Any other college students out there?

Nicci93 Posts: 397 Member
Hey =] I am a college freshman who is worried about counting calories and having the time to work out once school starts back up next week.

Any success stories? Or people like me out there trying to make a dining plan work?


  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    Hey! I started losing weight the beginning of my junior year when I was at my highest weight of 181. In the year and half since I've lost 31 pounds. It's definitely a difficult environment to lose weight, but if you plan it out and learn how to say "no" to friends sometimes (and to yourself haha), it is definitely manageable. Feel free to add me!
  • Nicci93
    Nicci93 Posts: 397 Member
    I'm starting out just a little heavier than you when you started =O What motivation! Thanks so much ^^
  • I'd like to know too. I hae recently lost a lot of weight, but I'm scared I'll gain a bunch when I go to college next year
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    Big tips that I can think of (that I learned)

    1) Plan your meal ahead of time once you are familiar with your dining hall - it stops you from making poor choices when you see all of the options.

    2) Just because your friends want seconds, doesn't mean you have to get them too (took a while to learn that one)

    3) If you are going to keep snacks in your dorm, buy healthier choices

    4) Pretend going to the gym is a class, and work it into your schedule

    5) PREPARE for weekends - that is what ruins a lot of good eating throughout the week

    6) Learn how you deal with stress so that you can figure ways to prevent stress eating

    7) We all know what college is like - drinking has a lot of calories, and it often results in eating more as well. Be aware haha.
  • Me! I just joined today. I've got about 39 pounds to lose. I think being in college makes it harder for me. There is a lot of stress that comes along with it, and I find that, that is when I usually eat the most. But hey, we can do it!
  • Nicci93
    Nicci93 Posts: 397 Member
    Me! I just joined today. I've got about 39 pounds to lose. I think being in college makes it harder for me. There is a lot of stress that comes along with it, and I find that, that is when I usually eat the most. But hey, we can do it!

    Its hardest for me late at night when I get the munchies... Doing homework until the late hours while your friends are munching on candy and chips is really hard.

    My roommate is naturally skinny, so much so that her doctor thinks she could gain a couple pounds. Fortunately, she is the type to understand that not everyone is like her so I do appreciate the support system that can hold me accountable in the wee hours of the morning!
  • twilightfan20
    twilightfan20 Posts: 113 Member
    I'm in my fourth year of college right now. I gained some weight my first 2 years and decided back in 2010 to join MFP. Since then I've lost almost 70 pounds, with 50 more to go, before I hit my first target of 170. Finding the time and energy to work out was difficult at first, but I found that I prefer working out during the day when the gym is less crowded, so I always schedule my classes to fit my work outs. Feel free to add me!
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,179 Member
    Hello! I'm a full-time college student (senior), trying to lose about 50 before graduation and summer. I'm kind of dreading going back (I start in two weeks) because I am way too friendly with the vending machines between class, especially on test days. :P Feel free to add me!
  • Nicci93
    Nicci93 Posts: 397 Member
    I'm in my fourth year of college right now. I gained some weight my first 2 years and decided back in 2010 to join MFP. Since then I've lost almost 70 pounds, with 50 more to go, before I hit my first target of 170. Finding the time and energy to work out was difficult at first, but I found that I prefer working out during the day when the gym is less crowded, so I always schedule my classes to fit my work outs. Feel free to add me!

    Did you end of taking classes at the rec center? Or did you work out on your own?
  • twilightfan20
    twilightfan20 Posts: 113 Member
    I'm in my fourth year of college right now. I gained some weight my first 2 years and decided back in 2010 to join MFP. Since then I've lost almost 70 pounds, with 50 more to go, before I hit my first target of 170. Finding the time and energy to work out was difficult at first, but I found that I prefer working out during the day when the gym is less crowded, so I always schedule my classes to fit my work outs. Feel free to add me!

    Did you end of taking classes at the rec center? Or did you work out on your own?

    Honestly, I've only taken 1 class at the rec and I didn't like it all that much. I still haven't tried zumba and heard it was pretty cool. Mostly I go to the machine room and use the bikes, ellipticals, or treadmill. A few days out of the week I'll use the strength machines. I use free weights in my apartment. And occasionally I take the long walks around the lakes near our campus.
  • Nicolletta1
    Nicolletta1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I am a Christian college student. I am looking to be a rail, just to be healthy. I think many times people look to lose weight quickly or don't think about things like.... I am a college student, If I lost 40lbs in the next say 2 to 6 months, how am I going to get new clothes to fit my body when I am struggling to make ends meet?... or I can't afford to go out and buy all this food from a store, but what I can do is make better choices in the cafeteria.

    I know that it can be a struggle. I work around food all day and we have to taste it..but I have to have the will power to say... YOU TASTE IT. The easiest thing about keeping this diary is that I realized that I was already eating healthy, but I discovered that for the amount of time spend active (working, on my feet cleaning, lifting boxes, and walking/running when I am late) I burn way more calories than I put in, so instead of losing weight, my body is in this constant state of " survival mode"... it is afraid that I it won't get food. But this site is really helping me see that. It reminds me of a now popular weight loss site where you should know how this celebrity feels, but I didn't have 30 plus dollars every mother to shell out for someone to tell me that eating this is this many points and that means you need to exercise and do this and that... I can do all that right here.

    Stick with it honey, don't worry so much about being a certain weight as to being healthy. I know a man who is 300lbs, but he does triathlons, while there are many "skinny" people who are a walking heart attack.

    May God continue to bless and keep you towards healthiness... After all He said:

    "Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prosper." 3John 1:2

    But Remember

    "For bodily exercise profits little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come." 1Timothy 4:8

    I think on these things as I strive for healthiness. It's saying that we should be in good health, exercising is great... but if your heart is not right... it's for nothing.

    I like to compare this to how some people are so beautiful, but when they open their mouths, filth comes out.
    When they open their brains, they are as empty as a flower pot,
    And when they open their hearts, there is not warmth there.
  • neddoh
    neddoh Posts: 116 Member
    Busy university student with 2 jobs here :) My meals are erratic, but realistic. You're more than welcome to add me and check out my meals and workouts :) Also, I'm here for support!
  • munkeyfunk
    munkeyfunk Posts: 141 Member
    I'm completing my final year of secondary education this year, if that counts lol, feel free to ad me :)
  • bb_phat
    bb_phat Posts: 20 Member
    college! add me! :)
  • Nicci93
    Nicci93 Posts: 397 Member
    Bumping this board =) Just in case anyone else sees this post and wants some college support!
  • KatelynnMDuggan
    KatelynnMDuggan Posts: 41 Member
    I am in my junior year of college and college totally derailed me. I was an active runner and a size 4/6 during high school. I stayed pretty fit the first part of my freshmen year and then stopped exercising and i i slowly gained weight and then i got in a relationship with my current boyfriend and gained like 20 pounds. I started at 155 lbs on my poor little 5'1 body and am down to 145. I want to get to 130, which seems high for how short I am, but I tend to carry a lot of muscle, so I felt healthy at this weight the last time i weighed it my freshmen year of college. it does help to find a friend/partner, but you gotta make sure they are gonna motivate you. a friend and i made plans to workout fall term and didn't do it once. this term we decided to buy "fit passes" to take classes at the rec center and school just started back up on monday and we are going to our 2nd class tonight.
  • mmwita
    mmwita Posts: 1
    Heyy, i'm 2 months in University and i am so busy that working out is a problem. I am trying to improve my diet but that can be a challenge sometimes if you have to prepare healthy meals all by yourself. What do you guys do instead?
  • Hi! I'm a college sophomore, and I'm passionate about learning to make healthy choices & do what's best for my mind and body during my time here! I'm dedicating my blog to this journey too & hopefully it can help you (or anyone else!) out. I'm finally starting to get the knack of it! Haha :)
  • Hello! Im a college girly myself! I weighed 115lbs when i started as a freshman and now weigh 137 ugh! But i also want to lise weight and feel more confident! The comment below yours is very true, you must make the gym a class that you cannot miss. And drinks are very high in calories. I say you go out but just have water instead!
  • I'm also a college student! :) Junior at University of Kentucky. Feel free to add me! :)
