new here and looking for support

Hi im 22, going on 23, been over weight now for years, and where i have suffered with chronic depression i havent really given two craps about my weight or anything else to that matter.

I have now got my life back on track, and have two horses one of which is soon ready to be broken to ride, i have had him since 6 months old. Although he is a big boy now, and im a short *kitten*, i weigh to much to be able to ride him he would probably take my weight being a cob, but there is no way i want to put him through that.

Not only that i have severe back problems which one day will make me a cripple, and i have decided loosing weight will slow this progress down, and give me more time to enjoy mobility!

So i have decided its time to change, 2012 is the year it all goes! this is the last thing on my list of things to have my perfect life. everything else is ticked :D (not many 22 year olds would say that eh!)

My name is Debbie but most people know me as nebbz which is a nick name i got from many years going to modefied car shows, and local cruises. Of which i have now given up as it just dragged me down. No longer the case!

Who else here is in my situation, future outlook a bit bleak due to disability and still fighting to loose weight, what exersize/eating plans can you sugest to help, that wont put too much pressure on my back?


  • hello and welcome here hope you have a great day
  • Hang in there!!! You can do..Remember no matter what don't give it. It's a long road to travel, but the light at the end is worth it. Keep loving yourself first. Just added you as a friend..take care!!!
  • rgunn02
    rgunn02 Posts: 169 Member
    I have a bad back that has been made better with physio and exercise - not sure if that would help you any though as my back problems have been brought on my injuries.
  • Just take it one day at at a time. you just have to keep reminding yourself of all the good things and people in your life. My dad has back issues that prevent his from working out, but he can ride a recumbant bike and it helps him alot not only physically, but mentally as well! I wish you all the luck in the world!! And remember there are always people here for support and advice!!
  • ShelleyD81
    ShelleyD81 Posts: 237 Member
    Hi & welcome!

    I suffer with back problems due to a slipped disc and I am also very overweight.

    I have lost 28lbs :happy: since October due to controlled eating and a light exercise routine (I can't do anything too strenuous as my back starts ro hurt)

    I also do pilates a couple of times a week which has really helped.

    I never thought I'd be able to do it until I found this website and the great people here.

    I wish you all the luck in your journey and if you'd like us to support each other please add me :flowerforyou:
  • christ4life63
    christ4life63 Posts: 68 Member
    Welcome Debbie. :flowerforyou: We all have our problems, I have Panic dissorder:noway: and I'm over weight, I also have somewhat of a back problem. But I notice as I'm loosing weight, I dont have that much pain as before.
    You need to have Faith in yourself, you need to be determine to set those Goals and do it.
    IF I could do it, I know you could do it.:smile: I am very determine to loose weight:indifferent: , Im sick of being over weight, and enough is enough.

    I wish you the best and I know you well be fine.
    Have a Bless Day :smile: