bedtime. For the protein snack, however, you can eat it RIGHT before bed. With 2 hours before bed, I don't bother with making it protein or carbs, or whatever. I just eat whatever I want.

    Thanks for the tips, that actually is great info that I can put to use! :) What is your favorite kind of protein bar? I bought a mix of 10 of them the other day to try different ones and find a favorite! So far, the Luna bar in Lemon is winning!
  • aigo86
    aigo86 Posts: 79 Member
    What's wrong with late night eating, as long as you're at your daily goal?

    ^^ Absolutely nothing!

    Eat late at night if you prefer to! There is no reason for a cut off time besides personal preference. You can eat at 11:59 if you wish and still lose the same amount of weight.

    If you have 1,000 calories left... why aren't you eating them?

    Not eating them because I am just not hungry.... I ate great meals today, and had snacks, but still ended with 1000 left...
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Eating high calorie foods such as olive oil, nuts, avocados, coconut, and other calorie dense foods will help get your caloires up. Going by hunger is not always the best thing to do. The body need nourishment.

    By eating a huge calorie deficit your weight loss can stall, cause more muscle mass to disappear, slow metabolism, cause hair loss, increase chance of loose skin. I encourage you to eat those calories!

    Good luck to you :]