Would like to have some friends on here

I tried doing this a few months back but never realized that there were message boards with real people posting in them til a few weeks ago. The last time I tried I wasn't too successful and would go days without logging in. Now I am back and motivated but it would be great to have some friends on here to talk to to keep it that way. Thanks in advance. :smile:


  • iluvchad4
    iluvchad4 Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome!! I sent you a friend request. Keep logging you can do this!! Read the boards for inspiration!! Good luck!
  • crb1988
    crb1988 Posts: 134 Member
    Having friends makes all the difference for some people. Anyone who would like to can add me :)

    Good luck to you!
  • kirby0
    kirby0 Posts: 1
  • xjackie83
    xjackie83 Posts: 23 Member
    My name is Jackie and I live in Nashville! I'm new here too and trying to lose weight before my wedding on June 24! Everyone please feel free to add me :)
  • margemccauley
    margemccauley Posts: 3 Member
    I've been on since Nov. 2011 and don't post much but I do read some of the posts. I'm sure you will do great this time with friends to help keep you on track. Just keep your food and exercise up dated......even the days you don't keep within your goals.....it helps to write it down anyway:):)
  • tsoles513
    tsoles513 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey there my name is Tisha and I am totally new to all this, its my second day so I understand! I would be happy to be a friend on here! Everyone needs as much support as possible!
  • suavequeen
    suavequeen Posts: 273 Member
    Hello all... I have been a member since May 2011 and have 2 lbs to lose to reach my 3rd goal. If I could do it I know you can too. You have already made progress in reaching your goal just by making that decision to work hard at it and surrounding yourself with others working towards similar goals. If you find yourself needing support or just someone to tell you to get off your butt and do it then I'm your gal! My name is Reyna and I live in Aurora, CO.

    Work hard everyone!
  • Hey Daisy welcome! I just started this 3 days ago for the first time with my best friend. It's kinda inspiring to see sucess stories and know that every day is not the same and not always easy. Having the support helps you through the tough times and the hurdles so stay positive and know that you ARE worth it! Good luck :0)
  • I'll be a friend :) Feel free to add me !
  • c_luise
    c_luise Posts: 35 Member
    Hi, Daisy! I just started this today and don't know many (only one who told me about this website) people on here. Usually I keep my weight loss goals, triumphs, set backs, everything, to myself. Perhaps that is part of why I have yet to succeed! I hope that sharing will be helpful along the way :) If anyone else would like to add me, feel free!
  • everyone can add me. i'm usually pretty motivating.
  • I'm a personal trainer from Long Island, NY. Gained 15 pounds while eating my way through Italy in 19 days.
    Add me as a friend and ask me anything ...I'll respond.
  • ottenicole
    ottenicole Posts: 48 Member
    I'm always game for making new friends!! Anyone can add me:)
  • uk_angeldust
    uk_angeldust Posts: 234 Member
    feel free to add me!
  • chellefatfree
    chellefatfree Posts: 90 Member
    Feel free to Add me! I'm new too and would love all the friends and support I can get!!:happy:
  • Picturesque2u
    Picturesque2u Posts: 28 Member
    I'd love to connect. Let's add each other and feel free to follow me on YouTube, Picturesque2u. Facebook: MakingsofaBetterMe and http://makingsofabetterme.com
  • mlachance9
    mlachance9 Posts: 49 Member
    I started at the end of December. You (and anyone else) can add me too. I think it does help to have support and encouraging words.
  • Great that you are back. I'll send you a friend request.
  • emberlatrella
    emberlatrella Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Im new too, I just found this site yesterday actually , and would love to meet some new people !
  • Hi! I've been doing this for less than a month at my chiropractor's suggestion. Feel free to add me. I'm 48, live in Ohio and need to lose about 50 pounds! Have a blessed day!