Not eating enough due to no appetite on the Atkins Diet?

I've been on the Atkins Diet since Jan. 2nd. All and all, it's been doing great for me. I follow their guidelines & haven't wanted to give up on it like most diets I've tried. The problem though is that after the 4th or 5th day, I started losing my appetite. It is especially bad on days I have to work. Yesterday I probably only consumed about 800 calories, which considering my weight & height, is terrible. My BMR is 1900. With this diet you don't count calories & with all the protein I am receiving (help from losing muscle), should I be worried? I literally have to force myself to eat sometimes. I don't really believe in the whole "starvation mode" debate. This question isn't in regards to the Atkins Diet specifically and whether it's bad or good for you, I'm just wondering if not eating enough calories a day will take a toll on my body & will make me lose muscle not fat (even though I'm consuming a lot of protein)?


  • Yes. Yes it will, along with a bunch of other things that I'm sure other MFPers will cover for you. Is there a physician watching your weight loss?
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Try cutting a bit back on protein and increasing your fat. Without knowing what your macros are set to, it's hard to give better advice than that.
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    Why not just "bulk" up your foods a little? While on induction, my appetite tanks too (it's amazing). I often find that I have to "add" to my regular intake (like put cheese in eggs) in order to keep my cals up. I can usually get my 1200-1500 without an issue if I do that. Also, you can try fattier cuts of meat; like keep the skin on your chicken or opt for a ribeye instead of sirloin in steak. :)
  • Try the Atkins Bars. They have a pretty high calorie content and let you "cheat" with some chocolate. Your right though the atkins diet can be monotonous.

    Curious thought, meat and cheese and eggs etc have a lot of calorie content. What are you typically eating?
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    Try cutting a bit back on protein and increasing your fat. Without knowing what your macros are set to, it's hard to give better advice than that.

    100% this. You cannot be afraid of fat on Atkins. I can usually get 80-90 grams at a 1200-1500 calorie goal. It should be whole, natural fat from plants and animals, though-- minimal processed junk.
  • No, I haven't spoken to a physician about this specific diet. At my last visit I was checked for diabetes & they told me I had high blood sugar. He told me to lower my carb intake, which brought me to this.
  • Try the Atkins Bars. They have a pretty high calorie content and let you "cheat" with some chocolate. Your right though the atkins diet can be monotonous.

    Curious thought, meat and cheese and eggs etc have a lot of calorie content. What are you typically eating?

    I eat eggs for breakfast, I typically will have plain hamburgers w/ cheese for lunch, & for dinner I try to stick to something healthy, like chicken or fish. I also eat a lot of bacon.
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    I'd listen to your body and not worry about it, especially in the short term. Just dieting is going to make you lose muscle and increasing your protein intake isn't enough you need to incorporate strength training into your exercise. It doesn't have to be anything intense or elaborate that needs a gym--push ups, squats and the like will do.