south beach diet

Anyone else do the South Beach Diet? Basically it's 3 phases. The first phase, you cut out all fruit, starches and pretty much everything but veggies and lean meat (fish, steak and boneless skinless chicken), then in phase 2 you slowly add those things back in, with whole grains, certain fruits, ect.. Pretty much phase 1, you lose like up to 14lbs, and phase 2 is one to two pounds each week, phase 3 is just maintenance. Anyways, I did phase 1 a couple months ago to jump start my weight loss and lost 10lbs, I kept if off and everything. I have sort of been in phase 2 since then, just without really thinking about it. I don't follow their diet, but I still pretty much watch what I eat as far as starches and high carbs (bad carbs), high fats and bad fats ect... So I have sort of hit a plateau this past week, and I'm thinking about going back into phase 1 again to get out of it. Any thoughts? Anyone else follow this diet?


  • iKapuniai
    iKapuniai Posts: 594 Member
    I know a lot of people that have done the South Beach thing and lost a lot of weight. Most of them kept it off, because it starts you off with a pretty strict diet, then eases you back into the reintroduction of carbs and such and isn't meant to be a "diet" or fad but focuses more on lifechanges, unlike Atkins or whatever. I personally couldn't do it because I love my carbs and sweets and I feel that I do better when I have access to my junks because then I don't feel so deprived, BUT that's not to say it wouldn't work for others. I completely support the South Beach "Diet" because I feel that it's a healthy approach to weight loss, contrary to what others believe.

    My 2 cents.

    Love and Alohas,
    Ihilani Kapuniai <3
  • mamato3inca
    mamato3inca Posts: 168 Member
    I did it before and loved it. I have been thinking about trying it again, I'm a carboholic!

    Are you tracking your calories on here with Phase 2? I know SBD doesn't tell you to track calories, but I would. Since you hit a plateau, you may be taking in too many calories. If you are tracking calories and not losing, you could try phase 1 again, but I remember hearing it doesn't work the same way the second time. Your body isn't used to all the bad carbs anymore. So, it may not work.
  • AngelaeLebron1
    AngelaeLebron1 Posts: 171 Member
    Thanks for your input guys.. I'm gonna start phase one again on wed (pay day/grocery shopping day).. and see what it does for me, also just started ripped in 30 today, after doing the 30 day hopefully I can break out of this, one pound gain, one pound lost plateau that I am in every day. Feel free to add me if you want to follow along..or just want to be friends =)
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I've done it in the past. It requires a huge amount of willpower (I wanted fruit SO badly as soon as I wasn't able to have it) and a lot of specialty foods / recipes.

    I like the idea of eventually going back to normal eating, but they recommend you go back to restricting if you gain again, which I imagine you would. I like my plan of trying to stay high protein, low fat, low carb (ish). ;)
  • cracked_belle
    cracked_belle Posts: 18 Member
    I'm late to the party, I know. but I just started the South Beach Meal Plan this past Monday. (I really do think it's more of a "meal plan" than a "diet"; much like <a href="">mztenderheart</a&gt; said -- it focuses more on one's lifestyle and habits than on each food.)

    I had a great amount of success a few years back when I first tried it. I was in a wheelchair for two months and gained ALOT of weight. I wanted to kick start my weight loss. as I was still recovering from having dislocating my ankle and breaking three different bones in it, heavy exercise wasn't rightly the best option yet. so I tried South Beach. I had excellent help from my partner at the time, as he got on it too. it worked great. I felt good, and everyone said I was looking better than before.

    several years down the road, after graduating college and going through rough periods in life, I've got some of that weight back. so in conjunction with exercise, I've been on-and-off it since the end of October. I wasn't really keeping to it during the holidays, but I started to embrace the various paradigms it presents. and now that all those crazy holidays have passed, I'm cracking down for real.

    my problem is that **I HATE COOKING**. never have been able to do it. family didn't do it either. so I'm having to not only learn new and somewhat restricted recipes, but I'm having to learn what it means to fry something versus baking it. I still struggle to understand the difference between trans fat and sat fat, haha. ugh. frustrating!