consuming only 1000 calories a day??



  • claire_xox
    claire_xox Posts: 282 Member
    I always say why make it harder than it has to be. When you click for the day on your food diary, this site warns you when you eat less than 1200 calories that you are not eating enough. If you click on the Tools tab and calculate your BMR, it gives you a good estimate of how many calories your body needs to breathe, etc if you did nothing but stay in bed all day. It will be more than a 1000 calories so I do believe the theory that you can put your body in starvation mode.

    exactly, and my BMR given to me is less than 1200 cause I'm a shorty and currently at a low weight.... but my cals still default to 1200. So hers might too.
  • I eat less than 1000 cals , however I am at home unable to exercise at the mo due to an operation- im sleeping longer (due to painkillers and antibiotics) so i cant eat all my cals or id be stuffing my face, lol. ive been eating this way for a few weeks now, still losing weight.

    If you don't need extra cals after an operation, infection and other stress, just to repair your body.... can you please tell your surgeon? I assume he will be interested in publishing your case.

    ??? not quite sure what u mean or if u r just being sarcastic? i didnt say i didnt need the calories, i just couldnt eat them all as i wasnt up much in the day to eat them all. but i did say in the rest of my post that id need to up my calories eventually.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I eat an average of 1000cals a day but only because my BMR is very low and the days I exercise I find it hard to eat back without being stuffed. I'm losing weight but I'm also listening to my body.
    I wouldn't recommend to anyone to eat 1000cals a day unless it's what your body can work with. If you're starving yourself I would eat what you're comfortable with instead. Don't make yourself miserable!! It'll make it harder!!
    Add more exercise first and then consider looking at your intake! :)
  • julz5150
    julz5150 Posts: 25 Member
    I just started a group fro people eating under 1000 calories a day if anyone wants to join so we can all support each other in our limited calorie intake... :smile:

    Here's the link to the group:
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    no such thing as 'starvation' mode. this is a diet myth.

    that being said. i hope you didnt just pull 1200 out of diet myth air. You really need to go on your BMR and activity level when deciding how much to lower your calorie intake.

    the facts..going too low on calories will cause your body to catabolize muscle or lean body mass along with the fat. this is unhealthy. if you really want to lose weight faster or whatever, try upping your exercise, not lowering your calories (at least to that extreme)
  • PetitePerfection
    PetitePerfection Posts: 199 Member
    First try going up a bit. I started at 1200...then 900..then 700.. Then 200-300. I think you get it, but the frustration of not losing combined with a few other factors led me into an eating disorder that nearly took my life. I later found out the reason I wasn't losing on 1200 was because it was too LITTLE. I currently aim for 1700/day and plenty of exercise and have been losing some of the excess weight I gained throughout lowering isn't always the answer. Try upping it first and that, combined with more exercise will probably do the trick. Unless of course, you're just really short
  • ElisetheQ
    ElisetheQ Posts: 58 Member
    Yes, there is such a thing as 'starvation mode.' Do some research.

    That being said, here's a great link describing a great way to lose weight without cutting out so many calories:

    Good luck!
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I just started a group fro people eating under 1000 calories a day if anyone wants to join so we can all support each other in our limited calorie intake... :smile:

    Here's the link to the group:

    This is insane! Why promote something so terrible?
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    I was told not to go below 1200 calories a body needs that much just to function. If you want to lose weight exercise more, is what I am doing. That way I'm burning more calories.
  • You can eat as low as 1000 calories a day. I am getting close to my goal and my doctor put me on it. Everyone is different so you have to try it and see if your body will accept it or reject it. The one thing the doc told me was that people will drop their calories and not take a multi vitamin. That is where some of the trouble begins he said. So make sure you are getting a good multi vitamin to help your body get the vitamins it may miss from the lower calories. Also, if you notice on all the weight loss calculators, the less you weigh the less it takes to fuel your body! When I was over 250 I ate almost 1800 calories and lost weight, now if I did that I would be right where I started again.
  • First, what is starvation mode? I found this direct answer on --

    A starvation diet does not mean the absence of food. It means cutting the total caloric intake to less than 50% of what the body requires. Using myself as an example, my current weight is 178 lbs. and my bmr is 1450. So, I would have to cut my calories to below 725 per day. However, if I were at my goal weight of 150 lbs., my bmr would be 1129, and so I would have to cut my calories to below 565 calories. This is not borne out by the infamous Minnesota Semistarvation Study (1950), 36 young, healthy, psychologically normal men while restricting their caloric intake for 6 months. Their calories were restricted in various phases, but the least amount of calories they were allowed was 50% of the "normal" maintenance calories. Notice, this was dubbed a "semi" starvation diet.

    Yes, their metabolic rates were significantly lowered -- to something like 40% below baseline. Yet at no point did the men stop losing fat until they hit 5% body fat at the end of the study.

    Please go to this link and read. Do some studying, There is no STARVATION MODE here in the USA! Go to third world countries then you will see what starvation mode really looks like! lyle.htm This is a link from a scientist, very good paper.
    Truth of it is, the less you weigh, the less your body needs in calories to fuel it!
  • I am really confused, this is a topic board for support of the dieters eating 1000 calories or less, or so I thought it was! So why are there so many others on here concerned with this topic?! Please go find a topic on 1200 calories and more or something!

    What amazes me is that the large majority of dieters that dog this topic are MEN! No offense, love mean dearly, but they need way more calories and protein than a women just to breath!!! They tell us to do our research on STARVATION MODE when they obviously know nothing about anatomy! Common sense tells anyone that a man needs more calories than a woman. And if you aren't eating only 1000 calories a day, why are you concerning yourself with this topic anyway? That would be like me going looking for a topic on something I agree with, I'm not going to find the support I need, so I don't go to those topics. This topic is looking for support and stories of those consuming 1000 calories a day? So go look for your topic of consuming 1200 calories or more a day, I am sure there are plenty of dieters that will appreciate your support.
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    If you want to lose weight and 1200 isn't working for you, up your intake don't lower it. Your body is probably starved.

    I agree 100%! Your not getting what your body needs in only 1000cals.
  • 1000 calories is starvation mode....its possible and maybe even feasible.........but woow....your hungry. There is such thing as healthy calories..........
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    Before lowering your food intake I'd increase 1st the exercises with 200 cals/day. Do this for 2-3 weeks and see the result. If you have energy for the added volume of exercises then you're good for a while. If you feel drained then here is your answer. You're not suitable to lower your food without consequences.
  • 1000% agree!!!

    Yes, there is such a thing as 'starvation mode.' Do some research.

    That being said, here's a great link describing a great way to lose weight without cutting out so many calories:

    Good luck!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I eat less than 1000 cals , however I am at home unable to exercise at the mo due to an operation- im sleeping longer (due to painkillers and antibiotics) so i cant eat all my cals or id be stuffing my face, lol. ive been eating this way for a few weeks now, still losing weight.

    If you don't need extra cals after an operation, infection and other stress, just to repair your body.... can you please tell your surgeon? I assume he will be interested in publishing your case.
    This! X
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    Again a link to this "infamous" post. :)
    Anybody that paid attention to this paragraph would understand that the 400-700 cals/day is not an accurate average as long as nobody monitored the binges.

    "Five or six days per week the calories remain low in this range, however, there are nighttime binges from time to time and weekend binges where carbs loaded with fat (doughnuts, rolls, cookies, pizza etc.) are consumed."

    A medium doughnut has 200-330 cals.
    A slice of pizza has min. 300 cals
    etc etc

    I do consider the article good because of the message and principles discussed in it but the example with that lady is really bad. My opinion, what was described here was no starvation but bad diet.

    1000% agree!!!

    Yes, there is such a thing as 'starvation mode.' Do some research.

    That being said, here's a great link describing a great way to lose weight without cutting out so many calories:

    Good luck!
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    Excellent answer. Very clear defined the difference between STARVATION DIET and STARVATION.
    First, what is starvation mode? I found this direct answer on --

    A starvation diet does not mean the absence of food. It means cutting the total caloric intake to less than 50% of what the body requires. Using myself as an example, my current weight is 178 lbs. and my bmr is 1450. So, I would have to cut my calories to below 725 per day. However, if I were at my goal weight of 150 lbs., my bmr would be 1129, and so I would have to cut my calories to below 565 calories. This is not borne out by the infamous Minnesota Semistarvation Study (1950), 36 young, healthy, psychologically normal men while restricting their caloric intake for 6 months. Their calories were restricted in various phases, but the least amount of calories they were allowed was 50% of the "normal" maintenance calories. Notice, this was dubbed a "semi" starvation diet.

    Yes, their metabolic rates were significantly lowered -- to something like 40% below baseline. Yet at no point did the men stop losing fat until they hit 5% body fat at the end of the study.

    Please go to this link and read. Do some studying, There is no STARVATION MODE here in the USA! Go to third world countries then you will see what starvation mode really looks like! lyle.htm This is a link from a scientist, very good paper.
    Truth of it is, the less you weigh, the less your body needs in calories to fuel it!
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    I just started a group fro people eating under 1000 calories a day if anyone wants to join so we can all support each other in our limited calorie intake... :smile:

    Here's the link to the group:

    This is insane! Why promote something so terrible?

    Agree! This is almost crossing the line between dieting and eating disorder in my opinion.