Stuck in a rut, looking for constructive advice/criticism

So, about 5 years ago I lost around 50 pounds and kept the majority of it off, went from 213 to 163. At the beginning of last year I weighed between 164-168, and I'm fairly happy at that weight, did some triathlons and a half marathon. Long story short, began a very happy relationship a year ago and easily gained about 10 pounds in 6 months. I've kept myself from gaining anymore, but I'm dying to lose the 10 pounds I've gained. I run a lot and ran another half marathon in October, so I don't think it's due to lack of excercise. I probably need to mix it up a bit, so I'm going to a free kick boxing class at my gym tonight to check it out and maybe shock my body. I've been trying to get at least 30 minutes of working out every day, and I'm just kinda stuck. Feel free to look at my diary and tell me what you think. I know I need more veggies, and I'm working harder to get those included. Do I need to be eating more calories? Completely changing my workouts? Any advice is appreciated, and it won't hurt my feelings if you tell me I'm doing it all wrong! Just wanna stop at 10 extra pounds before I gain back more of what I worked so hard to lose!


  • almorrow1s
    almorrow1s Posts: 33 Member
    No one can help me? lol Please help!
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    My guess would be more calories...try upping it a couple hundred calories for a couple weeks and see what happens
  • Gshields42
    You've been a touch low on caloric intake a few times, but there is enough fluff in there that I wouldn't think it should have any significant effect.

    Sounds like you are doing the right things, for the most part. Adjust your exercises to see if your body has just become too efficient for what you are doing. Maybe tweak your caloric intake a little on different days (maybe a few hundred calories each way, on different days).

    If you still aren't getting any response, see your doctor or nutritionist and see if they have anything to say.
  • josery1630
    josery1630 Posts: 205 Member
    Mix up your workouts. How long have you been logging your food? And what are your goals set for? Maintaining or losing?
  • fabafter5
    fabafter5 Posts: 200 Member
    I have had a similar issue.. I have been working out 5-6 days a weeks since September. I know that my eating could have been better but I was really kicking some butt during my workouts and not seeing results. I was running, Spinning, doing kickboxing etc. So I joined a boot camp class and the instructor had us do Tabata workouts on the treadmill on the off days. Let me tell you I just started and have lost 5lbs in two weeks! (I snuck a peek at the scale before my weigh in).

    My instructor wanted us to run hard like 8mph for 30sec. then rest for 30sec (4mph) and repeat this for 4 minutes X2. I don't have the endurance yet to do 30sec hard and then 30 sec. recovery so I lengthened my recovery time to 1 minute. It took me 20minutes to do a highly effective wourkout instead of 60 minutes for a workout that my body has done many times before. Now my goal is to try and get my recovery time down less and less.

    Do some research on this type of exercise and give it a try. It may be just what you need! It was just what I needed to get the scale moving again!
  • almorrow1s
    almorrow1s Posts: 33 Member
    thanks everyone, I took the cross boxing class tonight and it was awesome and kicked my butt. I anticipate soreness tomorrow, but I think I'll be back next thursday!
  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    You may want to measure and weigh your food carefully if you have stopped doing that. I find myself dealing with portion creep if I don't periodically return to careful portion control.
  • almorrow1s
    almorrow1s Posts: 33 Member
    That's probably a really good idea. I always measure my coffee creamer in the morning so that I don't get too crazy, but I've gotten bad about eyeballing a cup of pasta or a cup of cereal. I'll make sure to use my food scale more often!
  • almorrow1s
    almorrow1s Posts: 33 Member
    Mix up your workouts. How long have you been logging your food? And what are your goals set for? Maintaining or losing?
    I've been logging food for about a year and a half, and I'd like to get back down to 160, so about 17-18 pounds. I'm set at losing two pounds a week (which might be a bit ambitious.) I tried a new fitness class last night and I'm gonna start swimming again this weekend, and hopefully that'll jumpstart me. Thanks!