

  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    There are loads of us on here with PCOS. Don't despair. You CAN lose weight, but yes, it is hard. Getting a good idea of your deficiencies is a great place to start because balancing your hormones / chemicals is going to CHANGE your life! It's not all bad news, I promise, the weight battle is one you can win :)
  • ashleymashley02
    I have PCOS and I have been at this for 2 years and lost about 80lbs so far.. not on this site but on my own.. its very hard.. I am at a standstill now and not moving anything latley.. Friend me! Good luck!
  • macdonald_e
    Hi Mandiemma,

    I, too, have PCOS and IR and have been dealing with (read: sweeping it under the rug) for the last 13 years. In the past I have done SlimFast, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, and sometimes simply didn't care. However, this last August I realized I'm getting closer to the age when children might be a more prominent part of my life plan, so I decided to make a change. I went to see a great endocrinologist and had a very frank discussion about which meds worked for me in the past, which meds didn't work, and which ones I would like to try. She also referred me to a local dietician who works primarily with people who have endocrine and metabolic disorders.

    Remember that one of the best things to help keep insulin levels balanced (in addition to proper protein-carb-fat balancing) is fibre! Leafy greens, All Bran, whatever. And, there's the added bonus of it helping to keep you full longer.

    My journey has been slow, but consistent. I take my meds (a BCP, metformin, and finasteride), watch my calorie intake (so easy with the iPhone app!), balance my meals, and even manage to get in a little exercise now and then.

    As you know, there are no easy answers when it comes to PCOS. The only key is to not give up and to remember that you are not alone on this journey--look how many people have replied to your post already!

  • MsMeaghann
    I too have PCOS and have a hard time losing weight but please know that it is possible. Someone on here mentioned seeing an endicrinologist and I strongly agree-mine has changed my life. For years I went undiagnosed, gained 70 lbs in 5 mo even though I wasn't eating larger amounts of food than normal, and pretty much was told by other doctors/nutritionist to just push myself away from the table to lose weight. So not true for us. For us, there are other invisible factors internally that influence our weight loss.

    Like people have said, PCOS is an insulin resistance problem. Endicrinologist have extra training and they know what to zero in on to help you actually get the disorder under control. For me several methods are being used including monthly meetings with my doctor (who actually sits with me and looks over my food log for problems which I greatly appreciate), metformin to get the insulin under control, exercise and dietary instructions that are catered to my needs. Also, someone mentioned getting checked for Vitamin D and this too was an issue for me and I now take a supplement regularly.

    Anyways, hang in there and just know that you will and can lose the weight!!! Just take some time to find the right resources in your area to help you get a PCOS attack plan in addition to using this site!
  • FoamyRiver
    FoamyRiver Posts: 276 Member
    Another PCOSer here. I woulnd't say it's been difficult to lose weight but it has been a slower process than it was when I was younger. I do my best to log all my food every day, although lately I've been skipping the weekends. I also workout 3 or more days per week and I've found I have much better results mixing cardio and weight/strength exercises.

    Just don't give up, the weight will come off. It just might take longer than you want. But that will help you develop good habits that you will be more likely to stick with the rest of your life.
  • mandiemma
    mandiemma Posts: 128 Member

    Just wanted to say it's really great that you guys don't let any conditions hold you back - says a lot about your work ethic! A lot of people with no restrictions don't try hard, or would stop if they had to try really hard/had extra hurdles to jump over, and you guys go at it full force. Great job!!

    Thanks for the encouragement! Just gotta keep pushing myself! :happy:
  • mandiemma
    mandiemma Posts: 128 Member

    I was going to reply to each and everyone of you but there are so many amazing posts!

    All I can say is THANK YOU!

    I'm so honoured that you all posted your support and encouragement and ideas...

    I've been lost in this condition for a while and have been seeing this as a horrible thing that has happened to only me. You have all opened my eyes and allowed me to see that it CAN be done and that I really need to see someone who knows about this condition more than my GP and my naturopathic doctor.

    Big teary hugs!

  • diegogirl
    Im going for an ultrasound scan at the end of this month. I told my GP that I been hospitalised a few times and was told this by the doctors at the hospital that it was PCOS. Of course they did nothing from then on. And I am shocked they my GP did not already know this and that I had to mention it to him... whats the point of being a doctor if you dont know your patients ?

    I managed to lose 3 stone in a few months but my calorie in take was only about 800 a day with little exercise.

    Now I exercise pretty much 4 to 6 days a weeks about 1.5 to 2 hours including weight training and the last 3 or 4 stone just wont go. This has been going on for 2 years now...

    I managed to maintain my weight through my last pregnancy I just had my little girl in August, and got back to my pre-pregnancy weight within a few short weeks,,, that I currently weigh on this site now. Also I had 2 C-sections and one natural birth (6 months into pregnancy, this baby didnt make it).

    I have hair growing on my face, lip, chin, cheeks, belly and bum :blushing: :sad: ... the stress doesnt help me either :embarassed: ...

    Im not sure what to say to the GP if the tests come back normal, because the bloods came back ok. I am really frightened to ask for help from the GP I just don't know how to speak up for myself :cry:

    Anyway.... if anyone would like to add me that would be great, could use friends on here and see how it goes :smile: :flowerforyou: Thanks
  • mjanet22
    mjanet22 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi All! It's great to know that there are so many of us struggling to take the weight off, with the challenge I like to call PCOS. It is not impossible, that is what I keep telling myself. I lost about 40lbs on my own last year, but after the holidays, it's like it all came back. My doctors keep saying that the extra weight contributes to higher testosterone levels in my body which make my other hormones all out of sync. So I'm trying really hard to stick to this life style change for good. I want a baby, and unfortunately, the Metformin and the Clomid are not working, and so in order to try anything else, I've decided to lose weight before we try round three of Clomid. Would love to add some new friends!
  • diegogirl
    Hi thanks for adds and this post.

    I also wanted to add that I am recently getting extremely painful headaches. I'm not sure if that is related in anyway. Its very painful I always want to shut my eyes.
  • Siberiantigris
    Hello All. I am new to MFP but I am so glad that someone posted about PCOS. I got diagnosed in 1999 and have turned a blind eye to it for so many years. I struggle with some of the same issues of gaining weight quickly, difficulty losing the weight, and hair growth in all sorts of places where it should not be visible. I'm not on any meds and was fortunate to give birth to a beautiful baby boy last year. While my husband has been a big support, I'm glad to see that there are so many ladies up here to support each other. To all, keep up the good work with your healthy eating and exercise routines.

    I have lost about 17 lbs prior to joining MFP and since December (notwithstanding any screw ups over the holidays). I have been on a clean eating regimen--no fried, processed or refined foods/drinks. Only veggies, lean poultry, fruits, tons of water and seafood. I avoid carbs (unless they naturally occur in the food) although my body craved them. I try to workout for a minimum of 30 mins 4-5days a week and will start to up that soon. My goal is to be down a total of 33lbs by my 33rd birthday on March 18.

    I welcome any new friends! Be blessed.
  • Leigh2778
    Leigh2778 Posts: 57 Member
    Wow, it's so "great" to see that so many people are struggling with PCOS, too. It means I am not alone. (And of course, I don't mean it's great, but...you know... :laugh: )
    I was diagnosed with PCOS 5 years ago, was put on Metformin, taken off Metformin, underwent fertility stuff (evil Clomid), stopped fertility stuff and am now back on Metformin. I've seen two endocrinologists (not counting the reproductive endo for fertility) and have basically just been told to lose weight, and take Metformin. My GP did say that a lower carb diet might help, but that's about all the advice I've been given.
    I also have "flares" of fibromyalgia-not diagnosed with fibro, but some of the same symptoms, and have migraines (though those are under control with meds--knock on wood). But it sounds like a lot of you have similar issues and are dealing with them just fine.
    Great to have support--anyone can add me at any time! :smile:
    Thanks for all the great info!!
  • BooLives82
    BooLives82 Posts: 26 Member
    Hello Fellow Soul Cyster...

    When it comes to PCOS, it is all about the symptoms you are exhibiting. Just like your finger print, your PCOS is going to be different then anyone else. All of these suggestions are great, because women with PCOS need to stick together. I have been battling PCOS since I was 15, but it was not till I was 18 that I was diagnosed. The main thing to remember is that if you have PCOS and have most of your weight in the tummy (I know sometime I look like I am prego, which is a cruel joke) then you most like have insulin resistance as well. This means that you need to limit you sugar intake to help loose weight. You also are going to have to limit saturated and trans fats. Since you have just been Diagnosed you will need to start being aware of the other health issues that are associated and go hand in hand. Many women with PCOS find they also suffer from sever Vit D deficiency, they also can suffer from a Fattie Liver. Remember that your hormones are an issue as well. If you have stopped having your "Monthly" friend , then your body is lacking Progesterone and has an increase of estrogen. This is because estrogen is produced in Fat. If you are experiencing hairism or the growth of hair on you chin or lip, then your body is producing androgens, and if you are experiencing a high sex drive and moodiness this is because of an increase in testosterone. To be able to get your hormones in check then you have to loose weight, but you need to know where your body is. Add me and I would love to give you my knowledge that I have learned from years of research and reading books...
  • FabCheeky
    FabCheeky Posts: 311
    Wow, it's so "great" to see that so many people are struggling with PCOS, too. It means I am not alone. (And of course, I don't mean it's great, but...you know... :laugh: )
    I was diagnosed with PCOS 5 years ago, was put on Metformin, taken off Metformin, underwent fertility stuff (evil Clomid), stopped fertility stuff and am now back on Metformin. I've seen two endocrinologists (not counting the reproductive endo for fertility) and have basically just been told to lose weight, and take Metformin. My GP did say that a lower carb diet might help, but that's about all the advice I've been given.
    I also have "flares" of fibromyalgia-not diagnosed with fibro, but some of the same symptoms, and have migraines (though those are under control with meds--knock on wood). But it sounds like a lot of you have similar issues and are dealing with them just fine.
    Great to have support--anyone can add me at any time! :smile:
    Thanks for all the great info!!

    I was like this (nearly exactly) until I stopped eating wheat/gluten, soy, dairy/casein/lactose. Even if the tests indicate that you are not allergic, please consider trying an elimination diet for 4 to 6 weeks. Then add items in one per week and take note of how you react to them. *hugs* Good luck!
  • WonderKP
    WonderKP Posts: 146 Member
    I also have PCOS - while I lose weight I feel like I never lose it in my stomach, It's always large and bloated looking and am hoping to get rid of that this year.... It is a struggle to lose any weight though so don't worry, you are not alone! I eat the 1200 calories a day and do not eat back the calories on most days that I've burned off by working out, so I usually end up about 400 calories under for the day... I've been doing this for 8 days now and have lost 7 pounds... I know that this will mellow out soon and I will have to bump up my workouts but it has helped to motivate me to stay on track and keep doing it. I went to an endocrinologist a few years ago who tested me on every level. I am really lucky and do not suffer from the insulin resistance at all, he prescribed for me aldactone which I take 100mg every morning. This has helped with some of the issues such as the facial hair (which sucks!!!). When eating I really try to cut out starchy stuff, like the white breads and white rice - i go with whole grain wherever i can... also, i avoid salt like plague! Salt makes me retain water like wooooah so i make sure to steer clear of it.

    Hope my rambling helps :)

    yes! I have PCOS too, (diagnosed when I was 17 or 18) I never had a weight problem though, so my side effects were minor. I take birth control (generic ortho-cyclen) to help with keeping cramps down and to have a period every month. I have been able to loose some weight, but i never feel like my stomach gets toned!! I like my arms. My legs are on the skinny side. But I never see much of a change around my lower belly and 'love handles'. Very frustrating. I also don't have hips, so I feel I look very top heavy. :(
  • ronabelle1977
    I have PCOS as well. I lost 40 pounds about three years ago from diet and exercise. Prior to that, even exercise didn't really help much. I take glucophage for my insulin resistance and that changed everything. I am trying again to lose weight because I gained back all but 10 pounds from what I lost. I was dieting and not 'changing'. This time, I want to make sure that what I am doing is a lifestyle change and not just a diet. I am exercising and trying to control sugars and starches. I am down 5 lbs so far.

    Thanks so everyone for their posts. Sometimes it seems like there are very few people who understand what it is like to try and not succeed at losing weight with PCOS.
  • Kelly_1981
    Kelly_1981 Posts: 472 Member
    Hi all,

    My name is Kelly I also have PCOS I HATE it! :-( I would love to0 have a baby we have been ttc for 8 years (I am blessed to have a step son who is 13 and a daughter who is 9) I feel greedy especially when I know so many people dont get 1 baby but I feel that my family is missing a huge piece of the puzzle and I want to complete it NOW! I am the girl that looks at a chocolate bar and gains 10 pounds! I have tried pretty much any diet there is but always quit well not this time! I am on day 10 of JM 30 Day shread and I am loving it :-)

  • MsFat2Fit
    PCOS was diagnosed five years ago; I had even never heard about that before. Very easy to put on weight and extremely difficult to lose it; once I went on holiday and put on 6kgs in two weeks…

    At the moment I should lose around 25kgs body fat; and that’s really in the belly area. I’ve been looking like pregnant for years; I work with lots of Asians and they always ask ‘Ma’am - when the baby is due?’ – I’m getting a bit tired replying ‘I’m not pregnant, I’m just fat…”.

    I lost around 20kgs when having Metformin; then put those on again after stopping the medication.

    Now really trying to control my diet and exercise a lot!

    Also would finally love to have a baby – my sister has the same condition and she was very worried about not be able to get pregnant but she managed without any treatments and is now expecting!

    Please feel free to add me – we can support each others!!!
  • MissHoney26
    MissHoney26 Posts: 43 Member
    I may or may not have PCOS, I was told that I do not show enough symptoms needed for an official diagnosis. I experienced consistently rapid weight gain (30 pounds) over the first 4 months that my cycle 'stopped' until I began treatment. From then on I have maintained weight while being switched onto different prescriptions every 3 or 4 months - I have yet to be prescribed something that improves my condition. Until I receive a diagnosis they will not give me anything besides birth control, which is so frustrating because I have to deal with many side effects only to see no results at the end of my 'cycle'.

    I am still unsure how I ever gained so much weight, as I rarely eat enough calories to begin with and I was exercising 4 times a week during the time that I went up 3 pants sizes. This discouraged me to the point that I stopped exercising altogether and now that I am on the pill I have too much fatigue to start exercising again. I have stopped taking my pills without doctor's permission because I refuse to deal with the headache, nausea and fatigue again when I return to college (I am 20).

    Although they refuse to diagnose me, I have unofficially diagnosed myself and look forward to learning diet, fitness, and other lifestyle changes of women who are diagnosed with PCOS so that I may improve my condition to the best of my own abilities. If anyone has any suggestions for me it would be really helpful, this is all new to me (about a year now).