Too much Protein?

Ok - just wanting to see - I tend to go over on my protien almost daily. My last couple days haven't been as "clean" as I'd like them to be - but adversity gets us all sometimes ... so I'd like to throw it out there.

My settings are all on the default for MFP - I'm 5'6" and well I need to lose about 45lbs.

Thoughts? Feedback?


  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Truthfully there no such thing as too much protein. Protein keeps you full longer and helps build muscle mass. So I wouldnt worry too much.
  • Katherine808
    Katherine808 Posts: 16 Member
    I go over my protein "allowance" daily. My eating style is very high protein and I focus on fresh fruits/veggies and whole grains like sprouted grain bread, very few processed carbs. I think if you eat anything like me where I avoid processed foods mostly and eat as organic as possible you are eating very "clean" but it is nearly impossible to avoid high protein intake, I wouldn't worry about it! I have a friend who is a trainer and very into nutrition and I had her help me tweak my eating habits for better health/clean eating and this is what we came up with so I'm not too worried that my protein count is red every day!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Raise your protein by 5-10% and see how it works for you. It will lower carb. automatically.
  • zipnguyen
    zipnguyen Posts: 990 Member
    I know this ranges depending on body weight and the amount of lean body mass one carries. And, what will be more confusing is people usually post what they read off the internet and try to give you advice on it. So instead of me saying the same things such as you will require 0.66g/lbs/bw or 1.5g/lbs/bw, I'd rather go with look at your overall caloric load that is your "maintenance" whatever that may be for you.

    Eat that number and start track everything week to week. If there's no progress in terms of weight gain or weight loss, then change the ratios of carbs/fats/protein whilst keeping the caloric load the same. It's pretty surprising how you can keep the same caloric load and optimize (or at least try to optimize) the macronutrient composition and ratio of your diet to garner some results.

    What the optimal is for you? I have no idea. But I hope this helps a little.

    Good luck...
  • emi1y15
    emi1y15 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm having the same problem with fiber (and sugar, but we won't go there lol). I have a hard time believing you can really have too much of the good things like protein and fiber, unless they jack up other unwanted numbers like calories or fat.
  • zipnguyen
    zipnguyen Posts: 990 Member
    I'm having the same problem with fiber (and sugar, but we won't go there lol). I have a hard time believing you can really have too much of the good things like protein and fiber, unless they jack up other unwanted numbers like calories or fat.

    my protein intake is pretty high. 225g. I usually eat chicken breast, whey protein, and for fiber it's either dark leafy greens OR Oroweat's double fiber bread.
  • onehotgirl
    I try eat about 80 -100 grams per day, which is roughly 1.5-2 grams for every kilo of my lean body mass. Which from what I've read is about right for me. I want to lose fat not muscle and the best way to do this is to make sure you're getting enough protein.
    Not to say I won't lose any muscle mass but it certainly helps keep it at a minimum.
  • MENichols5
    MENichols5 Posts: 176 Member
    I am having the same issue as well. I eat 3 egg whites for breakfast and often times I eat tuna for lunch. This alone jacks my protein count up pretty high so when I eat dinner (usually chicken or ground turkey) I always go over. I talked to my dad who is very knowledgable about fitness and he said not to worry about too much protein because it is good for you and also keeps you full longer than other types of food.

    Anyways, I wouldnt worry about it as long as you are staying in your calorie range and eating healthy!
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    Too much of anything is bad, depends on how you get your protein, if you get it from red meat or poultry. Only your doctor can truly tell you what your body has too much of and not enough of.
  • clairer2282
    Me too, but if I exercise my protein allowance increases, so try exercising more maybe? I know, not the most technical answer and it means you'll end up with a higher calorie allowance.
  • CarolAnn0730
    Thanks everyone for the feedback... sorry I posted this and ... went MIA -- life has been a little crazy this week.

    I appreciate all the ideas to watch for. - THANK YOU!