Working Mom's workout

Options I have a 4 year old (will be 5 next month) little boy and a daughter who is going to be 14 in April. Life is usually quite busy...and when it is not....I just want to relax!!

I am up by 6:00 am to get ready and get my little one to the dayhome to be at work by 8:00 (it's about 30-45min drive to work). I work until 4:00..pick my son up by 5:00 and then most days have to pick up my daughter from her sports. Once everyone is home I have to cook supper, eat, homework, clean up, get ready for the next day and everyone off to bed. Once that is done all I want to do is crawl into my own bed or sit and watch a little TV (or computer time)

My husband works out of town so I don't have his what ever type of workout I do, whether it be Zumba on the Wii or a work out has to be at home. BUT WHEN??

When do you find is the best time?


  • meghan6867
    meghan6867 Posts: 388 Member
    Thanks for adding me as a friend! :smile:

    It sounds like you have your hands full! Generally, everyone recommends (to me anyway) that I should workout earlier in the day right after I wake up. The idea being you won't come up with excuses not to exercise later. That, however, would make a very early start for you!

    Personally, I like to workout at night... but that's just me. I was glad to read that you do Zumba (I LOVE Zumba!). Do you think your kids might have fun doing Zumba with you? Or would that be too distracting?
  • chellefatfree
    chellefatfree Posts: 90 Member
    Lol....the idea of having to get up earlier than I already due just isn't right:noway: !

    I think I might have to try and see if my little one wants to try the Zumba with me....I don't have to worry about my daughter as she is at the age where she spends all her time in her room! :smile:
  • heather_renee
    heather_renee Posts: 3 Member
    Your day sounds just like MINE..... here is what I do.. is have the kids go to bed at 9.... or at least go and watch some tv at 9pm in their bedrooms.... That is when I do my workout.. I have the house to myself to do any workout dvds or what have you.. After is shower / then tv time in bed for me.. I find it better for me to work my day this way.. I've tried the morning, but I find myself telling myself.. let me snooze a little longer and then I end up with no time to do the workout.. I feel GREAT once I do workout, its just finding the time to do so.. Good luck !!!!!
  • emstgm
    emstgm Posts: 117 Member
    I'm a working momma too. I get up at 5am to exercise. Elliptical for 45-60 minutes. Then I start getting ready for work at 6, out the door at 7 or 7:30. I don't get off work until 5pm though, so I'm not home until 5:30 or 6pm. Thankfully, hubby cooks dinner (for the family - I have to cook my own!) but I have NO energy at night to work out. Glad I did it in the morning. It's hard getting up early though. I have to go to bed early.