Working Out at Home

I used to work out at the gym but am switching to running outside and doing dvds at home. I plan on getting up before work and doing a half hour video (probs gonna start with 30 Day Shred). I am worried however, that I will disturb my downstairs neighbors with jumping jacks and other cardio that requires bouncing around. I assume my living room is over their living room not their bedroom, but I'm not positive. We have a carpet and I will put a yoga mat down.
Does anyone have any experiences working out in their apartment? Think I'll be fine or should I try after work instead so as not to wake people up (this would not be ideal)?
Just curious, thanks in advance for the input


  • luv2eduk8
    luv2eduk8 Posts: 46 Member
    Why don't you go downstairs and ask your neighbors? Ask them the best time or if you normally make to much noise.

    I live on second floor and my neighbor (not nicely I might add) said we are loud and shake the walls. I still do DVD's, but do them either when I know she isn't home or in the afternoon. It isn't ideal for me either, but I don't want to be a rude neighbor. I have considered talking to her, but she was mean that time, and don't really want to deal with her ;)
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    A couple of suggestions:

    Let your neighbors know your plans. If they know it's only for brief periods & non sleep periods .... they should be reasonable

    Use modifications for 30 DS if needed

    Exercise mats will help muffle the sound a bit

    Rebounder (mini trampoline) - you could do jumping jacks there

    Look for a lower impact workout if you have to ( reviews for impact level)