irrational fears



  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    I posted this before, but ill give some new people nightmares xD

    I am ungodly scared that I will be on the toilet (very vulnerable!) and a spider or bug will appear.

    Best way to describe it so people know what I mean:

    This scared the holy *kitten* outta me!!!

    I had this happen to me! I was working at a family owned restaurant and while on the potty, I notice this VERY large spider just under the seat. If the Guinesses Book of World Records team were there recording, I'd have set the record for 'highest leap', 'loudest yell', and 'Most urine one person can get on the floor and in her pants...simultaneously'. The next time I went to work, I literally held my pee for a full seven hours straight.

    Another irrational fear I have (would this be considered irrational?) is that if I wear one of those eye cover things that people wear to bed, I won't be able to notice someone creeping up on me.. to kill me. I've always wanted to try one since this chick in Claires talked about how much sunlight it kept out your eyes.. but I continuously dream of people breaking in and bludgeoning me to death and I can't escape.. my downfall being the eye guard thing.
  • mistersmithsbox
    the look of tiny clusters of things (holes, bumps, ridges) freaks me out - for example porous things like the inside of a bone
    taste buds, the look of skin under a microscope, honeycombs, and so on
    oh and the scales on fish which leads to me to my fear of fish lol

    Holy monkeys... I thought I was the only one. It also has to do with positive and negative spaces of things - ocelot fur, stretched bacon fat, weirdo cracks in plaster where it gaps, etc. If there is a contrast of light(er) and dark(er) in some weird pattern, it freaks me the eff out. The inside of an ant hill... ummm....

    I also have this irrational fear that everything I've ever said and or done I've made up somehow. I can deal with my fear of falling but not being a fake by mistake.
  • amonkey9
    food, calories, upping said calories, gaining weight when I go to college. though i dont think the last is irrational
  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    Mice and sewer rats.

    I have an absolutely IRRATIONAL fear towards them. I had rats in our house growing up, but only ever came out when I was home alone. And they came from our toilets. So I cannot sit on a basement toilet without checking the toilet thoroughly and flushing first then using it. And the lid HAS to be closed!
  • mistersmithsbox
    I also freak right out driving at night. I do it and I love it but let me be in the 'burbs and I'll swear ghosts and creatures are about to get me.
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    My fear is similar to the one mentioned above except I'm afraid that when I sit on the toilet that a snake will come up underneath me. (I actually heard on the news about this once and, of course, that didn't help the fear any.) I always look before I go and I lift the lid very carefully. I'm, also, afraid of cabinets that close to the lower kitchen cabinets. I just have this fear of opening one and something, like a snake or creature, coming out of it. I don'tput anything in the bottom cabinets that I have to use very often so that I don't have to open those cabinets very often.
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    I freak out at the thought of anyone poking their finger in my belly button. I can't stand for anyone to touch it.... not even my fiance.... not even myself! Even poking near it freaks me out. Fore some reason I feel like it's going to be very, very painful even though I know it wouldn't be.
  • ElleOQuent
    ElleOQuent Posts: 431 Member
    Clowns, prosthetics, and basements are the first things that come to mind.
  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member
    Everytime there is a log truck coming toward me I always feel nervous that somehow that the load or just a single log will come off the truck just as I get to it.
    I wouldn`t call it a fear exactly but it definitely is irrational.

    That's not irrational! Haven't you ever seen City of Angels???????

    My irrational fear is that a raccoon or some other creature or bug will come up out of the pit toilet at my campground and bite me.
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    There's a list!

    1) can't go ice skating in case I fall and someone skates over my fingers and chop them off.
    2) that my boyfriend has been killed because he's late home from work and I can't get him on the phone
    3) a rat will run up the toilet when I'm sitting on it.
    4) that I'll injure myself in the shower and not be able to walk and paramedics will have to break down the door and I'm naked and I can't move... Oh the shame! (in this nightmare I had hairy legs too)
    5) getting tomato sauce or butter on my hands freaks me out.
    6) phlegm, hate it, even hate the word
    7) (this is the weirdest) that I accidentally pick up a razor instead of my toothbrush and shred the sh1t out of my mouth!!

    Yes I am a weirdo!
  • krista010105
    krista010105 Posts: 149 Member
    im terrified of flying roaches!!!!!!

    i have pannic attackes when my husband throws a piece of toilet paper at me when he said he was going to go throw a roach in the trash. when it is hot they come into our garage and it just freaks me out i get so scared to even go into the garage to get the milk out the fridge. i will have a major cant breathe pannic attack

    and im terrified of my kids being kidnapped i hate letting them out of my sight. my husband makes me let my 9 year old go into the grocery store to get a gift card by him self and i sit there watching both doors on both ends of the store to make sure he isnt being kidnapped
  • CannibalisticVegetarian

    7) (this is the weirdest) that I accidentally pick up a razor instead of my toothbrush and shred the sh1t out of my mouth!!

    Actually, I sort of feel the same way.. but instead of it being a razor, I fear that at some point I'll have a sewing needle in my mouth, or that it'll be in food (y'know, how like at restaurants people find weird things in their food).. and that it'll go through the roof of my mouth or down my throat and get caught.. Ugh!
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    I am absolutely terrified of bridges, be it walking or driving over them. I start sweating, shaking and sometimes burst out into tears. I have no idea why. Well, last year, a year ago today as a matter of fact, I crashed on a bridge! I hit black ice and ping ponged all over the bridge. My fear is through the roof now. Worst part, I have to cross 3 bridges to and from work each day. Uggh!

    Me too! I hate bridges. I have 1 bridge that I drive over to get to work and 2 pedestrian bridges to cross to get into the building I work in! One of the bridges crosses over a road and the other over the loading docks of the building. I've always been scared the bridge would collapse. My husband thought I was crazy until a couple of years ago when one did collapse in I think Minnesota? I called him, told him to turn on the news and went "NOW do you understand?!" I have the same fear of tunnels. I'm always afraid there will be a wreck and a giant fireball will shoot through.

    I'm also afraid of closet monsters. I can't sleep with the closet door open. It MUST be closed.
  • branflake5
    Refuse to drive behind any vehicle carrying anything that could possibly fly off and impale me. Anytime this happens I immediately change lanes and if that is not an option I slow way down until I can change lanes.

    Looking out windows at night is so scary to me, I always feel like something or someone will be looking back at me. It really freaks me out yet for some reason I am drawn to do it.

    Riding roller coasters or pretty much any amusement park ride with my children. Ok they are 17,15 and 11 but I am so afraid they are gonna fall out, so I use whatever limb I can to stretch over them as if my arm or leg would save them in the event of an accident. Now the only one who will sit next to me on a ride is my 11 yr old the other 2 are like "I don't wanna sit by her" lol
  • Katefab26
    Katefab26 Posts: 865
    I am terrified that I am going to fall through ice and drown because I can't get through it -- this will never happen, because I refuse to go anywhere near a frozen lake. Ever.

    I am also neurotically afraid of the dark.
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,305 Member

    7) (this is the weirdest) that I accidentally pick up a razor instead of my toothbrush and shred the sh1t out of my mouth!!

    Actually, I sort of feel the same way.. but instead of it being a razor, I fear that at some point I'll have a sewing needle in my mouth, or that it'll be in food (y'know, how like at restaurants people find weird things in their food).. and that it'll go through the roof of my mouth or down my throat and get caught.. Ugh!

    I accidentally swallowed a sewing needle a few months ago. That was a fun trip to the ER. (sheesh - they took it ~way~ seriously. I felt like an idiot)
  • BrooklynBeast
    The only irrational fear that I've had was an inability to stand up because I stopped exercising and got too fat and my legs too weak to support my weight. I used to have dreams about this after several years of letting myself get out of shape.
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    I am scared my teeth are going to fall out! lol I have to count them every morning

    I can't park next to big vans (like utility vans).. for some reason I am convinced someone will grab me, throw me in it, and drive away. Sometimes my fiance parks next to them and I get out on HIS side because I am terrified to get out of the car with one next to me!

    WATER BEDS. OMG. I'll never ever ever ever sleep on one nor will I ever sleep in a room with one. I feel like I'd fall asleep on it, it'd somehow RIP OPEN and I'd drown in my sleep. Also, if I had to be in the room with one I wouldn't even sleep on the floor because again, I'm scared the bed would rip open and all the water would rush to the floor and drown me.

    I'm... weird. LOL
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    Dams. Not being on them (driving or walking) or standing below them looking at them or being afraid they'll break. I get really spooked anytime I'm in a boat and near the spillway part. I don't even have an issue anywhere else along the dam, it's just the spillway.

  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member

    These. They are big enough to eat birds. If I found one in my house, I'd burn down my entire house. It's really the only way to be sure it's dead.