So I just started working out, and I'm losing nothing?!

Alright MFPers. I've been on here for a while and I've lost around 26 pounds. All of that weight loss was from dieting alone. This last week (roughly, every day since saturday) I've been exercising - usually 20 minutes of elliptical or arc trainer and 20ish minutes of some sort of bike. I've been counting calories and I swear I haven't cheated!

I should have lost a little, at least. I've got my stuff set to one pound per week. I haven't lost ANYTHING. I'm just frustrated.
Is there a scientific explanation to why this is happening so I can keep myself from getting discouraged? When can I expect this pattern to stop?


  • faithisfabulous
    I am in the same boat. I started dieting first and lost around 8 lbs then when I incorporated working out, it stopped. I haven't lost a pound since saturday and I am ALWAYS under my calorie intake. It makes me work even harder because I havent lost a single pound but my clothes are looser. I think we might be gaining muscle.
  • Courtneycms88
    Courtneycms88 Posts: 24 Member
    Are you eating back the calories you burn from exercising? That could be the problem. Also if you are starting to build muscle you could be seeing a weight gain but really losing fat.
  • Ceebee37
    It just takes time!! If you have not been exercising at all, it may be just your body is taking time to wake up to the changes. Please be more patient, weight loss takes time!! You may of hit a plateau also, so exercise, anchange to diet may help. Also because you are exercising, make sure you are eating more protien, and drinking more water, and eating back your calories, this will help!! Good Luck!
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,015 Member
    I can't see your diary but ..

    Eat back your workout calories.
    If you aren't lifting weights, start.

    Those are my first two suggestions. :)
  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    I am eating back some. Still my intake is around 1400 or 1500 a day, maybe 1600 if I really worked out hard.
  • galaxyhearts
    galaxyhearts Posts: 258 Member
    If your muscles are a little sore, they're probably retaining water. Keep at it, and drink tons of water! =]
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,015 Member
    Well just remember that MFP has already provided a deficit so you do want to get as close to eating all the calories for your day.

    Oh and like others said, it takes time and sometimes you have to switch it up. Try something new for cardio or outside of the gym completely.
  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    Diary now public! I do need to start lifting weights, I'm just not really sure on how to do any of the free weight stuff. And YES my muscles are sore, not by a ton, but I can definitely feel it. Water - I can do that!
  • MeganElana
    You will get a muscle weight gain for a few weeks, so just keep it up. It will balance out eventually and you will see wt loss again.
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    A few things I notice immediately (I only looked back a few days):
    1. You are not logging any water. Are you drinking it? Especially when you are working out your body needs more water.

    2. It seems like you're not always eating full meals. For example, I would say that you should include a protein, carb, and fruit/veggie for all of the big three meals (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner). There were a few days that all you ate for lunch was a bagel and cream cheese. When you workout, you need to fuel your body correctly before and after your workouts.

    3. Do you eat any protein right after you workout? This will help your body repair muscles that you used while working out.

    4. Start lifting weights/circuit training. What kind of cardio are you doing? Do you change it often?
  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    1. I drink loads of water. I'm a vocalist, and whether I'm working out or not I never have trouble getting in 8 or 9 glasses of water, so I don't usually bother to log.

    2. This is a good point! I guess the reason I do a bagel/cream cheese is for two reasons: 1. low calories and 2. I'm running between classes and don't have a lunch break every day. I hadn't thought of my meals in protein,carb, fruit and veggie means though, so I'll definitely take that into account.

    3. No. I should. Maybe I'll start packing a protein shake or protein bar that will be good on the run and also be a part of my lunch? I usually work out at 10am.

    4. I intend to start lifting. I usually do arc trainer or elliptical, and sometimes add bike. I'm open to other suggestions, but I don't really know what to do.
  • MsRoxyPepper
    MsRoxyPepper Posts: 109 Member
    give it some more time, you should see a drop soon. make sure your getting enought water. and remember muscle weigh more than fat so you should start seeing a loss in inches.
  • emmaruns
    emmaruns Posts: 189 Member
    Stick with it! It can be frustrating until your body figures out what you're doing. I was stuck at 5 pounds lost for EVER it felt like, then suddenly I dropped 3 1/2 pounds overnight. I'm guessing it's water retention fom the exercise. Plus, there are so many other great benfits of working out - more energy, better sleep. It is a great habit to get into!
  • gigiangelique
    gigiangelique Posts: 233 Member
    80% is what you eat. I workout like crazy but I only loose when I cut back on calories and processed foods. egg whites and fresh produce (i know it gets old) but it works
  • TinaLTaylor79
    TinaLTaylor79 Posts: 140 Member
    If your working out, make sure you eat back all or close to all your earned extra calories from working out! That may be the problem...sometimes its hard to wrap your head around it, but if your active, you need to eat more to have better results!!!
  • kneeki
    kneeki Posts: 347 Member
    When you're doing the elliptical or bike, are you using the resistance button? You /should/ be drowning in sweat by the time you get off those things in twenty minutes. Resistance is SO much more important and beneficial than speed will ever be on those devices.
  • dadoffo
    dadoffo Posts: 422 Member
    Maybe you're building up the muscles that's why there in no weight loss.
  • ieishab
    ieishab Posts: 34 Member
    I never thought to eat back calories. thanks!:happy:

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  • akelly50
    Don't give up! You body will gain muscle from excersising. And as we've all heard before... "muscle weighs more than fat". Don't pay too much attention to the number on the scale. Your body will start to tighten and tone the more you work out!

    Good luck!
  • ieishab
    ieishab Posts: 34 Member
    Are you doing the Turbofire DVD set??? or did you do it??? I was looking at your weightloss ticker....